14.0091 new on WWW: Cultivate Interactive

From: Humanist Discussion Group (willard@lists.village.virginia.edu)
Date: Tue Jul 04 2000 - 07:16:39 CUT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group: "14.0092 Tuebingen Kolloquia 79 (8/7/00)"

                    Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 91.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 08:13:10 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: CULTIVATE INTERACTIVE: New European Online Magazine

    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    July 3, 2000

                  New European Online Magazine: CULTIVATE INTERACTIVE
                               Launch Issue Now Available

    >From: Marieke Napier <M.Napier@ukoln.ac.uk>
    >>Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 15:00:24 +0100
    >Apologies for cross posting
    >Welcome to Cultivate Interactive

    Cultivate Interactive is a new pan-European Web magazine which is funded
    under the European Commission's DIGICULT programme.

    Cultivate Interactive is aimed at the European cultural heritage community
    including IT staff, information professionals, researchers, managers, policy
    makers, libraries, museums, archives, galleries, non-profit making

    The launch issue is online today and has lots to offer. The highlights

    Feature Articles

    Digital Heritage and Cultural Content in the New Information Society
    Technologies Programme
    Bernard Smith, Head of the Cultural Heritage Applications Unit of the
    European Commission, describes the Information Society Technologies (IST)
    programme's recent calls for proposals. He talks about the new focus of
    digital heritage and cultural content and the effects this change will have.

    The ASH project: A Virtual Control Room
    Jrgen Begh reports on the Virtual Control Room being developed in the IST
    project ASH (Access to Scientific Space Heritage). The Virtual Control Room
    will provide an exciting environment for young students to learn about space
    and astronomy by carrying out a simulated space mission.

    DELOS: A Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries - Promoting and
    Sustaining Digital Library Research and Applications in Europe
    The DELOS Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries aims at providing an
    open context in which an international agenda for future research in the
    digital libraries domain can be developed and continuously updated.

    Supporting Europe's Entrepreneurs and Innovators with Intellectual Property
    Alexander Weir talks about Intellectual Property issues, a key issue for
    Europe's enterprise society.

    British contemporary art at your fingertips: the Axis Database
    Robin Bourne introduces the only national information resource on British
    artists and makers containing visual and textual data on over 3,300
    contemporary British practitioners.

    Regular Articles

    DIGICULT Column
    Concha Fernndez de la Puente provide news of the European Commission's
    initiatives in the field of digital heritage and cultural content.

    Metadata: Standardisation of Dublin Core in Europe:
    Leif Andresen and Ian Campbell-Grant discuss how the Information Society
    Standardization System (ISSS), the European Committee for Standardization's
    platform for standardisation in information technology, has worked towards a
    metadata standard through various workshops.

    Other Areas

    News & Events, an explanation of the CULTIVATE logo, the European City
    competition, the Misc section.

    If you have any queries regarding Cultivate Interactive or writing for
    Cultivate Interactive please send them to <cultivate-editor@ukoln.ac.uk>

    The CULTIVATE Web site

    The CULTIVATE Web site supports one of the most important CULTIVATE
    objectives: information dissemination. The Web site will provide a
    searchable main site with the additional functionality of cross searching
    the national node Web sites and the CULTIVATE magazine, Cultivate

    The CULTIVATE Web site is available from today at:

    The content of the CULTIVATE Web site includes:
    Information on the project, partners, aims, objectives and activities
    Links to the other CULTIVATE services
    Monthly News Update
    Information on the IST Programme
    Information on Calls for Proposals in the Digital Heritage and Cultural
    Content area
    Information on project results
    Links to related sites.

    The CULTIVATE Web site has been developed as part of the wider CULTIVATE
    project with input from all project partners. The content of the site has
    been developed by The Library Council (Ireland) in consultation with other
    project partners. All content related queries should be forwarded to
    <Annkelly@libcounc.iol.ie>. The Web site design and technical implementation
    have been developed by the Institute for Learning and Research
    Technology<<http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/>http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/>. All
    technical Web site queries
    should be forwarded to <cultivate-web@bristol.ac.uk>.
    NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National
    Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of
    announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted;
    neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We
    attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate
    reciprocal credit.

    For questions, comments or requests to un-subscribe, contact the editor:
    See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at

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