16.115 TEI training: request for proposals

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty (w.mccarty@btinternet.com)
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 02:40:19 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty : "16.117 call for papers: advances in NLP"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 115.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2002 07:37:25 +0100
             From: John Unsworth <jmu2m@virginia.edu>
             Subject: TEI Training RFP

    Text Encoding Initiative Training:
    Request For Proposals


    The Text Encoding Initiative invites proposals for the development and
    delivery of training courses and materials to be recognized by the TEI. We
    invite interested parties to contact us or submit proposals in writing that
    will meet the training needs of the community. We are committed to working
    with one or more parties to help develop the proposals so that they can be
    certified by the Text Encoding Initiative.

    Venues and Specific Opportunities

    The TEI specifically invites proposals for the following venues in the
    immediate future:

    1.A short intensive training course to be offered in conjunction with the
    October, 2002
         members meeting of the TEI. More information on this specific RFP is
    available at
         TEI October 2002 Opportunity.
    2.A short intensive training course to be offered in conjunction with the
         joint conference in Athens, Georgia in the summer of 2003. More
    information on this
         specific opportunity is available in the Appendix below ACH 2003

    In addition, the TEI solicits proposals for general, reusable training
    materials; for repeatable training courses; and for courses or workshops to
    be offered in conjunction with conferences.

    What sorts of proposals will be considered?

    Generally the types of proposals we are looking for are of the following sorts.

    1. Proposals for short intensive courses, typically 1-5 days, coordinated
    with a
         conference or other event. (See the specific events listed above for
    which we
         encourage proposals in the short term.)
    2. Proposals for short courses or workshops of one to two weeks offered
    annually, to
         serve a specific audience or geographic region.
    3. Proposals for self-study materials to be available online.
    4. Proposals for distance education courses that could be offered repeatedly.
    5. Proposals for text books or training manuals.

    This list is not exhaustive. We welcome any imaginative proposals that
    would help educate the community in appropriate ways.

    What should be in the proposal?

    While we invite interested parties to enter into a conversation with us,
    the following are some of the features of a complete proposals that need to
    be addressed before the TEI will endorse the proposal.

    1. Audience. The proposal should make clear the audience targeted by the
    training. Is
         the training for novices, advanced users, users with specific needs? Is
    the training
         opportunity open to the community? How many participants can the course
    2. Timing and Location. How long will the training take and where will it
    take place?
         When will it take place? Will it be offered at regular intervals? Will
    it be offered at
         the same place repeatedly? Proposals should demonstrate that the
    location and time
         allocated are appropriate to the audience and content.
    3. Content. How will the curriculum be developed? What exactly will be
    taught and in
         what order? How will the content meet the needs of the audience? What
    sorts of
         hands-on activities will enhance the content?
    4. Financing. How will the development and delivery of the training be paid
    for? What
         will its cost to participants be? Will the targeted audience be able to
    afford the
         proposed training? What discount will TEI members get? (Please note
    that all
         proposals must include some provision for a TEI members' discount.)
    The TEI
         recognizes that quality training needs to be financed in a manner that
    will ensure its
         ongoing development and which will appropriately reward the sponsoring
         The TEI is also willing to endorse and assist with fund-raising efforts
    in support of
         training courses, particularly those which might assist under-served
    populations (see
    5. Outreach and Application Process. How will the training be advertised?
    How would
         people apply for the course and how would applicants be selected?
    6. Evaluation. How will the training be evaluated and by whom? How will the
         evaluation process inform the ongoing development of the training? Is
    the proposing
         party interested in involving the TEI in the evaluation process?
    7. Instructors. Who will do the training and what experience do they have?
         should include the trainers' credentials and relevant experience.
    8. Facilities. What facilities are needed for the training? If specific
    facilities are
         envisioned, are they appropriate to the content and adequate for the
    9. Will the training cover some specific set of software tools? If so,
    please supply
    10. Materials. What self-study, reference, or exercise materials will be
    given to
          participants? Will any software be provided?

    Why submit a proposal to the TEI?

    The TEI recognizes that quality training is regularly offered without the
    endorsement of the TEI. This Request For Proposals is not meant to
    discourage initiative--rather, we wish to encourage appropriate training by
    recognizing excellence in training and assisting those who wish to develop
    new opportunities. The following are some of the specific ways we can help
    you through the RFP process.

    1. Members of the TEI Training Committee and others can assist in the
    development of
         quality training by reviewing proposals, sharing of expertise, and by
         contacts with other interested parties. We can and will help you.
    2. Proposals that have been accepted by the TEI as of appropriate quality
    will be listed
         on the TEI site as certified training opportunities. Such training
    opportunities will
         appear in a redesigned TEI training area in a way that clearly
    distinguishes certified
    3. Accepted proposals can publicly describe their training opportunities, where
         appropriate, as "Certified by the Text Encoding Initiative" or
    "Developed in
         conjunction with the TEI." Use of the TEI logo will also be granted where
         appropriate. Alternative wording is also negotiable where appropriate
    and useful.
    4. Appropriate proposals that are seeking funding can ask for a letter of
    support from
         the TEI or work with the TEI as a co-applicant. Please note that
    parties wishing to
         get support for funding proposals from the TEI need to give the TEI
    sufficient time to
         review the proposal and write letters of support.
    5. The TEI will assist in promoting certified training through its membership.
    6. The TEI can assist in the review of existing training in a confidential
    manner designed
         to help trainers upgrade their courses.

    Where should proposals be sent?

    Inquiries should be addressed to members of the TEI Training Committee (see
    below.) Proposals should be sent by e-mail to the TEI Training Committee,
    c/o Geoff Rockwell, at grockwel@mcmaster.ca. Proposals will be reviewed by
    the TEI Training Committee: it will make recommendations to the Chair of
    the TEI Consortium for a final determination, which will then be
    communicated in a timely manner.

    Appendix: Specific Opportunities

    The following is a list of specific opportunities for proposals with details.

         October 2002 TEI Meeting. The TEI seeks proposals for a one day advanced
         training course to be run on October 10th, the day before the TEI
    Members Meeting
         in Chicago. The training would be run in a PC lab at Northwestern
    University that
         can hold a maximum of 24 participants. Proposals should be coordinated
    with the
         local organizer, Martin Mueller, martinmueller@northwestern.edu.
    Proposals sent
         before August 15th, 2002 will be considered.

         2003 ACH/ALLC. The TEI seeks proposals for a two day intensive training
         to be offered in conjunction with the ACH/ALLC joint conference in Athens,
         Georgia in the summer of 2003. The conference organizers have set
    aside May
         27-28, 2003 (and possibly the morning of the 29th) for this training
         Proposals should be coordinated with the conference by Bill Kretzschmar,
         kretzsch@arches.uga.edu. In particular, proposals should take into
    account fees that
         will be charged by the University of Georgia for use of labs. Proposals
    sent before
         December 1st, 2002 will be considered.

    TEI Training Committee:
            Geoffrey Rockwell, grockwel@mcmaster.ca
            Julia Flanders, Julia_Flanders@brown.edu
            Sebastian Rahtz, sebastian.rahtz@oucs.ox.ac.uk
            Perry Willett, pwillett@indiana.edu

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