14.0344 conferences: Internet Research; New Directions in Historical Computing

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                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 344.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
       [1]   From:    Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-       (307)
             Subject: [RCCS]Internet Research 1.0: A Conference Review by
                     David Silver
       [2]   From:    NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>                   (103)
             Subject: Conferences: Assoc for History & Computing (UK);
             Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:18:07 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
             Subject: [RCCS]Internet Research 1.0: A Conference Review by David 
    Dear humanists,
    [Hi everybody..here is a complete review of the First Conference of the
    Association of Internet Researchers (http://aoir.org) held at University
    of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA on September 14-17, 2000 is forwarded via
    "resource center for cyberculture studies". To subscribe to the  "resource
    center for cyberculture studies" list please email to
    <majordomo@majordomo.umd.edu> with No subject is needed. In the body,
    type:  subscribe cyberculture. The Conference Review is done by David
    Silver, the founder and director of the Resource Center for Cyberculture
    Studies. I hope, scholars and researchers will enjoy the review, btw..your
    critics and reactions are most welcome..Thanks..Best..-Arun]
    Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:24:32 -0400 (EDT)
    From: david silver <dsilver@Glue.umd.edu>
    To: cyberculture@Glue.umd.edu
    *** feel free to forward ***
        Internet Research 1.0: The State of the Interdiscipline
        First Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers
        University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
        September 14-17, 2000 // <http://www.cddc.vt.edu/aoir>
        A Field Matures: Cyberculture Studies at the Turn of the Century
        By David Silver, University of Maryland/Georgetown University
    Ten years ago, the first Conference in Cyberspace took place at the
    University of Texas at Austin.  According to most accounts, the conference
    was invite-only and attracted some of the best minds around, including
    Michael Heim, Chip Morningstar, Marcos Novak, and Allucquere Rosanne (aka
    Sandy) Stone.  A year later, the ideas crept to the rest of us, in the
    form of the appropriately entitled Cyberspace: First Steps (MIT, 1991),
    edited by Michael Benedikt.
    Throughout the last decade, many more steps have been taken.  While Howard
    Rheingold's The Virtual Community (Addison-Wesley, 1993) examined
    communities in cyberspace, Sherry Turkle's Life on the Screen (Simon &
    Schuster, 1995), along with the work of Amy Bruckman, Elizabeth Reid, and
    Stone, explored the formation of identities within online environments.
    By the mid-1990s, the first steps of an emerging field of study upgraded
    to a brisk jog.  Under the altering guise of cyberculture studies or
    computer-mediated communication or Internet studies or social informatics,
    the field blossomed with books like CyberSociety (Sage, 1995) and Virtual
    Culture (Sage, 1997) edited by Steve Jones, Internet Culture (Routledge,
    1997) edited by David Porter, and Network & Netplay (MIT, 1998) edited by
    Fay Sudweeks, Margaret McLaughlin, and Sheizaf Rafaeli.  As the true
    millennium approaches, the brisk jog has become a modest marathon, as
    reflected in book length case studies like Nancy Baym's Tune In, Log On
    (Sage, 2000), Paulina Borsook's Cyberselfish (Public Affairs, 2000), Lynn
    Cherny's Conversation and Community (Center for the Study of Language and
    Social Information Publications, 1999), and Christine Hine's Virtual
    Ethnography (Sage, 2000), as well as critical subfields within the
    interdiscipline, including Race in Cyberspace (Routledge, 2000) edited by
    Beth Kolko, Lisa Nakamura, and Gilbert Rodman, CyberFeminism (Spinifex
    Press, 1999), and CyberSexualities (Edinburgh University Press,
    2000) edited by Jenny Wolmark.
    Yet perhaps the most lasting and far-reaching development was the
    formation of the Association for Internet Researchers (http://aoir.org/).
    Originally conceived by Greg Elmer (Boston College), Steve Jones
    (University of Illinois, Chicago), and Stefan Wray (NYU) in the midst of
    the World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory conference organized
    by Andrew Herman and Thomas Swiss and held at Drake University in
    November, 1998, the Association of Internet Researchers, or A(o)IR, is
    a concerted attempt to foster an *international* and *interdisciplinary*
    community of scholars studying, teaching, and creating diverse forms of
    cyberculture.  Enjoying an online existence for nearly two years, the
    members of A(o)IR came together face to face for the first time at the
    University of Kansas in September for its first annual conference:
    Internet Research 1.0: The State of the Interdiscipline
    (http://www.cddc.vt.edu/aoir/).  Organized by Conference Coordinator Nancy
    Baym (University of Kansas) and Program Chair Jeremy Hunsinger (Virginia
    Tech) with the help of Steve Jones and countless others, the conference
    was nothing less than a monumental and (dare I say?) historical success.
