[1] From: Bernard Frischer <IDDHBDF@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU> (51)
Subject: UCLA Latin Literature Conference
[2] From: "Christopher G. Fox" <cgfox@rci.rutgers.edu> (45)
Subject: Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 96 17:39 PST
From: Bernard Frischer <IDDHBDF@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: UCLA Latin Literature Conference
Literary History and Its Discontents:
Studies in the Reading of Latin Literature
A Conference Sponsored by the UCLA Department of Classics
and the Southern California Classics Resource Sharing Consortium
Saturday, March 9, 1996
History Department Conference Room
6275 Bunche Hall, UCLA
The traditional view of Roman literary history as a causally linked
narrative of growth and decline has been seriously challenged by
postmodern emphasis upon the subjectivity of such narration. How then can history
claim any authority? Moreover, since the term 'literary' itself has fallen
into disrepute, even disuse, as critics focus their attention upon cultural studies, the relationship
between literary study and historical study has become subject to negotiation
and reinterpretation.
The purpose of this conference is to examine some of the ideological
positions underlying the writing of Roman literary history in the
past and present. What assumptions have been involved in the construction
of a Latin literary canon? How have writers come to make
such assumptions? If literary history is seen as a site of struggle, discontinuity, and exclusion
rather than a seamless teleoglogical narrative, is the writing of literary history possible?
There will be time for discussion after each paper, and audience
participation is warmly encouraged.
Directions to the conference: From the north or south directions on the 405 (San Diego)
Freeway, exit at Wilshire Blvd. East (toward Westwood), and continue on
Wilshire until Westwood Blvd.; turn left. Turn right on Le Conte Avenue, continue until
Hilgard Ave.; turn left. Enter the campus at Hilgard and
Westholme Ave. and go to the information booth, where you can purchase a parking permit
($5.00). The attendant will tell you where to park and can provide a campus map.
Conference attendees can purchase lunch on campus at either North Campus Student Center or LuValle
Commons, both located near Bunche Hall.
There will be a no-host dinner after the conference at a local restaurant at 6:00 p.m. The
cost is $15.00 per person. If you would like to attend, please contact Jessamyn Lewis
at (310) 825-4171 or via E-mail (jessamyn@ucla.edu). <p>
9:30 a.m. Conference attendees are invited to gather for muffins and coffee in Bunche 6275.
10:00-12:00 FIRST SESSION
Introduction: Carole Newlands, UCLA
Pamela Bleisch, University of Georgia: "Illegitimate Fathers: Intertextuality and Literary History
in Aeneid 7"
Amy Richlin, University of Southern California: "The Romans' Burden: Empire/Gender"
Ernst Schmidt, University of Tuebingen and UCLA: "Augustan Literature and the Concept of Classicism"
Respondent: Michael Haslam, UCLA
12:30 LUNCH
Stephen Hinds, University of Washington: "Silver Narratives: Change and 'Decline': 'Secondary' Epic"
Alessandro Barchiesi, Harvard University: "La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu: Statius' Achilleid and the
Programmatic Fallacy"
Sander Goldberg, UCLA: "Appreciating Aper: Conception and Misconveption in Tacitus' Dialogus"
Respondent: William Fitzgerald, UCSD
*Conference attendees are invited to gather after the second session for refreshments
and further conversation.
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 14:03:30 -0500
From: "Christopher G. Fox" <cgfox@rci.rutgers.edu>
Subject: Call for Papers
************************** CALL FOR PAPERS ***************************
An International Conference
University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 4-7 July 1996
'[T]he word "ethics" seems to have replaced "textuality" as the most
charged term in the vocabulary of contemporary literary and cultural
theory' (Steven Connor, TLS, 5 January 1996).
Speakers to include: Simon Critchley (U of Essex; *The Ethics of
Deconstruction*), Geoffrey Galt Harpham (Tulane U; *The Ascetic Imperative*,
*Getting It Right*, "Ethics" in the new ed. of *Critical Terms for Literary
Study*), Dan Jacobson (University College London; South African novelist and
critic; *Adult Pleasures*), Laurence Lockridge (New York U; *The Ethics of
Romanticism*), Ian MacKillop (U of Sheffield; recent biography of F R Leavis),
Christopher Norris (U of Cardiff; *What's Wrong with Postmodernism*, *Truth and
the Ethics of Criticism*, etc.), Ricardo Miguel Alfonso (U Rovira i Virgili),
Anne Cubilie (Georgetown U), Andrew Gibson (U of London, Royal Holloway),
Juliet John (U of Liverpool), Willy Maley (Glasgow U), Norman Ravvin (U of
Toronto), Valeria Wagner (U de Geneve).
Papers are invited from all points-of-view within this currently lively area
of debate. You may wish directly to relate literary texts or theories to the
discipline or discourses of moral philosophy, or you may wish to examine
literary study, itself, in terms of engagement or social value. Sessions may
include: Theories of Literature and Ethics; Ethics-Oriented Readings of
Specific Texts; Ethics and Post-Structuralism; The State of Humanism; Ethics
v. Politics; Ethical Criticism and Queer Theory; Literature, Ethics, and
Feminism; Texts as Reflections of Moral Concern or Agents of Moral Change;
The Author as Moralist; Criticism and Current Human Crises.
Please send abstracts (200-300 words) by 15 March 1996 to the following
address (to which any enquiries should also be sent):
Dr Dominic Rainsford
Department of English
University of Wales
SY23 3DY
Direct Line: (01970) 622213 / +44-1970-622213
Fax: (01970) 622530 / +44-1970-622530
E-mail: dcr@aber.ac.uk
Abstracts may be submitted by mail, fax or e-mail.
Extensive information about Aberystwyth, the University, and the Department
of English is available on the World-Wide Web: