Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 273. Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London <> <> [1] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni- (113)> Subject: DIGITAL ARTS & CULTURE 2001 at Brown University, April 27-29 [2] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@statistik.uni- (135)> Subject: Aavatars: Oct 14-15 is Avatars2000/Vlearnd3D 2000 --[1]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:39:15 +0100 From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <> Subject: DIGITAL ARTS & CULTURE 2001 at Brown University, April 27-29 Greetings humanists, [an important call on the issues of art and performance related to the digital culture is forwarded via WRITING LISTSERV of BROWN University, thank you, best regards. -Arun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 11:40:49 -0700 From: noah wardrip-fruin <noah@CAT.NYU.EDU> [--] DIGITAL ARTS & CULTURE 2001 Brown University, April 27-29 <> Call for Proposals: Art & Performance Deadline: November 1, 2000 Digital Arts and Culture 2001 seeks to create a stimulating environment for experiencing and discussing art and performance related to digital culture. DAC 2001 will provide a context for a broad variety of current work, as well as opportunities to see the past anew. To this end, the Art and Performance committee invites proposals of new and archival/recontextualized: - objects, prints, kinetic sculptures; - installations; - performances; - time-based recordings; - hyperlit, netart, and games. Selections will be made by the committee, which expects to complete its acceptances by the end of calendar year 2000. Committee members include: Noah Wardrip-Fruin (Chair, New York University), Espen Aarseth (University of Bergen & Brown University), Kevin Duggan (arts/technology consultant), Carl Goodman (American Museum of the Moving Image), Diane Gromala (Georgia Tech), Christiane Paul (Whitney Museum & Intelligent Agent), David Reville (Brown University), Stephanie Strickland (independent artist), Martha Wilson (Franklin Furnace Archive), and Adrianne Wortzel (City University of New York & Cooper Union). A keynote performance will be invited for the conference. Internet connections will be available for works. Shipping and other costs will not be covered. Limited computation and display equipment will be available for some accepted works, as will some support from student volunteers and technical staff. Conference registration fees will be waived for accepted artists (at least one free registration per accepted artwork, though no more than one per artist). Proposal Instructions: 1) Submissions must include *both* (i) a one-page statement of your purpose in proposing, and (ii) a short (under 200 word) description of the work suitable for display at DAC. Both the submission statement and work description must include the name of the work, the names and affiliations of the artists involved, and dimensions and materials information if appropriate. Submission statements must also: - include all relevant contact information (email, phone, fax, snail-mail, url), - make desired presentation mode clear (e.g., you may propose to read a web-based hyperfiction aloud as a performance, or create a site-specific installation for it, or make it available in a gallery/reading room setting, etc.), - state if piece is currently completed (incomplete pieces must include expected completion timeline). 2) Submissions must also include (i) media documentation (e.g., images) of what you propose to make available at DAC 2001, and/or (ii) access instructions for a copy of the work itself. For work that has not yet been completed, please provide the best documentation possible. Any special jurying requests will be considered, however, proposers are encouraged to find a way to communicate with the jury within the following guidelines: - Images and files should be put up at an accessible web or ftp address. Free space is available from a number of services (e.g.,,,, Please provide no more than 200 megabytes of files, please organize materials into one file for efficient access (e.g., tar/zip them together), and please use artist initials as first letters of top-level files/folders (e.g., use names such as "" rather than generic file names such as "dac.gif"). No slides will be accepted and CD-ROMs are discouraged. - VHS tapes will be watched for 10 minutes from the point cued. Tapes will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). Digitized videos can be made available via the web or ftp (given appropriate plugin/viewing instructions) and must be no longer than 10 minutes. - Hyperlit, netart, and games for which files are made available will be experienced for 10 minutes by the jury. Proposer may provide an interaction "script" for this experience. Instructions must be provided for any needed technologies, which must be freely and readily available or provided by the proposer. - Installation and performance proposals must include floor plans with complete measurements, electrical and lighting requirements, network and computation needs, audio and video schematics, and any special requests (e.g., a sprung floor). 3) The submission statement, work description, and access instructions (for media documentation or a copy of the work itself) must be submitted via the DAC 2001 website on or before November 1, 2000. The web submission form, and any final proposal instructions, will be available at in October. About the Conference The fourth international Digital Arts & Culture Conference is jointly sponsored by the Scholarly Technology Group (Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island) and the Department of Humanistic Informatics (University of Bergen, Norway). DAC 2001 will be held April 27-29, 2001 in Providence, Rhode Island. This conference aims to embrace and explore the cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural theory and practice of contemporary digital arts and culture. Seeking to foster greater understanding about digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices, the conference cultivates an eclectic and collaborative forum. To this end, we cordially invite scholars, researchers, artists, computer professionals, and others who are working within the broadly defined areas of digital arts and culture to join in the DAC discourse community by submitting proposals for presentations at DAC 2001. Further Information DAC 2001 website (which includes Papers and Forums CFP): Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Art and Performance Chair -- --[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:40:33 +0100 From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <> Subject: Aavatars: Oct 14-15 is Avatars2000/Vlearnd3D 2000 Greetings scholars, [Forwarded with courtesy and thanks to Dr. Bruce Damer] -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 02:21:06 -0700 From: Bruce Damer <> [--] Dear Avatars and Contact Consortium Community. We are excited to inform you about the upcoming Avatars2000/Vlearn3D 2000 events to be held online and in-person between October 14-15, 2000. See a special preview of the fabulous worlds you will experience in Avatars2000 at: <> Both events are free to attend and described below so you can mark them on your calendar! 1) Avatars2000: CyberSpace for a New Millennium ************************************************** Avatars2000 is the fifth annual conference of the Contact Consortium and is the third to be held "in world" online in 3D virtual worlds, and at physical locales globally. Events for AV2000 will start on Saturday Oct 14 and then continue all day on Sunday Oct 15. Celebrations of the medium of inhabited Cyberspace will occur in Active Worlds, Blaxxun, the Palace, Onlive Traveler and other platforms. More will be posted soon at: <> where you will soon be able to sign up as a speaker, artist exhibiting your work, guide to your world, exhibitor, webcam server, or enter into the ever popular Avvy Awards. The Active Worlds space for Avatars2000 is being built right now and is truly fabulous. See a preview at: <> If you have a PC (or Mac with PC emulation software) on the net, you can jack in and explore these worlds for free with other pioneers of this new medium! 2) Vlearn3D 2000 "Live 3D, Learn 3D" ************************************************** VLearn3D 2000 is the second annual conference of the VLearn3D Special Interest Group of the Contact Consortium and this year focuses on the best of the best in learning in shared virtual spaces. UC Santa Cruz and other campuses will feature live speaker events on Friday Oct 13th then an extensive online series of panels and tours on Saturday Oct 14th. Vlearn3D 2000 will "jack in" to Avatars 2000 as it gets rolling on the Saturday. We have reproduced the preliminary program for Vlearn3D 2000 below, and many more details are now up on the website at: <> We hope to see you in-person or in-world on this great weekend in October! Vlearn3D 2000 Preliminary program We are confirming expert practioners for our four speaker tracks that will highlight the October 14 VLearn3D 2000 in cyberspace. We are also excited to report that Mike Heim of the University will be hosting and chairing the KEYNOTE PANEL to kick-off Cyberforum@ArtCenter Fall 2000 -- at the end of the afternoon to align with Avatars 2000 the following day. Heim's surprise panel guests will be announced soon! Please refer to the schedule below -- the speaker tracks will be posted on the vlearn3d conference site on Monday. Our four speaker tracks will each occur in a different world and feature 3-5 practioners and leaders in the field. Each track will each begin promptly on the hour. SPEAKER TRACKS PDT: 10am to 1pm EST: 1 pm to 2pm GMT: 6pm to 7pm Gaming and Virtual Learning Environments Chair, Andrew Phelps, Rochester Institute of Technology Panelists: TBA Virtual Location: To be Determined PANEL 2 PDT: 11am to Noon EST: 2 pm to 3 pm GMT: 7pm to 8pm Multi-Cultures/Multi-Schools - Intercultural Communication in Graphical Virtual Worlds Chair, Beatrice Ligorno, Katholieke University of Nijmegen, Netherlands Panelists: TBA Virtual Location: EUROLAND PANEL 3 PDT: Noon to 1pm EST: 3pm to 4pm GMT: 8pm to 9pm MUDs MOOs and 3D MUVES - Case Studies and Collaboratory Exemplars Chair, Kevin Ruess, George Mason University Panelists: Mark Schlager, SRI International, TAPPED IN Vernon Reed, University of Texas, Austin, Human Code others TBA Virtual Location: BABEL PANEL 4 PDT: 1pm to 2pm EST: 4pm to 5pm GMT: 9pm to 10pm Science Education in Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE's) - Science Museums, Ecoworlds and 3D GIS Chair, Margaret Corbit, Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University Panelists: Greg Steltenpohl, LifeLearn Davenport, Chaordic Alliance Chad Rooney, V-UCSC and EcollegE at UCSC others TBA Virtual Location: SCICENTR Online virtual worlds provide a unique system for interfacing with information and with simulations online. In addition to the visual 3D environment, they allow for social interaction among the users of a particular space. We will present several different approaches to developing science worlds ranging from virtual hands-on informal science simulation exhibit to classroom environments for teaching environmental science. PDT: 2pm to 3pm EST: 5pm to 6pm GMT: 10pm to 11pm Vlearn3D SPECIAL KEYNOTE Panel Cyberforum@ArtCenter Fall 2000 Avatecture: Merging Physical and Virtual Spaces Chair, Mike Heim, Art Center College of Design A special kick-off for Cyberforum@ArtCenter Fall 2000 Guests To Be Announced Virtual Location: ACCD World Avatecture is the interplay of physical and avatar structures. What is the current state of avatecture? Do virtual worlds inform physical life? Are physical structures becoming interactive installations? Can physical structures morph into virtual realities that generate online avatar communities? Is the avatar world separate, parallel, or tangential to the physical world? Through topic nodes and ritual movement, this panel, led by Mike Heim in ACCD world, will explore the new modes of construction and discuss the future of the 3D Net. This panel will continue in a parallel universe, Active Worlds, on October 15 as part of Avatars 2000. Email questions to Visit the website at for further information To participate: Download the free Awedu Eduverse 3D browser from Install the software and enter as a tourist or citizen (if you already are one) in the Eduverse. When you land in Centre World, look for the Vlearn3D main pavilion. For those of you in different time zones, you can find an excellent graphical time converter here: end DigitalSpace Corporation 343 Soquel Avenue, # 70 Santa Cruz CA 95062 USA (831) 338-9400 --
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