    If A(o)IR's purpose is to foster an international and interdisciplinary
    community of scholars, the goal was met.  Although held in the United
    States, conference attendees came from over twenty countries, including
    Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland,
    Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Serbia,
    Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.  Similarly, reflecting
    the interdisciplinarity of the field itself, conference attendees
    represented over two dozen disciplines, including: advertising; American
    studies; anthropology; business; communication; communication, culture,
    and technology; cultural studies; computer science; economics; education;
    english; film studies; history; law; library and information science;
    linguistics; marketing; media ecology; media studies; philosophy;
    political science; public health; science, technology, and society; social
    informatics; sociology; and women's studies.  Finally, and perhaps most
    refreshingly, with the exception of the keynotes, panels contained a rich
    spectrum of generations, ranging from first year graduate students and
    grizzled ABDs to junior and senior (and an emeritus or two!) professors.
    Combined with the international and interdisciplinary nature of the
    conference, the intergenerational composition added a triple shot of
    energy, creativity, and experimentation.
    In some ways, the conference represented a research agenda for and coming
    attractions of what might be called the third stage of cyberculture
    studies.  As I have noted elsewhere, the first stage, popular
    cyberculture, was marked by its journalistic origins and characterized by
    its descriptive nature, limited dualism, and use of the
    Internet-as-frontier discourse.  The second stage, cyberculture studies,
    focused largely on virtual communities and online identities and developed
    contoured textures from an influx of scholars from across the disciplines.
    While the twin pillars of second stage cyberculture studies continue to be
    rich sites for contemporary scholarship, the most recent stage of
    scholarship, critical cyberculture studies, approaches online communities
    and identities within and with respect to the multiple contexts
    surrounding and informing them.  These contexts include but are not
    limited to the cultural histories of other new and once-new communication
    technologies, social and economic barriers to online landscapes, the
    varied and diverse kinds of technological environments that make online
    interactions possible, and discourses of cyberspace found in popular
    media, commercial advertising, political rhetoric, and everyday life.
    Accompanying this more holistic approach to cyberculture is an
    interdisciplinary and self-reflexive set of methods and methodologies.
    Reflecting the field's maturation were sixty-six panels, roundtables,
    demonstrations, and keynote presentations representing a rich collection
    of subfields.  Psychology in/and the Internet was a hot topic, and
    discussed in panels like "Psychology and Relationships" moderated by Nils
    Zurawski (University of Muenster), "Subjectivity, Cyberspace, and the
    Social" moderated by Jeremy Hunsinger, and "Online Relationships,
    Personal and Professional" moderated by Andrea Baker (Ohio University).
    Issues of identity were also addressed in "Identity and the Dynamics of
    Interaction within Online Media," a panel featuring Hannes Hogni
    Vilhjalmsson (MIT) and Joshua Berman & Amy Bruckman (Georgia Institute of
    Technology), who showcased the inspiring Turing Game
    Another popular topic was the intersections between globalization,
    communication technologies, and democracy.  A ton of folks showed up early
    in the morning to attend a panel entitled "When Voters are Users,"
    featuring a collection of interesting presentations from R. Kirkland
    Ahern, Kirsten Foot, W. Russell Neuman, Steve Schneider, Ilyse Stempler,
    and Jennifer Stromer-Galley, all from the University of Pennsylvania.
    Other relevant panels included "Global Internet Initatives: Case
    Studies" moderated by Bram Dov Abramson (Telegeography), "Theories of
    Globalization" moderated by Liza Tsaliki (University of Nijmegen, NL),
    "Global Politics" moderated by Christiana Frietas, and "Internet and
    Related panels addressed issues of hegemony and resistance.  "Digital
    Resistances," moderated by Lauren Langman (Loyola University of
    Chicago), featured papers exploring various sites of online resistance,
    including alternative Web sites in Singapore (K.C. Ho and Zaheer Baber,
    National University of Singapore), "Zapatistmo: The Electronic Web of
    Third World Solidarity" (Fredi Avalos-C'deBaca, California State
    University, San Marcos), fringe groups and collective action (S. Lee &
    H. Sawhney, Indiana University), and recent online activity in Belgrade
    (Smiljana Antonijevic, University of Belgrade).  Creative activity, gender
    (mis)representation, and cyberfeminism came together in the panel "Women
    on the Internet," moderated by Anne Daugherty (University of Kansas) and
    featuring the research of Kate O'Riordan (University of Brighton), Susanna
    Paasonen (University of Turku), and Mia Consalvo (University of Wisconsin,
    Milwaukee). Although issues of gender and class were addressed within many
    panels, issues of race and sexuality were, for this conference attendee,
    hard to find.
