12.0501 feedback & responses

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 07:41:07 +0000 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 12, No. 501.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (59)
Subject: Call for EDSITEment Nominations

[2] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> (93)
Subject: STANDARDS: Feedback requested on Universal
Preservation Format

[3] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (21)
Subject: Oxford Scoping Study: Questionnaires

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 07:40:09 +0000
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: Call for EDSITEment Nominations

>> From: "Serventi, Jennifer" <JServenti@neh.gov>

March 11, 1999

Dear Fellow Humanities Web Site User:

I hope you are among the thousands of teachers, students, and lifelong
learners who have found that EDSITEment is an excellent gateway to the best
humanities-related educational content on the Internet. Launched in 1997,
EDSITEment was created and sponsored by the National Endowment for the
Humanities, MCI WorldCom, the Council of the Great City Schools, and the
National Trust for the Humanities. As you may know, we depend on your
nominations to begin the process of identifying those sites that have rich
content to support substantive study in the humanities. Out of the more
than 500 sites that you have nominated in the past two years, scholars and
educators serving on merit review panels have selected 49 sites to be
included in EDSITEment.

Once the sites have been chosen, EDSITEment adds the use of a powerful
search engine, as well as cross-disciplinary lesson plans for classroom use.
By many measures-hits, user sessions, and most important, teachers'
enthusiastic comments in the "Talk to Us" Forum-EDSITEment has been a great

We now once again ask your help in identifying additional web sites that
will expand EDSITEment's reach with new humanities materials that are
suitable for classroom learning. We are not interested at this juncture in
comprehensive bibliographical web sites that offer numerous linkages to a
variety of other related sites.Rather we are seeking sites that are
content-rich and designed to engage students in a significant body of
knowledge. With your help, we plan to add twenty-five sites this year.

As you survey sites that you find most useful, we ask that you consider the
following questions:

Intellectual Quality: Does the site provide rich and multilayered humanities
content? Does it provide students access to authentic, significant materials
with precise references? Is the information accurate, balanced, and updated
frequently? Is this site unique, or is the material more easily available

Web Site Design: Is the site user-friendly and attractive graphically? Is it
easy to access information at different parts of the site? Does the site
provide for more than a one-dimensional exposition, allowing students to
experience a continuum of working with the materials that lead to greater
sophistication and creativity? Does the site allow for an active,
constructive relationship to the material? If teacher guides or exercises
are available, do they tap the resources of the site deeply? (Note: such
resources are not a requirement.) Does the site require additional hardware
or software? Are links to other related sites easily accessible? Does the
site have special features to attract and engage users?

Web Site Impact: Can this site serve multiple audiences or is it highly
specialized? Are you aware of any particular uses it would have in the
curriculum of a school or college? Does the content relate to education
standards developed by your state? If you use this site in your teaching,
for which courses and what kinds of assignments or student projects is it
most useful? Does the site engage students and encourage them to develop
active interest and mastery of the subject area? Is this the best or one of
the best sites that you know of in this subject area?

Our deadline for nominations is April 1. To nominate a site, or to contact
us, use the "Talk to Us" function on EDSITEment (http://edsitement.neh.gov),
or send an e-mail message to edsitement@neh.gov. You need only to send the
URL and any comments that would be helpful. We are grateful for your help
and will send you the results of our survey within the next few months.

William R. Ferris
National Endowment for the Humanities

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 07:27:08 +0000
From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
Subject: STANDARDS: Feedback requested on Universal Preservation Format

March 16 1999


An important new standard in the preservation of digital media is nearing
the completion of its first iteration. Those for whom this could be an
important component of their work are urged to download and comment on the
papers referred to, notably the "User and Technical Requirements."

David Green
>Date: 03/05/99 3:02 PM
>To: Thom Shepard
>From: UPF@info.wgbh.org

The first phase of the Universal Preservation Format project, which is
sponsored by the WGBH Educational Foundation and funded by a grant
(97-029) from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission
of the National Archives, comes to a close at the end of March. I urge you
to download the pdf files of the recently revised User and Technical
Requirements, as well as our separate HTML bibliography.

You can find these papers at http://info.wgbh.org/upf/index.html

Thom Shepard
>Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:21:33 -0400
>From: Thom Shepard <Thom_Shepard@WGBH.ORG>
What I did not make clear in my last message is that we are still looking
for feedback to the User and Technical Requirements. We will continue to
evaluate these comments and incorporate them into final changes to these
documents, as well as our project's final report to the National Historical
Publications and Records Commission.

Thom Shepard

David L. Green
Executive Director
21 Dupont Circle, NW
Washington DC 20036
202/296-5346 202/872-0886 fax

See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at
March 16 1999


An important new standard in the preservation of digital media is nearing
the completion of its first iteration. Those for whom this could be an
important component of their work are urged to download and comment on the
papers referred to, notably the "User and Technical Requirements."

David Green
>Date: 03/05/99 3:02 PM
>To: Thom Shepard
>From: UPF@info.wgbh.org

The first phase of the Universal Preservation Format project, which is
sponsored by the WGBH Educational Foundation and funded by a grant (97-029)
from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission of the
National Archives, comes to a close at the end of March. I urge you to
download the pdf files of the recently revised User and Technical
Requirements, as well as our separate HTML bibliography.

You can find these papers at http://info.wgbh.org/upf/index.html

Thom Shepard
>Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:21:33 -0400
>From: Thom Shepard <Thom_Shepard@WGBH.ORG>
>Subject: UPF RP (Correction)

What I did not make clear in my last message is that we are still looking
for feedback to the User and Technical Requirements. We will continue to
evaluate these comments and incorporate them into final changes to these
documents, as well as our project's final report to the National Historical
Publications and Records Commission.

Thom Shepard

David L. Green
Executive Director
21 Dupont Circle, NW
Washington DC 20036
202/296-5346 202/872-0886 fax

See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 07:27:19 +0000
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: Oxford Scoping Study: Questionnaires

>> From: Stuart Lee <stuart.lee@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>

Dear All,

To announce the latest addition to the web site for Oxford's Mellon-funded
study of the University's digitization collections. I have now mounted a
page detailing progress to date, and the questionnaires used in the
interviews currently underway. See:



http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/scoping/ for the home page.

Stuart Lee

Dr Stuart D Lee | Current Project: 'Scoping The Future of
Clarendon Building | Oxford's Digital Collections'
Broad Street |
Oxford OX1 3BG | Head of the Centre for Humanities Computing
Tel: +44 1865 277230 |
Fax: +44 1865 273275 | Chair, University's Datasets Committee
E-mail: Stuart.Lee@oucs.ox.ac.uk

Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>