Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 452. Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London <> <> [1] From: Dirk Kottke <> (42) Subject: Einladung zum 80. Kolloquium [2] From: "Ann Gow" <> (50) Subject: Glasgow International Digitisation Summer School --[1]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 08:02:14 +0000 From: Dirk Kottke <> Subject: Einladung zum 80. Kolloquium U N I V E R S I T A E T T U E B I N G E N Z E N T R U M F U E R D A T E N V E R A R B E I T U N G Abteilung Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung -------------------------------------------------------------------- E I N L A D U N G zum 80. Kolloquium ueber die Anwendung der Elektronischen Datenverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften an der Universitaet Tuebingen Diese Kolloquien sollen einerseits dem Erfahrungs- und Meinungs- austausch dienen, andererseits einfuehrende Information darueber geben, welche Hilfestellung die EDV dem Geistes- wissenschaftler bieten kann. Jeder Interessierte ist willkommen. G r u ss w o r t e Prof. Dr. Veronika Ehrich Prorektorin der Eberhard Karls Universitt Tuebingen Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kaletta Direktor des ZDV 30 Jahre Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung an der Universitaet Tuebingen - 80 Kolloquien: mehr als nur zwei Jubilen Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Ott, ZDV G a s t v o r t r a g The Role of Humanities Computing: Experiences and Challenges Prof. Dr. Antonio Zampolli Universitt Pisa und ILC-CNR Zeit: Samstag, 18. November 2000, 9.15 bis ca. 12.30 Uhr Ort: Seminarraum des ZDV, Waechterstr. 76 (EG) gez. Prof. Dr. W. Ott -------------------------------------------------------------------- Das Protokoll des 79. Kolloquiums finden Sie in den naechsten Tagen im WWW unter: Falls Sie keinen oder keinen bequemen Zugriff auf das Protokoll im WWW haben, schicken wir Ihnen die Protokolle auch weiterhin gerne mit der Post zu, wenn Sie uns dies mitteilen. ==================================================================== Dirk Kottke | Universitaet Tuebingen | Tel. 07071/29-70309 Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung | FAX: 07071/29-5912 Waechterstrasse 76 | e-mail: D-72074 Tuebingen | --[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 08:03:25 +0000 From: "Ann Gow" <> Subject: Glasgow International Digitisation Summer School Apologies if you receive this message more than once. HATII is pleased to announce the fourth international Digitisation Summer School, July 8 - 13 2001. Full information and course details can be found on the HATII web pages at: The availability of high-quality digital content is central to improved public access, teaching, and research about heritage information. Archivists, librarians, and museum professionals are among the many groups that are increasingly involved in creating digital resources to improve access and understanding to their collections. Skills in understanding the principles and best practice in the digitisation of primary textual and image resources have broad value. Participants in the course will examine the advantages of developing digital collections of heritage materials, as well as investigate issues involved in creating, curating, and managing access to such collections. The lectures will be supplemented by seminars and practical exercises. In these, participants will apply the practical skills they acquire to the digitisation of an analogue collection which they have selected (print, image e.g. photographic or slide, music manuscripts, or map). The focus will be on working with primary source material not otherwise available in digital form. The one-week intensive course will consist of 10 lectures; 5 seminars; 5 lab-based practicals (offering both guided tuition, as well as an opportunity for individual practice); and visits to the Glasgow University Library. Places are limited on the course, so please register early to confirm a place. COSTS, REGISTRATION, AND DEADLINES Course Fees (including study materials, mid-morning coffee, lunch, and afternoon tea breaks, not including accomdation): - Advanced booking price: 650 sterling (if a place is booked and the course fees are paid by 13 April 2001). - Normal price: 700 sterling (if a place is booked and the course fees are paid after 14 April 2001) Please use the web page to register online at: or contact: Mrs Ann Law, Secretary, HATII, George Service House, 11 University Gardens University of Glasgow GLASGOW G12 8QQ, UK Tel. and Fax: (+44 141) 330 5512 Email: ------------------- Ann Gow Tel: (+44) 0141 330 5997 Resource Development Officer Fax: (+44) 0141 330 3788 HATII email: Glasgow University
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