11.0566 conferences, workshop

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 18:50:05 +0000 (GMT)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 566.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (135)

[2] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (181)
Subject: Workshop on Analogy

[3] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (111)

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 10:39:17 -0500 (EST)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>

>> From: guojin@iss.nus.sg (Guo Jin)


FEBRUARY 18-20, 1998


Attached below are papers to be presented at the
conference. For further information, please check
the web page and/or email us.

Guo Jin

Opening Ceremony (9:00--9:30am, 18 Feb 98)

Tea Break (9:30--10:00am, 18 Feb 98)

Session I
Grammar (10:00am--12:30pm, 18 Feb 98)

1. Daeho Chung:
Ettehkey 'How' as a Small Clause Head.
2. Beom-mo Kang:
Three Kinds of Korean Reflexives: A Corpus Linguistic
Investigation on Grammar and Usage.
3. York Chung-Ho Yang & June-Jei Kuo:
The Chinese Temporal Coverbs, Postpositions, Coverb-
Postposition Pairs, and Their Temporal Logic.
4. Jie Xu:
Grammatical Devices in the Processing of [+Wh] and
5. Lian-Cheng Chief:
Mandarin Intransitive Reflexive Verbs and the
Unaccusative Hypothesis (Mandarin Intransitive
Reflexive Verbs).

Session II
Syntax and Phonology (2:00pm-- 5:30pm, 18 Feb 98)

1. Masahiro Oku:
Analyzing Embedded Noun Phrase Structures Derived
from Japanese Double-Nominal-Case Construction.
2. Akira Ikeya and Masahito Kawamori:
The Two Kinds of Japanese Negative Nai in Terms of
their NP1 Licensing Condition.
3. Chiharu Uda Kikuta:
A Multiple Inheritance Analysis of the Internally-
Headed Relative Clause in Japanese.
4. Yoshie Yamashita:
The Acquisition of Functional Categories: Data from
5. Seiichiro Inaba:
Moras, Syllables, and Feet in Japanese.
6. Seok-keun Kang:
English Nasal-Final Prefixes and Uniform Exponence.

Session III
Lexicon and Semantics (9:00am--12:30pm, 19 Feb 98)

1. Jae-Il Yeom & Ik-Hwan Lee:
Common Grounds as Multiple Information States.
2. Yibin Ni:
Co-Interpretation Network in English Discourse.
3. Cornelia Maria Verspoor:
Predictivity vs. Stipulativity in the Lexicon.
4. Dan-Hee Yang, Ik-Hwan Lee & Mansuk Song:
On Using Case Prototypicality as a Semantic Primitive.
5. Hiroaki Nakamura & Takeshi Fujita:
Case Alternations in Potential Constructions in
Japanese and Their Semantic Implications.
6. Kiyoshi Ishikawa:
On Plural Anaphora.

Session IV
Keynote Speeches (2:00pm--4:30pm, 19 Feb 98)

1. Jhing-fa Wang:
Experience on the Development of Spoken Language
System based on Continuous Speech Recognition.
2. K. P. Mohanan:
A Topic on Theoretical Linguistics to be Announced

Special Workshop: (5:00pm--6:00pm, 19 Feb 98)

1. Yasuhito Tanaka & Kenji Kita:
Machine-Readable Dictionary Headwords.
2. Charles Lee:
The Advantages of 3D-Trees in Modelling Human
Sentence Processing.
3. Young-Soog Chae:
An Improvement of Korean Proof-Reading System Using
Corpus and Collocation Rules (A Korean Proof-Reading
System Using Multiple Dictionaries and a Corpus).
4. Shun Ha Sylvia Wong & Peter Hancox:
An Investigation into the Use of Argument Structure
and Lexical Mapping Theory for Machine Translation.
5. Kok Wee Gan:
Using A Semantic Classification in Parsing Chinese:
Some Preliminary Results.
6. Yong-Beo Kim:
Adjunct Roles and External Predication.
7. Mariko Saiki:
On the Underlying Representation of the Tough
Construction in English.
8. Minako Nakayasu:
Tense and the Speaker's Attitude in English.

Session V
Language Modelling (9:00am--1:00pm, 20 Feb 98)

1. Guodong Zhou & Kim-Teng Lua:
MI-Trigger-Based Language Modelling.
2. Zhao-Ming Gao & Harold Somers:
Extracting Recurrent Phrases and Terms from
Texts Using a Purely Statistical Method.
3. Haizhou Li & Baosheng Yuan:
Chinese Word Segmentation.
4. Julia Hockenmaier & Chris Brew:
Error-Driven Learning of Chinese Word Segmentation.
5. Yujie Zhang & Kazuhiko Ozeki:
Automatic Bunsetsu Segmentation of Japanese Sentences
Using a Classification Tree.
6. Kenneth Lau & Robert Luk:
Word-Sense Classification by Hierarchical Clustering.
7. Zhao-Ming Gao:
A High-Precision Translation Lexicon from Parallel
Chinese-English Corpora (Automatic Acquisition of a
High-Precision Translation Lexicon from Parallel
Chinese-English Corpora).

Session VI
Parsing and Processing (2.00pm-- 5:30pm, 20 Feb 98)

1. Joe Zhou:
Surrogator: A Simple Yet Efficient Document
Condensation System.
2. Haodong Wu:
A Computational Method for Resolving Ambiguities in
Coordinate Structures.
3. Simin Li & Y. Itoh:
On Removing Ambiguity in Text Understanding.
4. June-Jei Kuo:
An Automatic Chinese Document Revision System Using
the Bit and Character Mask Approach.
5. Yasuo Koyama:
Japanese Kana-to-Kanji Conversion Using Large Scale
Collocation Data.
6. Hanmin Jung et al:
Syntactic Verifier as a Filter to Compound Unit

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 10:40:02 -0500 (EST)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: Workshop on Analogy

>> From: cris@pscs2.irmkant.rm.cnr.it (Cristiano Castelfranchi)

Advances in Analogy Research:
Integration of Theory and Data from the Cognitive, Computational, and
Neural Sciences
Sofia, July 17-20, 1998

This workshop is intended to stimulate the researchers in the field of
analogy to cooperate more intensively and to integrate various approaches
and data in their study. Its aim is to advance our understanding of the
cognitive mechanisms of analogy-making, i.e. how people notice/perceive
analogies, how they retrieve analogs from memory or how they construct
them, how they map and transfer knowledge from one domain to another, how
they combine knowledge from multiple analogs or how they combine analogy
with rule-based reasoning, how they generalize and learn from the analogies
made, how they use analogies for problem solving, explanation,
argumentation, creation. What is the place of analogy among the various
cognitive processes, such as perception, thinking, memory, learning, etc.
What is the role of analogy in human development? Which are the brain
structures involved in analogy-making processes? What kind of deficits do
brain-damaged patients exhibit?

This workshop will be highly interdisciplinary and will make a serious
attempt to integrate the knowledge researchers have accumulated on
analogy-making in various domains: Artificial Intelligence/Computational
Modeling, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Neuropsychology,
Philosophy, Cognitive Linguistics, as well as various applications in
Education, Legal and Political Reasoning, etc. A serious attempt will be
made to integrate all the positive results obtained so far in theories of
analogy-making, computational modeling, and experimental work.

The workshop participants will participate in numerous formal and informal
discussions which we hope will lead to systematization of the knowledge in
the field, formulating established facts, open issues, and ideas for new

Format of the workshop
The workshop will consist of key talks (45 min) (see the list of key
talks), short papers (20 min), poster presentations, round table thematic
discussions, working group sessions, informal discussions, concluding
discussions on ideas for future work and cooperative projects.

Pre-Proceedings of the workshop (containing all the accepted papers) will
be published in advance and distributed to the participants, so that we can
focus on discussions and joint work at the workshop.

