14.0018 new on WWW: Subject Index on e-sources

From: Humanist Discussion Group (willard@lists.village.virginia.edu)
Date: Tue May 16 2000 - 19:29:05 CUT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group: "14.0012 diss on tools for collaboration"

                    Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 18.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 20:15:37 +0100
             From: Marian Dworaczek <marian.dworaczek@USASK.CA>
             Subject: Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of

    The May 1, 2000 edition of the "Subject Index to Literature on
    Electronic Sources of Information" is available at:


    The page-specific "Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of
    Information" and the accompanying "Electronic Sources of Information: A
    Bibliography" (listing all indexed items) deal with all aspects of
    electronic publishing and include print and non-print materials,
    periodical articles, monographs and individual chapters in collected
    works. This edition includes 1,239 titles. Both the Index and the
    Bibliography are continuously updated.

    Introduction, which includes sample search and instructions how to use the
    Subject Index and the Bibliography, is located at:


    This message has been crossposted to several mailing lists. Please excuse
    any duplication.

    *Marian Dworaczek *
    *Head, Acquisitions Department *
    *and Head, Technical Services Division *
    *University of Saskatchewan Libraries *
    *E-mail: dworaczek@sklib.usask.ca *
    *Phone: (306) 966-6016 *
    *Fax: (306) 966-5919 *
    *Home Page: http://library.usask.ca/~dworacze *

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