Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 737.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: "Olga Francois" <> (14)
Subject: Plagiarism Workshop Reminder
[2] From: Joan B Fiscella <> (23)
Subject: AIS call for papers, due date March 30
[3] From: Rene Audet <> (56)
Subject: Online Conference: "L'effet de fiction"
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:23:03 +0000
From: "Olga Francois" <>
Subject: Plagiarism Workshop Reminder
[Please excuse the inevitable duplication of this notice.]
The Center for Intellectual Property and Copyright in the Digital
Environment at University of Maryland University College would like to
remind everyone that the early registration deadline is March 26th for
the online workshop on Preventing and Detecting Plagiarism.
The workshop will be moderated by Rebecca Moore Howard, Chair of The
Writing Program at Syracuse University, and runs from April 2, 2001 to
April 13, 2001. Sign up to participate in a workshop on one of the
hottest topics in distance education- online plagiarism. You may
register online or you may register by phone by calling 301-985-7579 or
1-800-283-6832, extension 7579.
For additional information, please call or visit our web site at
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:23:30 +0000
From: Joan B Fiscella <>
Subject: AIS call for papers, due date March 30
Call For Proposals
Association for Integrative Studies Annual Conference
Oct 4-7, 2001
Hosted by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Virginia Tech
At the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center, Roanoke, Virginia
Proposal Due Date: March 30, 2001
Faculty are increasingly challenged to recognize the changing nature of
society by incorporating global issues into teaching and research. The
purpose of this conference is to build an interdisciplinary international
perspective by exploring pivotal issues related to globalization,
especially in the areas of social justice, global change, and scholarly
activism. Submissions are invited of papers, case studies, narratives, and
research reviews that will enrich the interdisciplinary character of this
conference as well as promote active participation.
For complete text of the call and proposal submission guidelines, please
see the conference website:
Notification of acceptance by May 10, 2001
AIS website:
Joan B. Fiscella
Bibliographer for Professional Studies
and Associate Prof.
University of Illinois at Chicago Library
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:25:28 +0000
From: Rene Audet <>
Subject: Online Conference: "L'effet de fiction"
Dear Humanists,
We are pleased to invite those of you who read French to our online
conference on the question of fictionality. Twenty communications have been
published in the last days on the subject. Your participation to this
special event is sollicited: you can read and comment each text, with the
possibility to exchange with the author.
We will read with interest all your comments about the texts of the
conference as well as those on the technical side of the online conference.
Ren Audet and Alexandre Gefen
Groupe Fabula
Le site Internet Fabula, consacre a la recherche en matiere de theorie
litteraire, est heureux de vous annoncer le lancement officiel du colloque
"L'effet de fiction", consacre a la mecanique du texte fictionnel, de
"l'effet de fiction" a "l'effet des fictions".
Une vingtaine d'interventions sont disponibles et il vous est aise de
discuter les propositions des intervenants, qui seront invites a vous
repondre : nous comptons sur votre participation, qui permettra de nouer en
ligne des debats aussi interessants que lors de nos precedentes manifestations.
Rendez-vous donc a l'adresse :
Notez egalement que des versions destinees a impression ou a lecture
hors-ligne vous sont egalement proposees, ainsi que, et c'est une premiere,
au format "ebook".
- Presentation
- Toute ressemblance... (Bernard Magne)
- La fiction de l'Histoire chez D. Kis (Katarina Melic)
- Quand la fiction se manifeste : essais sur l'art et production de la
fiction (Dominique Vaugeois)
- L'effet de non-fiction: fragments d'une enquete (Richard Saint-Gelais)
- L'ecriture-fiction de Robert Pinget (David Ruffel)
- L'aventure du fictif (Ricard Ripoll Villanueva)
- Un certain gout de l'archive (Alexandre Prstojevic)
- La fiction comme supercherie divine (Stephane Pillet)
- La fiction ou l'experimentation des possibles (Nancy Murzilli)
- Les manuscrits retrouves dans de vieilles malles (Odile Gannier)
- Irrealisation du reel et et fictionnalisation de l'Histoire (Mohamed
Lakhdar Maougal)
- Roman noir et fictionalite (Natacha Levet)
- Artefact(e)s (Jean-Francois Jeandillou
- Les dialogues fictionnels de Speroni devant l'Inquisition (Anne Godard)
- L'effet de reel-fiction (Francois Freby)
- Dispositifs fictionnels dans l'oeuvre fragmentaire de Julien Gracq (Mar
- Aux limites de la fiction, Rimbaud et l'objet de l'incredulite (Pierre
- La photographie a l'epreuve du roman simonien (Olivier Bernard)
- Faits de langue, de texte ... effets de fiction (Guy Achard-Bayle)
- Pour un regard d'ensemble sur l'actualite scientifique :
- Pour un regard d'ensemble sur le calendrier des evenements scientifiques :
Veuillez nous pardonner si ce message vous parvient en plusieurs exemplaires.
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