    Another subfield garnering plenty of attention was online (and
    hypertextual) pedagogies.  Panels included "Pedagogy" moderated by
    Gretchen Schoel (College of William and Mary/Keio University), "Pedagogy:
    In Practice" moderated by Shawn Wahl (University of Nebraska), "Pedagogy:
    Philosophy" moderated by Susan Lazinger (The Hebrew University of
    Jerusalem), and "Writing on the Web, Electronic Literature, and
    Linguistics" moderated by Len Hatfield (Virginia Tech), who, along with
    Tim Luke, is organizing the "Learning 2000: Reassessing the Virtual
    University" conference in late September at Virginia Tech
    (http://www.cddc.vt.edu/learning/).  A roundtable discussion entitled
    "I've Got a Little List," featured the findings, frustrations, and
    epiphanies of a number of heavily-trafficked mailing list moderators,
    including the indefatigable Joan Korenman (University of Maryland,
    Baltimore County), Patrick Leary, Michele Ollivier (Universite d'Ottawa),
    Wendy Robbins (University of New Brunswick), and the suspendered Gil
    Rodman (University of South Florida).
    Still other panels were devoted to visual design -- "Design" moderated by
    Jean Trumbo (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and "Interfaces and
    Communication Strategies" moderated by Harmeet Sawheny (Indiana
    University) -- discourse -- "Mediating New Media," "Open Source," and
    "Metaphors for the Internet" moderated by Elissa Fineman (University of
    Texas at Austin) -- and community networks, including the two and a half
    hour, live Access Grid-broadcasted panel "Investigating Community
    Networks," moderated by Nick Jankowski (University of Nijmegen, NL) and
    featuring the findings of Teresa M. Harrison, James P. Zappen, and
    Christina Prell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Lawrence Hecht
    (Internet Public Policy Network), Jankowski, Martine van Selm, and Ed
    Hollander (University of Nijmegen), Joyce Lamerichs (Wageningen University
    and Research Center), and myself (University of Maryland/Georgetown
    Perhaps the surest sign of the field's maturation was found in the many
    engaging panels on research methods and ethics.  In addition to "Ethics
    and Internet Research," a panel moderated by Charles Ess (Drury
    University), there was the "Internet Research Ethics Roundtable," which
    featured a number of speakers, including Philip Howard (Northwestern
    University and Pew Internet and American Life Project), David Snowball
    (Augustana College), Storm King (International Society for Mental Health
    Online), Sarina Chen (University of Northern Iowa), Sanyin Siang (American
    Association for the Advancement of Science), Steve Jones (University of
    Illinois, Chicago), and Rob Kling (Indiana University).  Another
    outstanding panel was "Methods: Gaining Inside Perspectives," moderated by
    Ken Harwood (University of Houston).  Representing various disciplinary
    positions, the panelists discussed a number of useful research methods for
    the study of cyberspace: Daniel Marschall (Georgetown University) and
    Christine Hine (Brunel University) discussed the merits of ethnography
    (both on- and off-line), Russell Clark (GE Corporate Research and
    Development) and Joe Downing (Western Kentucky University) examined
    anonymous Web sampling, and Christian Sandvig and Emily Murase (Stanford
    University) offered an original method of unobtrusive observation of
    network data.
    Interspersed throughout the conference were five keynote addresses
    featuring senior scholars from across the disciplines:  Barry Wellman
    (Sociology, University of Toronto) discussed his and his students' work on
    social networks; Helen Nissenbaum (Center for Human Values at Princeton
    University) explored issues of trust online; Rob Kling (Information
    Systems and Information Science, Indiana University at Bloomington)
    examined online social behavior from a social informatics
    perspective; Susan Herring (Information Systems and Information Science,
    Indiana University at Bloomington) offered methods of computer-mediated
    discourse analysis; and Manuel Castells (Sociology, University of
    California, Berkeley) addressed, well, *everything*, offering one of the
    most comprehensive overviews of the Net and contemporary culture and
    society.  (Select keynotes and other presentations will be available as
    Web video on demand through the Apple Learning Interchange around the
    start of October (http://www.apple.com/education/ali). Stay tuned to
    the A(o)IR Web site for details.)
