Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 54.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: "Nigel Williamson" (30)
Subject: Call for Registration for DRH2000
[2] From: "David L. Gants" <> (45)
Subject: ACL'2000 Workshop Call for Papers
[3] From: "David L. Gants" <> (60)
Subject: CFP: Association for Southeast European Anthropology
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 22:07:27 +0100
From: "Nigel Williamson" <>
Subject: Call for Registration for DRH2000
This Message is a Call for Registration for DRH2000
We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for delegates to
University of Sheffield,
10-13 September 2000
The on-line registration form can be found at:
The DRH conferences have established themselves firmly in the UK and
international calendar as a forum that brings together scholars, librarians,
archivists, curators, information scientists and computing professionals in
a unique and positive way, to share ideas and information about the
creation, exploitation, management and preservation of digital resources in
the arts and humanities.
The DRH 2000 conference will take place at the University of Sheffield,
10-13 September 2000 in Stephenson Hall. Themes include: the creation of
digital resources; their delivery, use and integration; the impact of
digital resources on humanities research and education.
Full Registration 170 (includes conference dinner) Local Registration
110 for University of Sheffield Staff only Student Registration 60
(includes conference dinner) Day Delegate 60 (not including conference
Accommodation is provided at Stephenson Hall at the following rates:
En-Suite 33.40 Standard 27.74
Details of local hotels are available on request.
Full details about the conference, provisional timetable etc. may be found at:
Please address any queries to
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 22:09:16 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: ACL'2000 Workshop Call for Papers
>> From: Priscilla Rasmussen <>
The second Chinese Language Processing Workshop
October 2000
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
In conjunction with ACL-2000
Growing interest in Chinese Language Processing is leading to the development
of resources such as annotated corpora and automatic segmenters, part-of-speech
taggers and parsers. The first Asia ACL provides an ideal opportunity to bring
together influential researchers from Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and
Beijing, as well as Chinese language researchers in the rest of the world, to
discuss issues that are specific to the processing of Chinese. A critical tool
for developing Chinese language processing tools is the availability of
annotated corpora. The greater the consensus we have around guidelines for
corpus annotation of part-of-speech tags, syntactic bracketing and other areas,
the more useful this corpora will be.
We welcome submissions that address the following topics on Chinese
language processing:
. word segmentation
. POS tagging
. phrase identification
. parsing
. grammar development
. lexicon acquisition
. corpus development
We invite workshop participants to take advantage of two bracketed corpora:
. The first one, Chinese Penn Treebank, was developed at University of
Pennsylvania, USA. It includes 100-thousand words from Xinhua News.
The corpus will be released via LDC at UPenn in one or two weeks.
For more information and announcement of the release, please check the
website "" after June 4th, 2000.
. The second one, developed by CKIP, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, contains
more than 30,000 sentences. A trial version of 1,000 sentences is now
available for download by the public at
The release of the complete treebank is being reviewed by Academia
Preliminary arrangements have been made for the treebank to be licensed
through ROCLING. Please check their website
( for announcement.
The workshop will be held either on Oct 1 or Oct 2. For latest update
of the workshop (including the instruction for paper registration)
and the release of the Chinese Penn Treebank, please
check "". If you have any questions concerning
the workshop or the Treebank, please email us at
[material deleted]
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 22:14:34 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: CFP: Association for Southeast European Anthropology
>> From: Albert Doja <>
To all future members and friends of the Association for Southeast European
Anthropology (InASEA)
Invitation and Call for Papers
Dear colleagues,
On December 10 - 12, 1999, an initiative group consisting of Milena
Benovska, Glenn Bowman, Christian Giordano, Deema Kaneff, Karl Kaser,
Vintila Mihailescu, Karin Norman, and Klaus Roth convened in Bucharest and
founded the International Association for Southeast European Anthropology
(InASEA). It succeeds the Association for Balkan Anthropology (ABA).
The founding committee kindly invites you to participate in the first
general assembly and conference of InASEA in Sofia and to present a paper.
The broad topic of the conference is
The Anthropology of Southeast Europe - Ten Years After.
Socio-Cultural Aspects of Transformation
The conference will be held on Sept. 14-17, 2000, at the Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences in Sofia. The organs of the association will be elected at the
general assembly of members. The language of the general assembly of
members will be English, while the languages of the conference are English,
French, and German.
The conference shall focus (1) on the cultural changes themselves and (2)
on the disciplines studying them. It will therefore discuss the following
general topics:
- the study of the socio-cultural consequences of the transformation
processes in SEE, particularly the transformation of (socialist) everyday
- phenomena of contemporary (post-socialist) everyday culture and popular
culture, etc.
- the change of paradigm in the study of ethnicity and ethnic groups, as
well as
- the status and the role of the cultural sciences (ethnology, cultural and
social anthropology, folklore, ethnography, historical anthropology) in
Southeast Europe,
- the process of transformation (in subject matter, methods, theories,
approaches) which these disciplines are undergoing in research and teaching
in order to overcome the legacy of the past and to develop into a modern
ethnology and/or social anthropology.
The S=FCdosteuropa-Gesellschaft has granted financial support; further
applications for funds are pending. Accommodation and travel expenses
(train, bus) of participants from AL, BiH, BG, HR, MK, RO and YU can
probably be paid for.=20
Please submit as soon as possible your=20
- application for membership,=20
- conference registration,=20
- and the title of your paper=20
to Prof. Klaus Roth
Institut f=FCr dt. und vgl. Volkskunde
Ludwigstr. 25, D-80539 M=FCnchen
Tel. 004989-162809
or to Milena Benovska, PhD,=20
Ethnographic Institute,=20
Moskovska 6a, BG-1000 Sofia.
The deadline for submissions of papers is May 15, 2000.
The members of the founding committee are looking forward to your response
and to meeting you in Sofia.
With kind regards,
Albert Doja (on behalf of the founding committe)
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