13.0487 conventions - the list

From: Humanist Discussion Group (willard@lists.village.virginia.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 08:20:46 CUT

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                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 13, No. 487.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 08:15:10 +0000
             From: Einat Amitay <einat@ics.mq.edu.au>
             Subject: conventions - the list....

    Hi all,

    So --- this is my list... It has many directions and I guess some of you
    would only relate to some of the texts and the people. I've tried to
    include as many online references as possible - so you could look things
    up yourselves.

    Thanks to all the people who mailed me with suggestions:

    Willard McCarty
    Gisela Redeker
    Guillermo Soto V.
    Jon Awbrey
    Penny Lee
    Eve V. Clark
    Eva Schultze-Berndt
    Craig Hamilton
    Tahir Wood
    Tony Meadow
    Graeme Hirst
    Jozsef Toth
    Patrick John Coppock
    Yvan Beaulieu

    And for my thoughts about convention: .. it is not surprising that the
    the word convention means both agreement and assembly at the same

    Have fun reading this scattered list and any comments / corrections /
    additions are welcome!


    Harry Collins
    Collins H.M. Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific
    Practice (Chicago, 1992).
    Collins H.M. (1995).humans, machines, and the structure of knowledge.
    Stanford Humanities Review, 4:2. Online:
    "... normal action is usually 'rule following' and sometimes 'rule
    establishing'. ... We know that normal action is rule-following because
    we nearly always know when we have broken the rules."

    Marshall MacLuhan
    Marshall McLuhan: Is It Natural That One Medium Should Appropriate and
    Exploit Another?
    [Essay from McLuhan: Hot and Cool, ed. George Stearn (1967)]
    "All media testing has been done within the parameters of older media --
    especially of speech and print."

    Kurt Lewin - beyond language proper to social behavior

    Roger Fidler's "Mediamorphosis" (Pine Forge, 1997)

    Herbert H. Clark
    Clark, H.H. (1996). Using language. Cambridge University Press.
    Clark, H.H. (1997?). [ something like: Commonalities, communities, and
    conventions ] In: Gumperz & Levinson (eds) Rethinking relativity.
    Cambridge University Press.

    rhetorical tradition:
    Quintilian and Demetrio;
    the ars dictaminis in the Middle Ages, etc.

    Appendix Probi? It's a beautiful normative book that shows you the "bad"
    latin people were using instead of the cultivated high one, when the
    work was written.

    Patrick John Coppock - TextNorm>CoDiVE

    Benjamin Lee Whorf

    Penny Lee. The Whorf Theory Complex; A critical reconstruction

    Clark, E. V. 1993. The lexicon in acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge
    University press.

    Lewis, D. K. 1969. Convention: a philosophical study.

    Eva Schultze-Berndt -- (Structuralist grammarians and cognitive
    linguists have sometimes talked about grammar in terms of patterns and
    habits. )
    Eva Schultze-Berndt, Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut,
    Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

    Langacker, Ronald W., 1990. Concept, Image, and Symbol. The cognitive
    basis of grammar. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    ..... I conceive the grammar of a language as merely providing the speaker
    with an inventory of symbolic resources, among them schematic templates
    representing established patterns in the assembly of complex symbolic
    structures. Speakers employ these symbolic units as standards of
    comparison in assessing the conventionality of novel expressions and
    usages, whether of their own creation or supplied by other speakers.
    (Langacker (1990: 16)

    Hockett, Charles F., 1958. A course in Modern Linguistics. New York: The
    MacMillan Company.
    A language is a complex system of habits (p. 137)
    An act of speech, or utterance, is not a habit, but a historical event,
    though it partly conforms to, reflects, and is controlled by the habits.
    Acts of speech, like other historical events, are directly observable.
    Habits are not directly observable; they must be inferred from observed
    events... (p. 141)

    Bloomfield, Leonard, 1970 [1933]. Language. London: George Allen & Unwin

    Fillmore, Charles J., 1988. "The mechanisms of 'Construction
    Grammar'."Berkeley Linguistic Society 14: 35-55.

    Fillmore, Charles J., Paul Kay & Mary C. O'Connor, 1988. "Regularity and
    idiomaticity in grammatical constructions: The case of Let Alone."
    Language 64: 501-538.

    Frei, Henri, 1962. "L'unit linguistique complexe." Lingua 11:128-140.