    While the conference showcased a maturing field of study, it also helped
    to foster and nurture a diverse and thriving community.  As mentioned
    earlier, the sprawling community came together on paper (and in
    pixels) with the formation of the Association of Internet Researchers,
    organized tirelessly by Steve Jones.  For the last year, the
    association's mailing list, air-l (http://aoir.org/airjoin.html), has
    maintained a fair amount of dialogues and other conferences -- including
    last spring's "Shaping the Network Society: The Future of the Public
    Sphere in Cyberspace," sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social
    Responsibility, and last winter's "Virtual Methodology" conference,
    organized by Christine Hine -- have brought many of us together.  In
    addition to the list, conference attendees had access to download many,
    but not nearly all, of the papers before arriving in Kansas.  (If that's
    a subtle dis, I'm among the dissed . . .)
    A common thread heard throughout the conference was that attendees had
    found an academic home to call their own.  Many of the participants
    recounted frustrating tales of academic marginalization - at conferences,
    with journals, within departments - and found themselves comfortable among
    the interdisciplinary or, perhaps, transdisciplinary atmosphere.
    Subsequently, an elevated collective knowledge was taken advantage
    of: unlike many papers presented at more traditional conferences,
    presenters skipped the obligatory ten minutes of explaining terms and
    quickly got to the beef.
    In order to provide a space within which attendees could continue
    discussions raised in panels, conference organizers set up a large public
    area on site.  Stocked with a buffet of free goodies that made this poor,
    hungry grad student dizzy, attendees gathered to talk, meet online
    acquaintances face to face, network, and share works in progress.  It was
    here that we also heard about research being conducted by conference
    attendees who did not present papers, including Annice Kim's (University
    of North Carolina School of Public Health at Chapel Hill) work on content
    analysis of tobacco Web sites and Gretchen Schoel's (College of William
    and Mary/Keio University) research on crosscultural uses of the Net by
    Americans and Japanese.  And with help from Apple Computer, nearly two
    dozen sleek laptops (with wireless Internet connections no less!) were set
    up for folks to check their email and make last minute adjustments to
    their Powerpoint presentations.
    Off site, the community continued.  Each evening, conference attendees
    swarmed downtown Lawrence, taking over bars, filling long and loud
    restaurant tables, and packing the local mom and pop ice cream
    shop.  (Warning: Avoid the blueberry flavor: Nasty, very nasty.)  In the
    wee hours, hotel rooms transformed into parlors, where hard fought,
    ruthless card games took place, bruising some folks' fragile egos without
    denting their wallets. Much of this was a product of an interesting
    collection of scholars, the rest a product of Conference Coordinator Nancy
    Baym and Program Chair Jeremy Hunsinger, who organized the conference and
    extra curricular activities beautifully. More academic conferences should
    be this debaucherous.
    Perhaps the most exciting news came during the conference's last session,
    the General Business Meeting.  Having made it past 1.0, 2.0 was
    announced.  John Logie, assistant professor in the Department of Rhetoric
    at the University of Minnesota, invited attendees to the
    Minneapolis/St. Paul area for the Second Annual Conference of the
    Association of Internet Researchers sometime during fall 2001.  Further,
    within AIR, two tasks groups - the Task-Force on Ethical Online Research
    (headed by Amy Bruckman, Sarina Chen, and Sanyin Siang) and the Web Page
    Working Group (headed by Kristin Foot, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Leslie
    Tkach (University of Tsukuba), and myself) - were established and promise
    to surface in Minnesota. Finally, A(o)IR Interim Treasurer Wesley Schrum
    announced that a new academic journal, The Journal of Internet Research,
    is in the planning stages and conversations with presses have begun.
    Earlier in the summer, an interesting thread took place on air-l regarding
    the state of Internet studies.  While some folks argued for the creation
    of a new discipline (Internet Studies?  Cyberculture Studies?), others
    were less enthusiastic, pointing towards the field's infancy as well as
    lack of developed methods and theories.  In many ways, the Internet
    Research 1.0 conference confirmed such views.  For while scholars continue
    to explore the digital domain in new and exciting ways, some of the best
    scholarship is performed with traditional methods and from within
    traditional disciplines.  In the meantime, universities are establishing
    new forms of academic intersections (witness, for example, Georgetown
    University's Master's Program in Communication, Culture, and Technology
    and Georgia Tech's School of Literature, Communication, and Culture) and
    departments and individuals are developing interdisciplinary centers (for
    instance, University of Maryland, Baltimore County's Center for Women and
    Information Technology, University of Minnesota's Internet Studies
    Center, Virginia Tech's Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, and my
    own Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies). Perhaps the ultimate lesson
    learned from the conference is this: In order to keep things fresh,
    interesting, and relevant, we must continue approaching our topic from an
    international and interdisciplinary perspective.
