9.353 call for contributions; conference

Humanist (mccarty@phoenix.Princeton.EDU)
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 21:22:49 -0500 (EST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 9, No. 353.
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (Princeton/Rutgers)

[1] From: jrkelly@library.umass.edu (31)
Subject: Call for contributions: collection of essays on

[2] From: Chadia Moghrabi <moghrac@Umoncton.CA> (144)
Subject: CFP: NLP+IA 96/ TAL+AI 96

Date: Mon, 04 Dec 1995 18:37:15 -0500
From: jrkelly@library.umass.edu
Subject: Call for contributions: collection of essays on bibliography

For a proposed volume of approximately fifteen essays on the topic
of bibliography, the editors are seeking potential contributors on
various aspects of the subject. The volume will address questions
of bibliographic literacy. Further, it is hoped that the
compilation will be used in entry-level graduate courses as a means
of developing a professional competence in bibliography and an
understanding of its role in contemporary research in linguistics,
language, folklore, and literature.

For a fuller description of the project and a list of available
topics, please write directly to either of the editors listed below
(do not reply to the Listserv):

David William Foster
Regents' Professor of Spanish and Women's Studies
and Graduate Director, Interdisciplinary Program in the
Dept. of Languages and Literatures
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona 85287-0202

602 965-3752
602 965-0135 (fax)

e-mail: atdwf@asuvm.inre.asu.edu


James R. Kelly
Anglo-American Studies Biblographer
W.E.B. Du Bois Library
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Mass. 01003

413 545-0058
413 545-6873 (fax)

e-mail: jrkelly@library.umass.edu

Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 10:08:20 -0500
From: Chadia Moghrabi <moghrac@Umoncton.CA>
Subject: CFP: NLP+IA 96/ TAL+AI 96

CROSS POSTING / Affichage multiple

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT / Premiere diffusion

********************** CALL FOR PAPERS & EXHIBITS **************************
================Appel aux communications & expositions =====================



Conference internationale
sur le traitement automatique des langues et
ses applications industrielles


JUNE/juin 4 - 6, 1996

Moncton, New-Brunswick, CANADA

The NLP Study Group (GRETAL) at l'Universite de Moncton is organizing
an international conference on NLP with industrial applications as its focus.
The conference will address a number of issues: What are NLP's recent
developments from a theoretical and a practical angle, what kinds of
challenges it faces, how could it help to improve productivity,
how could it help to improve quality of products and services? What
quality control criteria should it be adopting?

Papers are invited on all aspects of natural language processing, including,
but not limited to,
* natural language understanding and generation of textual, spoken and
hand-written language,
* natural language interfaces to databases, expert systems, or industrial
* machine translation, computer aided translation, translation
* syntax, semantics, pragmatics, lexicon, morphology,
* computer assisted language learning,
* dictionaries, corpora, & other language resources
* multimodality
* multilinguality
* NLP industrial applications
* papers of every kind that can help bridge the gap between the theory and
practice of NLP.

Authors are invited to submit preliminary versions of their
papers not exceeding 1000 words (exclusive of references) either in
English or in French, the two official languages of the conference.
Proceedings would be published in the language of the submitted
texts. Simultaneous translation of the presentations would be available
at the conference.

1) The first page should be an identification page containing the title,
the first author's name, affiliation, address, a five (5) line summary and
a five (5) keyword list specifying the subject area.

2) Papers, 1000 words in length, should be submitted preferably by e-mail in
Postscript or in 4 hard copies (A4 page size, 12 pt, times roman, 2.5 cm
(1 inch) margins all around) to:

NLP+IA 96 / TAL+AI 96
Dr. Chadia Moghrabi, professeure
Departement d'informatique
Universite' de Moncton
Moncton, N. B.
E1A 3E9
Phone: (506) 858-4521
Fax: (506) 858-4541
E-mail: nlp-ia@umoncton.ca

3) For both kinds of submissions, a plain text version of the identification
page should be sent separately by electronic mail, using the single
word: SUBMISSION/soumission in the subject line.

FIRST AUTHOR/ Premier auteur:
KEYWORDS/Mots clefs:

All extended abstracts shall be refereed by three members of the program

Lars Ahrenberg (Linkoeping U., Sweden)
Susan Armstrong (ISSCO, U. Geneva, Switzerland)
Christian Boitet (U. Grenoble, France)
Pierrette Bouillon (U. Geneva, Switzerland)
Nicoletta Calzolari (Inst, of Comp. Ling., Pisa, Italy)
Jaime Carbonell (Carnegie-Mellon U., USA)
Veronica Dahl (Simon-Fraser U., Canada)
Chrysanne DiMarco (U. Waterloo, Canada)
Gerard Ellis (Royal Melbourne Inst. of Tech., Australia)
Pierre Isabelle (CITI, Canada)
Eva Hajicova (Charles U., