15.235 conferences & a meeting

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 01:33:59 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.234 reading in bed; TV & the Internet"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 235.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: "Creagh Cole" <creagh@library.usyd.edu.au> (29)
             Subject: Two weeks to go: Computing ARTS 2001 - Digital
                     Resources for Research in the Humanities

       [2] From: John Unsworth <jmu2m@virginia.edu> (45)
             Subject: TEI Consortium annual meeting

       [3] From: UCF Continuing Education <dcenews@mail.ucf.edu> (32)
             Subject: ALN Conference Nov. 16-18; Orlando, Florida

             Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 06:27:28 +0100
             From: "Creagh Cole" <creagh@library.usyd.edu.au>
             Subject: Two weeks to go: Computing ARTS 2001 - Digital Resources
    for Research in the Humanities

    Two weeks to go...

    26th-28th September 2001
    Veterinary Science Conference Centre
    The University of Sydney

    Speakers include: John Burrows (Centre for Literary & Linguistic Computing,
    Newcastle), Lou Burnard (Oxford Humanities Computing Unit), Nicoletta
    Calzolari (Istituto di Linguitsica Computazionale diel CNR, Pisa), Morris
    Eaves (The William Blake Archive), Ian Johnson (Archaeological Computing
    Laboratory, Sydney), Grace Koch (Interantional Association of Sound &
    Visual Archives), Mark Kornbluh (MATRIX, University of Michigan), Daniel
    Pitti (IATH, University of Virginia), Peter Robinson (Simon de Montfort
    University), Ed Zalta (stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy) and over 60
    others from Australia and overseas

    PLUS: Special workshops 24th & 25th September (register separately) - TEI,
    EAD, Endangered Cultures Project

    3-day registration: $330/$165 concession
    1-day: $125/$75.00
    (Includes GST, refreshments & lunch.)

    For full information & registration form, please visit the conference

    or contact Melissa McMahon, (02) 9351 5344, melissa.mcmahon@rihss.usyd.edu.au


    Computing Arts 2001 is convened by the Scholarly Electronic Text and
    Imaging Service (SETIS), The University of Sydney Library and the Research
    Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS), The University of
    Sydney, and sponsored by ProQuest Information and Learning (formerly
    Chadwyck & Healey) and SUN Microsystems.

             Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 06:27:55 +0100
             From: John Unsworth <jmu2m@virginia.edu>
             Subject: TEI Consortium annual meeting

    First Annual Meeting of The TEI Consortium
    Pisa, Italy
    November 16-17, 2001

    The TEI Consortium, a newly formed non-profit membership organization that
    continues the efforts of the Text Encoding Initiative, will hold its first
    annual meeting November 16 and 17, 2001, in Pisa, Italy. The keynote
    address will be provided by former TEI editor Michael Sperberg-McQueen, who
    is currently domain leader in the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Domain
    Leader, as well as co-chair (with Dave Hollander) of the W3C XML
    Coordination Group and the W3C XML Schema Working Group, and co-editor
    (with B. Tommie Usdin of Mulberry Technologies) of _Markup Languages:
    Theory & Practice_, a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the design and use
    of markup languages, published by MIT Press.

    Members and non-members alike are welcome: the first day of this two-day
    program will be open to all and will include the keynote address, technical
    briefings, and presentations on a variety of applications of TEI markup (in
    producing ebooks, web sites, digital library collections, etc.). The
    second day will be for members and subscribers only: there will be a
    hands-on workshop and a business meeting that will include a financial
    report from the Treasurer, two elections (one for Board members, one for
    the TEI Council), and a discussion of work-items for the Council and its
    appointed work-groups.


    Anyone intending to attend the meeting must register by sending email to
    membership@tei-c.org. The TEI has both individual subscribers and
    institutional members, and registration is free for subscribers and
    member-representatives. When registering, your email should indicate
    whether you will attend as a member representative (and if so, representing
    what member) or as a subscriber, or as neither. Individuals who are not
    member-representatives or subscribers are welcome, but will be charged a
    $50 registration fee at the door, and upon paying it will become TEI
    subscribers through 2002. New members who pay their 2002-2003 membership
    fee between September 15th and November 15th will receive membership for
    the remainder of 2001 free.


    Except for invited speakers, those attending the meeting are responsible
    for their own travel expenses.


    A block of rooms are available for the night of 15, 16 and 17 November at
    the Grand Hotel Duomo, in Pisa, where meetings will also be held. The
    accomodation costs are the following:

    - single room: 150.000 ITL (about 70 US$)
    - double room: 240.000 ITL (about 120 US$)
    - lunch/dinner: 35.000 ITL (about 16 US$)

    For more information about the TEI Consortium, or to apply for membership,
    please visit our Web Site: http://www.tei-c.org/

             Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 06:28:36 +0100
             From: UCF Continuing Education <dcenews@mail.ucf.edu>
             Subject: ALN Conference Nov. 16-18; Orlando, Florida

    ALN Conference Nov. 16-18; Orlando, Florida


    We invite you to The Seventh Sloan-C International Conference on Online
    Learning: Emerging Standards of Excellence in Asynchronous Learning Networks
    (ALN), which will be held November 16-18, 2001 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in
    Orlando, Florida.

    This year's conference features:

    **Keynote Speaker**

    Jillinda J. Kidwell
    Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

    **Plenary Session Speakers**

    Keith W. Ross
    Professor, Institut Eurcom
    Co-founder of WIMBA

    Anthony F. Digiovanni
    CEO, University of Phoenix Online

    **Two Preconference Workshops (November 16)**

    Emerging Research Issues in Distributed Learning
    Dr. Charles Dziuban and Dr. Patsy Moskal

    Evaluation of the Learning Effectiveness of ALN
    Dr. Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Dr. Murray Turoff and graduate student assistants

    **Over 90 presentations in six concurrent session (November 17-18)**

    Exhibitors including:
    Prometheus Jones Knowledge
    Blackboard WebCT
    Tegrity Certified Study of Distance Education (PSU)
    Smart Thinking McGraw Hill

    Make your reservations today:
    Rosen Centre Hotel: 1-800-204-7234
    (deadline to receive conference rate is October 23, 2001)
    (ask for the ALN Conference rate)

    Conference Registration - http://www.dce.ucf.edu/aln

    For assistance, please email Martin Malpica: mam46647@mail.ucf.edu

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Sep 12 2001 - 02:00:04 EDT