14.0633 jobs in Oxford

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 04:44:32 EST

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0634 Self-Organized Feature (or Semantic) Maps"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 633.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: Stuart Lee <stuart.lee@computing- (37)
             Subject: Vacancy: Development Team Project Manager, Humanities
                     Computing Unit, Oxford

       [2] From: Stuart Lee <stuart.lee@computing- (35)
             Subject: Vacancy. Head of Oxford Digital Library / Services.

             Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 09:32:15 +0000
             From: Stuart Lee <stuart.lee@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
             Subject: Vacancy: Development Team Project Manager, Humanities
    Computing Unit, Oxford

    Humanities Computing Unit
    Oxford University Computing Services
    University of Oxford

    Job title: Development Team Project Manager

    Grade: RS2
    Salary: 23,256 - 30,967 (sterling)

    (One year post in the first instance)

    Applications are invited for the post of Development Team Project Manager
    within a newly-established learning technologies group at Oxford's
    world-class Humanities Computing Unit (HCU). The Project Manager will
    build on the success of the Humanities Computing Development Team
    (HCDT) in producing innovative computer-based solutions for teaching and
    research in close collaboration with Oxford academics, museums, and

    Responsibilities will include project selection and planning, supervision
    of technical Project Officers, outreach and liaison activities, and
    financial management of the team. Applicants should be educated to degree
    level, possess a good understanding of academic needs and priorities, and
    must have significant demonstrable experience of C&IT and project
    management. We are looking for people with good organisational skills,
    good time management and great creativity.

    For more information about the HCDT and the HCU, please see

    Please obtain further details and an application form from Mrs Lindsey
    Mills, Oxford University Computing Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2
    6NN (tel: 01865 273261, email: lindsey.mills@oucs.ox.a.uk). Completed
    applications must be received by 4.00pm on 2 February 2001. Interviews
    will be held during week commencing 12 February 2001.

    Dr Stuart D Lee | Head of the Centre for Humanities
                                    | Computing (http://www.hcu.ox.ac.uk/chc/)
    Centre for Humanities Computing |
    Oxford University Computing | E-mail: Stuart.Lee@oucs.ox.ac.uk
    Services | Tel: +44 1865 283403
    13 Banbury Road | Fax: +44 1865 273275
    Oxford OX2 6NN | URL: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~stuart/

             Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 09:32:45 +0000
             From: Stuart Lee <stuart.lee@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
             Subject: Vacancy. Head of Oxford Digital Library / Services. (fwd)

    Oxford University Library Services

    Head of Oxford Digital Library / Services

    Academic Related Senior Librarian Grade 5
    Salary 32,510 - 36,740 p.a. (5 year appointment)

    The Oxford Digital Library and its associated services have recently been
    established as a key component in the implementation of a comprehensive
    e-strategy for Oxford University Library Services. Three major, strategic
    objectives are: the conversion of the Bodleian Photographic Studio into a
    self-funding, on-demand digitization service; a new line of library support
    for the teaching and research activities of the University; and a
    significant production stream of digitized material, based on Oxford
    holdings, for subsequent re-use in the Oxford Digital Library and in a
    variety of developmental contexts of local and general benefit.

    Applications are invited for the new post of Head of Oxford Digital Library
    / Services to take charge of the unit that will be responsible for the
    planning, development and management of the Oxford Digital Library. We are
    seeking an exceptional individual with considerable knowledge and
    experience of digital resource management and of research libraries and
    their collections. S/he should be keenly aware of the needs of
    researchers, teachers and students and the wide range of technical,
    managerial, legal and financial issues of creating, preserving and
    delivering scholarly digital material. S/he should be well informed of
    world-wide developments in the field of digital resource management with a
    strong grasp of the underlying standards and technologies, and should have
    the energy and vision to direct the formation of the Oxford Digital Library
    rapidly and effectively. S/he will need excellent interpersonal skills and
    should be capable of representing the University Library Services at the
    very highest level. The possession of a higher degree and/or professional
    library or information science qualification will be an advantage.

    Further particulars and an application form may be obtained from the
    Personnel Section, Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG. (Tel:
    +44 1865 277171; Fax: +44 1865 277193; Email: personnel@bodley.ox.ac.uk),.
    The closing date for completed applications is 1 March 2001 and interviews
    are expected to be on 14 March 2001. Please quote our reference BL1008.

    To discuss this post informally, please telephone David Price,
    +44 1865 272803.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jan 30 2001 - 04:49:54 EST