14.0087 new on WWW: Ermes_net

From: Humanist Discussion Group (willard@lists.village.virginia.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 06:09:39 CUT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group: "14.0088 viva la computing revolution!"

                    Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 87.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 07:01:40 +0100
             From: Gianni Rubagotti <gianni@postino.it>
             Subject: Ermes_net: philosophy and XML

    I think it could be interesting for this kind of list to receive the
    message of my friend Massimiliano (massileo@libero.it), about his
    university project that use XML and other technologies for the
    philosophical analisys of texts.

    Best wishes,
    Gianni Rubagotti

    I'am Massimiliano Leone, a student of Philosophy at the
    University of the Studies of Milan in Italy.
    I'm taking my degree in Theoretical Philosophy with the
    prof. Paolo D'Alessandro and i'm taking part at the
    Ermes_net project. I would like to introduce it to you
    because i think that you could be interested by the way
    we've realized it: using XML and PHP3 and Webdav for
    downloading and uploading files to allegate.
    Also i hope you'll give us your suggestion to implement and
    evolve it.
    Best regards.
    Massimiliano Leone

    Ermes_net is born like a plan of the chair of Theoretical
    Philosophy III of the University of the Studies of Milan,
    held by the Prof. Paolo D'Alessandro. Here is the
    presentation made from the Professor D'Alessandro and
    situated in the presentation pages of the site

    " The philosophical Laboratory has been planned and comes
    activated by a group of researchers of the Chair of
    Theoretical Philosophy III , department of philosophy of
    the University of the Studies in Milan. It means to give
    life to a virtual community of theoretical searches that
    experiments the possibility to make philosophy with the new
    technologies of informations and, at the same time, to
    verify the result of a search lead in common. We are
    convinced that the medium of communication cannot be
    considered neutral, and during the experiment it will be
    dealt to control the specific modalities with which it is
    succeeded to produce thought, collective and connecting at
    the same time, by using a PC, marking the difference with
    what happens with other average: the voice, the pen and the
    characters to press."

    Here in synthesis the operation of the site. This is
    fruibile only by the qualified customers with password. But
    i've made a demonstration with Power Point that you can
    download at www.lettere.unimi.it/ermes_net/ermesinglese.zip

    It's introduced a philosophical text, that it appears on a
    html frame. This text is written in xml (well format),
    visualized with a stylesheet xsl (without DTD). It is
    subdivided in phrases, to the end of them there is an icon,
    clicking on which they come visualized, on an other html
    frame, the commentary notes brought to that phrase from the
    customers participants to the argument. It is possible, in
    one first modality, to visualize all the comments of all
    the customers to each phrase of the text in issue, or the
    comments realized from a single customer to the relative
    phrase, or all comments to one single phrase. How?
    There's a "job modality" in which it is possible to decide
    which phrase to comment on and, if it is desired, to bring
    to the commentary notes a minimal particular style and to
    insert an hyperlink or also an image. Clicking on the icon
    placed to the term of the choised phrase of the text (a
    file xml), a form HTML in which inserting notes, link and
    eventually the name of the image, comes visualized. A
    program in php3 captures the data contained in every field
    of the form and modernizes the new file xml creating new
    note-tag in the reference phrase.
    In the "visualization modality " of which it was said,
    anyone who approaches the site with password, will be able
    to visualize the comments previously realized. Clicking on
    the icon to the term of the phrase, or when it is decided
    to visualize all the comments, or when it is demanded
    (through one small form) to visualize the comments of a
    single participant, a php3 program creates a new file xsl
    that allows to obtain the demanded visualization.

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