Submission instructions
Paper and poster submissions should be made both electronically (in RTF
format) and in hard copy (A4 or US letter (11" x 8.5") paper format)
following these instructions. Papers should be no more than 8 pages long,
poster abstracts - one page. The text should be formatted in two columns
with an overall width of 14 cm and length of 20 cm, with 0.7 cm between the
columns. Use 10 point Times Roman with 11 point vertical spacing, unless
otherwise specified. The title should be 14 point, bold, centered, 0.5 cm
below the top margin. Authors' names should be in 11 point, bold, and
centered; authors' affiliation, postal address, and e-mail address should
be in ordinary 10 point, centered. First-level headings should be 12 point,
bold, initial caps, and centered. Second-level headings should be 11 point,
initial caps, bold, and flush left. Third-level headings should be 10
point, bold, initial caps, and flush left. Use standard APA citation
format, e.g. (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981).

Send your submissions electronically to analogy@cogs.nbu.acad.bg
and my regular mail to:
Boicho Kokinov - Analogy'98
Cognitive Science Department
New Bulgarian University
21, Montevideo Str.
Sofia 1635, Bulgaria


Deadline for workshop registration - March 1st, 1998
Deadline for submission of papers - March 1st, 1998
Deadline for poster abstracts - March 20th, 1998
Notification of Acceptance - April 15th, 1998
Invited participants' deadline for papers - June 1st, 1998
Publication of the Workshop Proceedings - June 30th, 1998
Workshop - July 17-20, 1998, (arrival 16th, departure 21st)

Participants and Funding

Participation in the workshop is mainly by invitation to ensure high
quality and balance of representatives of various schools of thought, of
various disciplines, of various countries and continents. The organizers
hope that all these schools and geographic regions will be represented. The
following list of invitees is provisional and open for additions. The
workshop is, however, open to other participants as well, up to the upper
limit of 50 participants.

The organizers are looking for some funding which would allow us to support
some of the participants for their participation in the workshop. However,
as this is still uncertain, we would like to kindly ask the potential
participants to look for their own funding sources and to try to ensure
their participation in advance.


The workshop will take place during the 5th International Summer School in
Cognitive Science (July 13-25, 1998) which will offer an opportunity to
have external critics and advisors from well known researchers working in
other areas of cognitive science.


Sofia is an old city first established by the Thracians about 4000BC. There
are still some ruins from the old Roman time city. The National History
Museum holds some fascinating gold treasures from Thracian times. There is
a small church with frescos from the 12th century painted in a realistic
Renaissance style a long time before the Renaissance in Europe started.
Not very far from Sofia is the beautiful Rila monastery as well as some old
towns like Plovdiv (with an old town part and a Roman amphitheater) and
Koprivstitza. You may also want to combine your trip with a holyday at the
Black Sea side.

Organizing Committee:

Dedre Gentner (Northwestern Univ., USA) gentner@nwu.edu - Co-Director
Keith Holyoak (Univ. of California at Los Angeles, USA)
holyoak@lifesci.ucla.edu edu - Co-Director
Boicho Kokinov (New Bunlgarian Univ., Bulgaria) kokinov@cogs.nbu.acad.bg
edu - Co-Director
Robert French (Univ. of Liege, Belgium) rfrench@ulg.ac.be
Erica Melis (Univ. of Saarland, Germany) melis@cs.uni-sb.de

List of key talks

Umberto Eco - (not confirmed yet)
Douglas Hofstadter - Analogy as the Core of Cognition
Keith Holyoak - The Place of Analogy in a Physical Symbol System
Dedre Gentner - Comparison and Cognition
Gilles Fauconnier - Analogy and Conceptual Integration
Jaime Carbonell - Analogy in Problem Solving, from the Routine to the Creative
Boicho Kokinov - Analogy is like Cognition: Complex, Emergent,
Mark Keane - Why Conceptual Combination is Seldom Analogy
David Premack - Analogies in Chimpanzees
Andy Meltzoff - The Origins and Early Development of Analogy in the
Preverbal Period
Usha Goswami - Analogical Reasoning in Children
Graeme Halford - The Problem of Structural Complexity in Cognitive
Processes: A Metric Based on Representational Rank
Ken Forbus - Qualitative Mental Models: Simulations or Memories?
Paul Thagard - Emotional Analogies
James Hampton - Analogy is like categorization: thoughts on the role of
conceptual structure in analogical reasoning
Adam Biela - Analogical Resoning as a Base for Structuring Cognitive
Schemata in New Situations: A Case of Economic Transformation in
Post-Communist Countries

