[1] From: David Green <david@ninch.org> (72)
Subject: Conference: IEEE Metadata '99
[2] From: Soraj Hongladarom <hsoraj@chula.ac.th> (81)
Subject: CFP: Science in Thai Culture
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 15:22:32 -0500
From: David Green <david@ninch.org>
Subject: Conference: IEEE Metadata '99
September 22, 1998
>Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 14:31:09 -0400 (EDT)
>From: IEEE Digital Library News <ieeedln@cimic3.rutgers.edu>
>To: david@ninch.org
=09=09=09=09IEEE Meta-Data'99
=09=09=09The Third IEEE Meta-Data Conference
=09=09=09=09April 6 & 7, 1999
=09=09=09Natcher Building & Conference Center
=09=09=09NIH Campus, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society - Mass Storage Systemss and Technology
Technical Committee and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration=
Information for Participants
* The Call for Papers
* Information for Authors
* Intent to Submit Form
* Conference Location
The goal of the IEEE Meta-Data Conference is to encourage discussion of
metadata-related issues.
Papers that contribute to practical understanding, with an emphasis on best
encouraged. Innovative metadata projects or approaches that have achieved
maturity are welcome.
Papers presenting a vision that builds on the evolution of current
capabilities (e.g.,advanced search capabilities; data mining; knowledge
management for the novice and the expert; role of metadata in enabling
novel and sophisticated applications exploiting digital data across
heterogeneous environments) are of great interest. Survey papers, short
tutorial papers, and product or project experiences are also requested.
Previously published papers will not be considered.
Panel proposals should describe the topic, intended audience, and list the
likely participants. Panels should discuss topics that involve the audience
rather than being mini-paper sessions. Proposals for poster displays and/or
demonstrations should focus on presenting novel and interesting technical
aspects of metadata research or development. Soon-to-be products that
emphasize substantial technical support for metadata are also welcome.
[material deleted]
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 15:46:09 +0700
From: Soraj Hongladarom <hsoraj@chula.ac.th>
Subject: CFP: Science in Thai Culture
Papers are invited for the panel session on Science in Thai Culture, which
is a part of the upcoming 7th International Conference on Thai Studies, to
be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from July 5 to 8, 1999. More
information can be found at the conference website,
Deadline for submission of abstracts and returning registration form --
December 31, 1998.
Abstracts (max. 250 words) should be sent to the Conference Secretariat via
e-mail or regular mail.
Conference Secretariat
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Department of Anthropology
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185
1012 DK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Panel organizer: Dr. Soraj Hongladarom (Department of Philosophy, Faculty
of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Thailand, to say what is obvious, is a developing country. It was hailed as
a new economic ^=CCtiger=B9 just a few years ago, before the economic crisi=
s hit
it and many countries in the region hard. Various factors have been pointed
out as probable causes of the crisis, chief among which is Thailand=B9s lac=
of competitiveness in its business and industrial operations. This lack of
competitiveness is not only due to the rising value of the US dollar and
the peg between it and the baht maintained by the Bank of Thailand. The
real cause appeared to be the fact that Thailand relied on cheap labor and
imported raw materials, and there were little attempts to put higher added
values through indigenous research and development. Most industrialists
preferred just to purchase ready made technologies rather than producing
them on their own.=A0
The situation alluded to above points to many of the major concerns of this
panel: To what extent is Thailand's lack of global competitiveness due to
the issue of the absorption or non-absorption of science and technology
into the fabric of Thai culture? Is the current economic crisis ultimately
linked to the fact that a significant number of Thais still view science
and technology as something alien, something brought up to them from
outside, something foreign? Could the educational system that emphasizes
rote learning and solving problems through preset rules and algorithms be
the real culprit? Is it the case that in order to solve the education
problem some salient aspects of the Thai culture itself need to change
forever? How could one remain a ^=CCThai=B9 while at the same time embracin=
scientific attitudes, beliefs, habits of mind, etc., that together
constitute the ^=CCscientific literate=B9 person? How could one understand =
aspect of Thai society in its relation to science and technology?=A0
In short, this panel aims at understanding how science and technology
relates to Thai culture and society. The questions in the previous
paragraph are only intended to provide some hints as to the scope and
interest of the panel and are not exhaustive. The following subthemes (also
not exhaustive) should provide a clearer picture of the aim and scope of
the panel:=A0
* History of science in Thailand
* Scientific culture vs. Thai culture
* ^=CCWestern=B9 science and ^=CCThai=B9 science?
* Science and the Thai belief systems
* Science in an emerging economy
* Thai public=B9s understanding of science * Social, cultural and polit=
problems arising from attempts at integrating ^=CCscientific beliefs=
=B9 or
'scientific attitudes' into the Thai ^=CCcultural universe=B9
* Science and Civil Society (e.g., the role of scientific attitude or
critical thinking in fostering a strong civil society, etc.)
It is expected that this panel will be an interdisciplinary forum embracing
such disciplines as anthropology, sociology, philosophy, education, the
natural and biological sciences, and others. As there is now little
research on the social, cultural and political aspects of science in Thai
society, this panel will clearly act as a jumping board toward more
substantive and expansive research in this area. Moreover, a close look at
the role of science in Thai society will help contribute to the overall
theme of the 7th ICTS through its examination of how science as the most
powerful knowledge system of humans today relates to the attempts to
understand the emerging civil society as a counterbalancing force within
the Thai political context.=A0
Soraj Hongladarom Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, THAILAND
Personal Web Page: http://pioneer.chula.ac.th/~hsoraj/web/soraj.html
Humanist Discussion Group=20
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>