14.0413 a complaint answered, sort of....

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: 10/25/00

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0416 CHWP online at <http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/chwp/>"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 413.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
       [1]   From:    Einat Amitay <einat@ics.mq.edu.au>                  (61)
             Subject: Re: 14.0405 a complaint
       [2]   From:    "Dr Donald J. Weinshank" <weinshan@cse.msu.edu>     (40)
             Subject: Re: 14.0405 a complaint
       [3]   From:    "Osher Doctorow" <osher@ix.netcom.com>              (19)
             Subject: Re: A Complaint
             Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 20:05:18 +0100
             From: Einat Amitay <einat@ics.mq.edu.au>
             Subject: Re: 14.0405 a complaint
    Hi Willard,
    The problem you describe is less of a problem if you know the culture of the
    community... But if you come from the outside here are some instructions:
    It is part of an unwritten agreement that authors can put published papers
    online and make them available for free via their web page, as long as it
    is not
    for commercial use. This means that most of the papers you're after can be
    online via the author's site (if you can find it).
    There is an application based on this agreement called citeseer/reasearchindex
    and here is a link to a search on the word "hypertext" there. All the articles
    that have a link DOC highlighted are available online. It is ranked
    according to
    the number of citations made (and as you can guess Halasz & Conklin are at the
    A nice feature is the "context" feature that allows you to see who cites the
    article and in what context.
    Another similar source is CORA (query for "hypertext" when you get the search
    Other main authors in the field (with publications available free online):
    Another free place (quite important) is the WWW conference proceedings. All are
    free and online. Some years have more related articles than others but you can
    find some interesting bits there. You can find them through my list at:
    Hope this is of some help.
    The general way to go about finding an ACM paper for free is this:
    1) Go to the ACM DL site - look through the available titles for your query.
    2) Open another Web browser window and go to Google.com
    3) Search Google for the name of the first author of the paper you are after
    4) If you found the home page of this person try finding a publications link
    5) If you're lucky you now have an electronic version of the paper from the
    If not - don't lose heart:
    Go back to google and now search for the full title of the article you're after
    - it might be hiding somewhere and is not linked to the author's page (this is
    how you learn who is the real author of the paper - the person who has the
    electronic version is usually tightly involved in the writing - and it might be
    the third or even the fourth author).
    OK - I'm done, good luck,
    Einat Amitay
             Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 20:05:51 +0100
             From: "Dr Donald J. Weinshank" <weinshan@cse.msu.edu>
             Subject: Re: 14.0405 a complaint
    I must simultaneously agree and disagree with your posting. ("Consistency
    is the hobgoblin of small minds.")
    What I am complaining about is the chaotic, careless and, it seems,
    self-absorbed state of that research. As far as I can determine the major
    venue is the series of Hypertext conferences run by the ACM, whose
    proceedings are online but kept under lock-and-key in the ACM's "Digital
    Library", <http://www.acm.org/dl/>, "a vast resource of bibliographic
    information, citations, and full-text articles" which costs $185/year to
    have unmetred access to; without joining one can purchase individual
    articles -- at $10 each (now THERE'S a risk). Hence, if you're not already
    of the sub-community that goes to the conferences and collects the
    proceedings volumes, you're severely discouraged from finding out what it's
    As a member of the ACM and of the computing community, I can only tell
    you that the Digital Library initiative by the ACM was received with
    great enthusiasm. I now subscribe to fewer journals but do literature
    searches in CS in greater depth than I did before the advent of the
    Digital Library. The whole process reduces my costs for journals while
    simultaneously reducing the time it takes me to find relevant articles.
    Still, I have to agree with you that the whole process excludes
    people from outside the ACM whose scholarly interests overlap in
    part with those of members.
    We -- that is, the computing community -- are caught between the
    Scylla and Charybdis of providing scholars in our fields with
    access to the literature they need while yet containing costs.
    Unlike certain (unnamed) European journals, the Digital Library
    has met both of these objectives.
    I would welcome comments and suggestions as to how to meet
    the needs of non-ACM members whose scholarly interests overlap
    with those of the computing community.
    Don Weinshank
    Dr. Don Weinshank		weinshan@cse.msu.edu
    Phone (517) 353-0831		FAX (517) 432-1061
    Computer Science & Engineering	Michigan State University	
             Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 20:06:15 +0100
             From: "Osher Doctorow" <osher@ix.netcom.com>
             Subject: Re: A Complaint
    Similar events occur in non-computer mathematics, although computers seem to
    be a main region of confusion.  I once was told in a startled tone by a
    senior professor of mathematics that he was astonished to find a clear
    advanced mathematics book, which he attributed to the fact that the author
    was old and retired.  I myself have recently been looking into category and
    coalgebra theory in mathematics and computers, which relate to sets or their
    generalizations, and it is similar to playing musical chairs or telephone
    tag on the internet.  One needs to actually go off the internet and into a
    university library and bury oneself as long as possible, after which if
    fortunate one will emerge with the correct references.  So much for
    computers.  I think that the problem may go back as far as von Neumann
    himself (who died from cancer, if I recall), and perhaps Turing, whose
    logical abilities may have exceeded their verbal abilities. There seems to
    be a reason for the brain to contain both verbal and non-verbal hemispheres
    (and even that may be too complicated an explanation).  My suggestion for a
    solution to the problem of infinite loops in humanist computer searching is
    to take equal doses of verbal and quantitative thinking and then, as the
    University of Vienna Abstract Server says, pray.  I wonder whether the
    abstract server prays.

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