List of invited participants

Ron Ferguson (Northwestern University, USA) ferguson@ils.nwu.edu
Ken Kurtz (Northwestern University, USA) kjk@nwu.edu
Arthur Markman (Columbia University, USA) markman@paradox.psych.columbia.edu
John Hummel (UCLA, USA) jhummel@lifesci.ucla.edu
Richard Catrambone (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) rc7@prism.gatech.edu
Charles Wharton (National Institutes of Health, USA) wharton@codon.nih.gov
Barbara Spellman (U. of Virginia, USA) spellman@psyvax.psy.utexas.edu
Laura Novick (Vanderbilt University, USA) novicklr@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
Mary Jo Rattermann (Hampshire, USA) mratter1@swarthmore.edu
Judy DeLoache (U. of Illinois, USA) jdeloach@[s.psych.]uiuc.edu
Manuela Veloso(CMU, USA) mmv@cs.cmu.edu
David Leake (Indiana University, USA) leake@cs.indiana.edu
Robert Goldstone (Indiana University, USA) rgoldsto@ucs.indiana.edu
Jim Marshall (Indiana University, USA) marshall@cogsci.indiana.edu
Brian Bowdle (Indiana University, USA) bbowdle@indiana.edu
Melanie Mitchell (Santa Fe Institute, USA) mm@santafe.edu
Miriam Bassok (U. of Washington, USA) mbassok@u.washington.edu
Roger Thompson (Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, USA)
Nancy Nersessian (Georgia Tech, USA) nancyn@cc.gatech.edu
John Clement (University of Massachusets, MA, USA) jclement@educ.umass.edu
Eve Sweetser (UC Berkeley, USA) sweetser@cogsci.berkeley.edu
Adele Goldberg (UCSD, USA) aegoldberg@ucsd.edu
Lokendra Shastri (UC Berkeley, USA) schastri@icsi.berkeley.edu
Thomas Ward (Texas A&M University, USA) tbw@psyc.tamu.edu
Ronald Finke (Texas A&M University, USA) raf@psyc.tamu.edu
Jim Herriot (Sun, USA) Jim.Herriot@Eng.Sun.COM
Cameron Shelley (U. of Waterloo, Canada) cpshelle@watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Bipin Indurkhya (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
Hiroaki Suzuki (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) susan@ri.aoyama.ac.jp
Tony Plate (Victoria U of Wellington, New Zealand) Tony.Plate@MCS.VUW.AC.NZ
Pentti Kanerva (SICS, Sweden) kanerva@sics.se
Robert French (University of Liege, Belgium) rfrench@ulg.ac.be
John A Barnden (University of Birmingham, UK) <J.A.Barnden@cs.bham.ac.uk>
Michael Ramscar (University of Edinburgh, UK) Michael@aisb.ed.ac.uk
Bruce Burns (U. of Potsdam, Germany) burns@persius.rz.uni-potsdam.de
Friedrich Wilkening ( U. of Tuebingen, Germany)

Michael Waldmann (Max-Planck Institute of Psychological Research in Munich,
Germany) waldmann@mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de
Meredith Gattis (Max-Planck Institute of Psychological Research in Munich,
Germany) gattis@mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de
Erica Melis (Univ. of Saarland, Germany) melis@cs.uni-sb.de
Cristina Cacciari (University of Bologna, Italy) cacciari@psibo.unibo.it
Stella Vosniadou (University of Athens, Greece) svosniad@atlas.uoa.ariadne-t.gr
Merry Bullock (University of Vilnus, Estonia) mxb.apa@email.apa.org,
Maciej Haman (University of Warsaw, Poland) MEH@sci.psych.uw.edu.pl
Dan Simon (Haifa University, Israel) dsimon@research.haifa.ac.il

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 10:40:50 -0500 (EST)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>

>> From: John Carroll <johnca@cogs.susx.ac.uk>


a workshop jointly organised by the CEC Language
Engineering 1 projects SPARKLE and ECRAN

to be held at the



This workshop will provide a forum for researchers interested in the
development and evaluation of natural language grammars and parsing
systems, and in the creation of syntactically annotated reference

Organisers: John Carroll, Roberto Basili, Nicoletta Calzolari,
Robert Gaizauskas, Gregory Grefenstette


The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of
evaluation methods for parsing systems, and proposals for the
development of syntactically annotated language resources.

