14.0419 online publishing: Web of Science; Future of Scholarly Publishing

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: 10/27/00

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0420 rhetorical encoding & mechanical methods"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 419.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
       [1]   From:    cbf@socrates.Berkeley.EDU                            (4)
             Subject: Re: 14.0411 self-archiving and online publishing
       [2]   From:    "John R. Porter" <porterj@duke.usask.ca>           (115)
             Subject: [STOA] on-line publications
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:02:27 +0100
             From: cbf@socrates.Berkeley.EDU
             Subject: Re: 14.0411 self-archiving and online publishing
    One model worth looking at (if your library subscribes to it), is the Web
    of Science, in which footnotes in one article go directly to the relevant
    passage in another article.
    Charles Faulhaber	The Bancroft Library	UC Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
    (510) 642-3782		FAX (510) 642-7589    cfaulhab@library.berkeley.edu
             Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:04:10 +0100
             From: "John R. Porter" <porterj@duke.usask.ca>
             Subject: [STOA] on-line publications
    [The following forwarded from the STOA list with thanks. --WM]
    The UofS libraries organized a conference on the Future of Scholarly
    Communication a week or so ago, with some interesting presentations (esp.
    one on the Los Alamos Electronic Preprint Archive, which hasn't supplanted
    traditional print publication among the physicists but has certainly
    altered its significance in a radical way). There is a www site, with some
    links, at:
    As an addendum to the conference I was sent the following, which also
    might be of interest:
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Alison Buckholtz
    To: Multiple recipients of list
    Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:43 PM
    For Immediate Release
    October 24, 2000
    For more information, contact:
    Alison Buckholtz, 202-296-2296 x115
    or alison@arl.org
    Open Archives-Compliant Repository Provides Cost-Effective Option for
    Independent Digital Publishing, Expanded Dissemination
    Washington, DC - SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources
    Coalition) today announced its partnership with Project Euclid, a
    groundbreaking initiative led by the Cornell University Library and Duke
    University Press to advance effective and affordable scholarly
    communication in mathematics and statistics.
    Project Euclid, which is being developed with funding from The Andrew W.
    Mellon Foundation, provides an infrastructure for independent journals in
    theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics to publish on the Web
    using a shared infrastructure. The Euclid site will support the entire
    span of scholarly publishing from preprints to the distribution of
    published journals. It will also provide journal editors with a toolkit to
    streamline their editorial and peer review processes and publish in a
    timely and cost-effective manner.
    SPARC, an alliance of libraries that supports economical alternatives to
    high-priced journals, will aid Project Euclid by providing library
    marketing support and introducing journals and editorial boards to
    Euclid's capabilities.
    "Math is a field with a vibrant independent publishing tradition," said
    Sarah Thomas, University Librarian at Cornell University. "Some 60 percent
    of the core journals in the discipline are still published by small
    publishers such as university math departments at reasonable prices. But
    these could be an endangered species with the growing importance of the
    Web and of the market dominance of huge commercial aggregations of
    journals. We expect Project Euclid will help level the playing field and
    offer independent journals a way forward."
    "Scholars and their intellectual communities around the world and in every
    discipline need forward-looking communications models that exploit the
    potential of the Web," said Steve Cohn, director of the Duke University
    Press. "By providing journals in mathematics and statistics with a
    standardized but highly flexible publishing tool kit, we believe we can
    help keep their costs low, implement efficient editorial processes, and
    enhance searching and linking capabilities. We are also intent on proving
    that university presses, libraries, and disciplinary communities can work
    together to innovate in the service of scholarship."
    "Libraries will benefit from the viability of community-based,
    economically priced, high-impact independent journals," said Rick Johnson,
    SPARC Enterprise Director. "Project Euclid not only provides a way for
    journals to make the transition to the Web, it also offers a means for
    them to reach a vastly expanded readership with a high-quality offering."
    The Euclid editorial toolkit, with password-protected areas that
    streamline the peer review and editorial process for editors and
    reviewers, will enable editors to pick and choose different tools to meet
    their particular needs. They can maintain a database of their reviewers,
    post papers to a reviewer's password-protected pick-up and drop-off space,
    and easily alert reviewers via e-mail regarding review deadlines.
    Reviewers can submit their comments and/or the edited papers
    confidentially. Editors can link the revised version of a paper to its
    preprint version, if applicable.
    After preparing articles with the Euclid editorial tools, editors will
    upload the articles that make up a journal issue to the Euclid site.
    Journal publishers and authors will benefit from the exposure gained
    through a large aggregated site, and their users will benefit from
    advanced user features that many individual publishers would be unable to
    provide on their own. Individual journals will each have distinct "front
    doors" into the system, which they can publicize to their subscribers, and
    journals will retain their URLs.
    Euclid will be interoperable as part of the Open Archives Initiative,
    allowing articles in the preprint server to be accessed through searches
    that reach across widely dispersed digital repositories.
    Project Euclid's mission is to advance scholarly communication in the
    field of theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics. The end
    result will be the creation of a vibrant online information community that
    is based on a healthy balance of commercial enterprises, scholarly
    societies, and independent publishers. Project Euclid is created around
    the core value that electronic publication of research should be
    affordable for most academic institutions, who are its main producers and
    SPARC is an alliance of universities and research libraries that supports
    increased competition in scientific journal publishing. Its membership
    currently numbers approximately 200 institutions and library consortia in
    North America, the U.K., continental Europe, Australia, New Zealand and
    Asia. SPARC is also affiliated with major library organizations in Canada,
    the U.K. and Ireland, Denmark, Australia and the USA. More information on
    SPARC is available at www.arl.org/sparc. SPARC is an initiative of the
    Association of Research Libraries.
    For further information:
    .. Project Euclid: http://euclid.library.cornell.edu/project/index.html
    .. SPARC: http://www.arl.org/sparc
    .. Open Archives Initiative: http://www.openarchives.org
    John Porter
    University of Saskatchewan
    The Stoa: A Consortium for Electronic Publication
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