[1] From: Jascha Kessler <jkessler@ucla.edu> (8)
Subject: Re: 11.0124 lurkers, battle cries, and poetry
[2] From: Marnie Swanson <mswanson@uvic.ca> (94)
Subject: Re: job at Michigan
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 11:59:58 -0700
From: Jascha Kessler <jkessler@ucla.edu>
Subject: Re: 11.0124 lurkers, battle cries, and poetry
It might be interesting for this inquirer about the association between
pleasure and knowledge to start with Freud himself. If he hasnt read
Freud's basic works, perhaps he may not follow too well the dense
discussion in THE PROBLEM OF ANXIETY. But there is also BEYOND THE
Jascha Kessler
Jascha Kessler
Professor of English & Modern Literature, UCLA
Telephone/Facsimile: (310) 393-4648
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:01:35 -0700
From: Marnie Swanson <mswanson@uvic.ca>
Subject: Re: job at Michigan
Wouldn't it be wonderful! I keep seeing this type of position being created
in libraries in the U.S. Their budgets are obviously bigger than ours!
>Ahhh, to dream!
> Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 129.
> Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
> <http://www.princeton.edu/~mccarty/humanist/>
> <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>
> Date: Fri, 20 Jun 1997 15:56:27 -0400 (EDT)
> From: John Price-Wilkin <jpwilkin@umich.edu>
> >Michigan
>(Term Appointment through 7/31/99)
>The Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) provides a program focus for building
>both commercially published and locally created electronic text resources,
>as well as for instruction and research related to electronic text and
>text analysis and systems for wider practical access to text in the
>humanities. With significant collaboration and guidance with faculty, the
>program serves as a catalyst for interdisciplinary scholarship through
>resource building, research support, symposia, and services related to the
>creation of and access to scholarly texts. The HTI coordinator has
>primary responsibility for the development and management of text
>resources and services in support of the Initiative. The HTI is a branch
>of the Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) and has responsibility
>for encoded text resources in the humanities, as well as finding aids
>encoded using the EAD DTD.
>DUTIES: The HTI Coordinator works with a team of librarians and
>technologists in DLPS to establish priorities and build campus services in
>several clearly defined areas. The HTI Coordinator also plays a central
>role in the process of analyzing SGML-encoded materials in all subject
>areas in support of DLPS's non-humanities SGML support activities. Key
>areas of responsibility for the Coordinator include:
>* Collection development.
>* Text production and access services for materials encoded with the TEI
> and EAD DTDs.
>* Assistance with SGML system development.
>* Remote user support.
>* Working with the School of Information, course implementation and
> experiential opportunities for student community.
>Required: ALA accredited MLS. Minimum two years experience in research
>library environment, including experience in service or collection role.
>Demonstrated extensive experience with SGML, text standards, and text
>production in the humanities. Demonstrated experience in the evaluation
>and implementation of text retrieval tools, and in evaluation and
>selection of humanities electronic text resources. Knowledge of one or
>more Western European languages. Demonstrated strong communication skills
>and ability to work in collaborative environment. Demonstrated ability to
>work effectively in multi-cultural environment. Supervisory experience.
>Desired: Advanced degree in humanities discipline. Teaching experience
>related to structured texts, especially in the humanities. Experience in
>design and use of image and multimedia resources relevant to the
>humanities. Experience in grant proposal development. Evidence of
>publication and research related to text resources.
>RANK, SALARY, & LEAVE: Rank of Associate Librarian. Final salary
>dependent on years of previous relevant professional experience. (Minimum
>salary - $33,000); 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick
>leave a year with provisions for extended benefits.
>TO APPLY: Send cover letter & copy of resume to: Karen Downing; Library
>Human Resources; 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North; University of
>Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205
>APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by 7/14/97 will be given
>first consideration.
>The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action
>John Price-Wilkin Phone: 313.764.8074
>Head, Digital Library Production Service Fax: 313.647.6897
>302 Hatcher North email: jpwilkin@umich.edu
>University of Michigan
>Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205
Marnie Swanson
University Librarian
University of Victoria
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 3H5
Phone: (250) 721-8211
Fax: (250) 721-8215
E-mail: mswanson@uvic.ca