With increased attention to evaluation of component technology in
language engineering, evaluation of parsing systems is rapidly becoming
a key issue. Numerous methods have been proposed and while one, the
Parseval/Penn Treebank scheme, has gained wide usage, this has to some
extent been due to the absence of workable alternatives rather than to
whole-hearted support. Parseval/PTB evaluation has several limitations
and drawbacks, including a commitment to a particular style of
grammatical analysis, and oversensitivity to certain innocuous types of
misanalysis while failing to penalise other common types of more serious
mistake. Also, the original published description of the scheme -- and
the evaluation software widely distributed as a follow-up to it -- is
specific to the English language. It may be that there are currently no
alternative more workable schemes or proposals, but this needs to be
more fully discussed: this workshop will provide an opportunity for such
a debate.

This workshop is particularly timely given the large number of CEC
Language Engineering projects that involve parsing in one form or
another and which need to evaluate and share the results of their
efforts. Parsing is an essential part of many larger applications, such
as Information Extraction, which have gained in importance over the last
few years. Often in such systems, the strength of the parser and
grammar has a direct effect on the desired results, and thus achieving
good results rests on being able to determine and improve weaknesses in
the parser/grammar. Without a reliable parser evaluation method this
cannot be done effectively.

A parsing evaluation workshop is also appropriate at this time given the
imminent creation of large-scale syntactically annotated resources for
European languages. Contributions from those involved in such activities
are welcomed, so as to improve communication between the resource
construction and the resource utilisation communities. This should
ensure that the resources constructed are maximally useful to the
general language engineering community.

The organisation of this workshop brings together two European language
engineering projects which are closely related and whose partners share
similar research interests: SPARKLE and ECRAN.

The organisers solicit contributions from the general community on the
following topics:

-- descriptions of generic syntactic annotation schemes
-- methodologies and metrics for parsing system evaluation
-- reports and analyses of the results of utilising particular parser
evaluation schemes
-- description/analysis/experience of language-dependent (especially
for languages other than English) and task-dependent syntactic
annotation schemes


Roberto Basili Gregory Grefenstette
Ted Briscoe Mark Hepple
Nicoletta Calzolari Tony McEnery
John Carroll Maria Teresa Pazienza
Roberta Catizone Paola Velardi
Robert Gaizauskas Yorick Wilks


Papers should not exceed 4000 words or 10 pages. Submission may be in
either hard copy or electronic form. The submission deadline is February
15th, 1998.

Hard Copy Submission:

Three copies of the paper should be sent to:

Dr John Carroll
Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH

Electronic Submission:

Electronic submission may be in either self-contained Latex, Postscript,
or RTF formats, to john.carroll@cogs.susx.ac.uk. For each submission --
whether hard copy or electronic -- a separate plain ascii text email
message should be sent to John Carroll, containing the following

# NAME : Name of first author
# TITLE: Title of the paper
# PAGES: Number of pages
# NOTE : Any relevant instructions
# KEYS : Keywords
# EMAIL: Email of the first author
# ABSTR: Abstract of the paper
. . . . . .


Paper submission deadline (hard copy/electronic) February 15th
Notification of acceptance March 10th
Camera-ready papers due April 10th
Workshop May 26th


General information about the conference is at:

See <http://ceres.ugr.es/~rubio/elra.html> for information on local

Specific queries about the conference should be directed to:

LREC Secretariat
Facultad de Traduccion e Interpretacion
Dpto. de Traduccion e Interpretacion
C/ Puentezuelas, 55
18002 Granada, SPAIN
Tel: +34 58 24 41 00 - Fax: +34 58 24 41 04

Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>