    David Silver is a doctoral candidate in American Studies at the University
    of Maryland, an adjunct faculty member in the Master's Program in
    Communication, Culture, and Technology at Georgetown University, and the
    founder and director of the Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies.
    He can be reached via his Web site at http://www.glue.umd.edu/~dsilver/
    resource center for cyberculture studies http://otal.umd.edu/~rccs
    To unsubscribe from this list, email:  majordomo@majordomo.umd.edu
    No subject is needed. In the body, type:  unsubscribe cyberculture
             Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:54:34 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: Conferences: Assoc for History & Computing (UK);
    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    October 11, 2000
                        Saturday, 25 November 2000, London
                         February 27 - March 3, 2001, Chicago
     >>From: Liz Lewis <liz.lewis@ahds.ac.uk>
     >To: ahds-all@mailbase.ac.uk
    The Association for History and Computing (UK)
    Day Conference
    Saturday, 25 November 2000
    Queen Mary and Westfield College, London
    Invited speakers:
    Bob Morris, Historical Computing: Past, Present and Future
    Margaret Brennand, The PRO's 1901 Census Project
    Dave Peacock, The Virtual Norfolk Project
    Richard Beacham, The Recreation of the Theatre of Pompey in Rome
    The TLTP CHIC Project, Teaching with the Web
    FREE to all current members of the AHC (UK).  (Fee for non-members
    is 20.)  Refreshments, including a buffet lunch, will be provided.
    With the meteoric growth of use of the Internet, computers are
    increasingly being used to facilitate access to a wide variety of digitised
    historical sources, both for research and teaching.  This conference will
    explore the potential of computers for historical study in the 21st
    A registration form can be found on the Web at
    Or contact the following address, to which registrations should be sent
    by 27 October 2000:
    Irene Tait, AHC Conference, The Subject Centre, 1 University Gardens,
    University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ; Email i.tait@arts.gla.ac.uk;
    Tel: 0141 330 3580; Fax: 0141 330 5518.
    Further details, including joining instructions, will be sent early in
    Dr Donald A Spaeth
    School of History and Archaeology
    1 University Gardens
    University of Glasgow
    Glasgow G12 8QQ
    United Kingdom
    Tel:  0141 330-3580    Fax: 0141 330-5000
    E-mail:  dspaeth@arts.gla.ac.uk
     >Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:51:45 -0400
     >From: Kathe Hicks Albrecht <kalbrec@American.edu>
     >To: david@ninch.org
     >CC: awhiteside@gsd.harvard.edu
     >Subject: VRA Conference Announcement
     >Please excuse cross-postings:
     >For Immediate Release
    The Visual Resources Association will hold their 19th Annual conference
    in Chicago, February 27 through March 3, 2001. The conference site will
    be the historic Congress Hotel, just three blocks from the College Art
    Association's conference venue and within easy walking distance of such
    Michigan Avenue attractions as the Art Institute.
    This year's schedule boasts an exciting slate of programming and tours.
    Chicago architecture and history will be the focus of many of the tours,
    which will be conducted with Chicago Architecture Foundation docents.
    Conference programming will include discussion of Chicago area
    digitization projects, including the Cleopatra multimedia program from
    the Art Institute, as well as discussions grappling with the impact,
    both positive and negative, of the electronic age on image management,
    from both philosophic and pragmatic viewpoints. Workshops on  all
    aspects of image management will also be offered. As always, the annual
    roster of social events will allow the membership to network, share
    experiences, and welcome new colleagues to the profession.
    The Visual Resources Association is the only international organization
    specifically for image media management professionals. With an active
    publication roster, list serve, web page, regional chapters and the
    annual conference, the Visual Resources Association provides critical
    information, opportunity for professional growth, and support for
    today's visual resources curator.
    For more information about the VRA, membership, and the Chicago
    Conference, please see the Association web page:
    or contact:
    Susan Jane Williams
    VRA Vice President and Conference Coordinator
    Yale University Arts Library
    180 York Street
    P.O. Box 208242
    New Haven, CT 06520
    Phone 203-432-2443
    Fax 203-432-0549
    Email <susan.j.williams@yale.edu>
    NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National
    Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of
    announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted;
    neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We
    attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate
    reciprocal credit.
    For questions, comments or requests to un-subscribe, contact the editor:
    See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at

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