11.0176 e-publishing in science

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 08:21:39 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 176.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 16:52:05 +0100
From: Ian Butterworth <i.butterworth@ic.ac.uk>
Subject: conference

Readers of the Humanist may be interested to learn that in connection
with the British Association Annual Festival of Science at the University
of Leeds,the Academia Europaea is organising a half-day John Mason Conference
on the afternoon of Thursday 11 September entitled "Gates vs.Gutenburg? The
impact of electronic publishing on the scientific community"

The speakers will be:

Prof. Pieter Drenth (Chairman of the European Commission on Preservation and
Access; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) :-

"Preservation of Academic Results - on paper or in bytes?"

Robert Cailliau ( Head of the World Wide Web Office,CERN; Chairman of the
International WWW Conference Committee) :-

"Goals for the world wide web"

Prof. Erich Neuhold ( Director, GMD-IPSI,Darmstadt) :-

"Technologies for scientific publishing"

Terry Hulbert ( Producer,Electronic Publishing, Institute of Physics

"Demonstration of electronic publishing"

Conference chaired by Ian Butterworth ( Academia Europaea;Imperial College)

Despite the title and location,I believe the content might also be of
interest to those in the humanities.

The location: Roger Stevens Lecture Theatre 15, University of Leeds.

For those who wish to attend only the Conference there is no charge. The BA
of course hope that many will wish to register for the full Festival on a
daily or weekly basis. Either way, for those who wish to attend, the simplest
approach is to contact:
Sandra Koura at
Major Events,British Association,23 Savile Row,London W1X 2NB

Tel: 0171 973 3076
Fax: 0171 973 3051

e-mail: ba.major.mgr@mcr1.poptel.org.uk

Ian Butterworth

Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>