    Goldberg, Adele, 1995. Constructions. A Construction Grammar Approach to
    Argument Structure. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

    Langacker, Ronald W., 1987. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar. Vol. I.
    Theoretical Prerequisites. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

    Functionalists and Structuralists

    Michael Halliday
    (compared with Saussure's view) http://www.allgaeu.org/fak/halliday.htm

    MM Bakhtin

    VN Voloshinov

    Teun A. van Dijk

    Walter Kintsch

    Barnes, B. (1981). On the conventional character of knowledge and
    cognition. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 11, 303-333.

    Gazdar, G. (1977). Conversational analysis and convention:
    Sociolinguistics. Analytic Sociology, 1(1), D8-F9. [ 1]

    Schwartz, H. (1989). The life history of a social norm. In D.T. Helm,
    W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional
    order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 162-185). New
    York, NY: Irvington Publishers.

    Wieder, D.L., and Wright, C. (1982). Norms, conformity and deviance. In
    Rosenberg, Stebbins, and Turoweta (Eds.) The sociology of deviance (pp.
    258-287). New York, NY: St. Martins Press.

    Wootton, A.J. (1986). Rules in action: Orderly features of actions that
    formulate rules. In J. Cook-Gumperz, W. Corsaro, and J. Streeck (Eds.)
    Children's worlds in children's language (pp. 147-168). Berlin, BRD:
    Mouton de Gruyter.

    Harold Garfinkel -- Ethnomethodology
    Garfinkel, H. (???). A manual for the study of naturally organized
    ordinary activities. 3 vols. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

    Philip E. Agre

    Judith Martin -- "Miss Manners"

    Virginia Shea -- "Netiquette"

    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    Wittgenstein L. (1987). Philosophical Investigations. G. E. Anscombe &
    R. Rhees (Editors), Prentice Hall. (par. 227):
    "Would it make sense to say 'If he did something DIFFERENT every day we
    should not say he was obeying a rule'? That makes NO sense." (the
    capitals are terms W. put in italics + between par 190 and 242-3, you'll
    find a discussion of W. on 'following a rule').

    "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip where the two play "Calvin ball", a game
    where you make the rules as you go along...

    Gideon Toury
    Toury G. (1995). The Nature and Role of Norms in Translation. In
    "Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond". Amsterdam-Philadelphia:
    John Benjamins, 1995, 53-69.
    Toury G. (1998). A Handful of Paragraphs on 'Translation' and 'Norms'.
    In: Christina Schffner, ed. Translation and Norms. Clevedon etc.:
    Multilingual Matters, 1998. 10-32. [also available as Vol 5, Nos 1&2 of
    Current Issues in Language & Society]

    Lawrence Lessig
    The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach

    Graham Greenleaf

    Itamar Even-Zohar
    Polysystem Theory -- A revised version of "Polysystem Theory," in
    Polysystem Studies [= Poetics Today, 11:1] 1990, pp. 9-26. First version
    was published in Poetics Today 1979 I, 1-2:287-310.

    Peter Suber -- The Reflexivity of Change: The Case of Language Norms

    Kimberly Fisher
    Fisher, K. (1997). Locating Frames in the Discursive Universe.
    Sociological Research Online, 2:3

    Erving Goffman

    Sentence conventions -

    Mark Bernstein - Patterns of Hypertext

    Lewis Carroll
    Fit the Second - The Bellman's Speech
    "What's the good of Mercator's North Poles and Equators,
    Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?"
    So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply
    "They are merely conventional signs!

    Fidler R.F. (1997). Mediamorphosis: Understanding New Media. Pine Forge
    Press, Thousand Oaks, CA.
    "The wealth of communication technologies we now take for granted would
    not have been possible if the birth of each new medium had resulted in
    the simultaneous death of an older medium."

    Sapir, E. (1929): 'The Status of Linguistics as a Science'. In E. Sapir
    (1958): Culture, Language and Personality (ed. D. G. Mandelbaum).
    Berkeley, CA: University of California Press
    "We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because
    the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of
    interpretation. (Sapir 1958 [1929], p. 69)"

    Lev Vygotsky

    John B. Van Huyck et al.
    "Convention generalizes precedent to situations where one lacks shared
    experience, but knows that everyone involved is a member of the same
    community. An observable regularity in the behavior of members of a
    community in a recurrent situation is a convention if it is customary,
    expected, and mutually consistent..."

    Other Links:

    Einat Amitay

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