Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 804.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: Ken Friedman <> (39)
Subject: Interesting thread beginning on PhD-Design
[2] From: (James J. O'Donnell) (31)
Subject: BMCR announcement
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 10:09:56 +0100
From: Ken Friedman <>
Subject: Interesting thread beginning on PhD-Design
Dear Colleagues,
Those interested in the current status
and future of scholarly and scientific
communication will be interested in a
thread that began this morning on the
PhD-Design list. It was launched with an
interesting question from Praveen Nahar
of the IIT Bombay.
I will post a note here later today to
give an overview of the issues under
consideration. If these issues interest
you, I suggest you join PhD-Design.
o PHD-DESIGN is a discussion list open for unmoderated
discussion on all matters related to the PhD in design. You
may subscribe at the following site:
Best regards,
Ken Friedman
Ken Friedman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Leadership and Strategic Design Department of Knowledge Management Norwegian School of Management
Visiting Professor Advanced Research Institute School of Art and Design Staffordshire University
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--[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 10:17:32 +0100 From: (James J. O'Donnell) Subject: BMCR announcement
[Humanists of all disciplinary orientations will be interested in the following, which announces enhancements in the web site of the Bryn Mawr Classical Review. BMCR is a pioneering example of electronic publication that does its job far better than a printed semi-equivalent possibly could -- and in a very technologically simple way. --WM]
>From today's BMCR:
The Editors of Bryn Mawr Classical Review are proud to announce that the BMCR web site ( has been substantially enhanced and improved. Subscribers will still receive each new review in the mail, but the archive, back to our first issue in the fall of 1990, is now more attractive, easier to navigate, and offers a more transparent way of reading formatted Greek text (starting in 1998). BMCR, now in its eleventh year, has been a pioneer of e-journals, one mark of which is the hotch-potch of formats and technical standards through which we have migrated. (The first issue, e.g., comprised a dozen reviews sent all in a single huge e-mail message to a couple of hundred curious subscribers, many of whose mailboxes crashed under the unaccustomed load of a message so large. We had no online archive until "gopher" arrived in 1992: until then, access to back issues was possible if you wrote to the e-editor and asked for a set, which again probably crashed your mailbox when he sent it to you.) We continue to clean up and standardize that past, but there will always be something of the frontier spirit about those early issues.
We are indebted to the collegiality and assistance of Anne Mahoney for her indefatigable labors in the redesign and programming of the new site and to David Chamberlain of Princeton University for the graphics, and we express our thanks to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for funding. Comments, questions, and suggestions always welcome. (To subscribe, go to the website and click on the appropriate link to fill out our form.)
Richard Hamilton James J. O'Donnell Bryn Mawr College University of Pennsylvania
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