Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 387. Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London <> <> Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 08:56:52 +0100 From: (Francois Lachance) Subject: Re: 14.0374 markup, encoding, content-modelling Wendell, As ever, I can trust you to keep any of my flights of fancy, induced by o'er too speedy reasoning by analogy, well-tethered to the imaginable and the historical conditions of production and the mediation of the "machine readable". > on). But I think Francois steps a bit too far from currently-recognized > semantics into a distinction that may be useful, but isn't at all common. I > also think the containment relation is backward. I reread the posting archived as "14.0368 markup, encoding, content-modelling, primitives" which I had given the prosaic subject line of "Re: 14.0362 terminological questions" to see how much I had implied that a syntagmatic relation of containment existed (i.e. content --> encoding --> markup). Willard (or a machine) seems to have switched the subject line ever so creatively again by dropping the mention of "primitives" in the posting of your reply. (I am curious to see how the subject line of this current message comes through and to compare it with the subject line that "meta-collects" the message) See > Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 09:42:41 +0100 > From: Wendell Piez <> > primitives which got archived as "14.0374 markup, encoding, content-modelling" The hide-and-seek primitive in subject fields, and the impulse to read a unidirectional syntagm off a listing, along with the method/methodology distinction introduced in the discussion recently and my own even more recent lapsus in forgetting ascii, unicode and their ilk, have alerted me to one of the joys of observing humanities scholars in computing action : the ease with which they move between instance and model. Which leads me to pick up one of Willard's themes : the nature of evidence and its connection to argumentation and to wonder if Willard or other subscribers might muse online about the relation of pursuit of primitives to forms of argumentation and the construction/discovery of evidence. Or to reverse the order: do certain patterns of presenting arguments and evidence have an impact on the perceived feasibility and desirability of mechanizing methods? -- Francois Lachance, Scholar-at-large Member of the Evelyn Letters Project
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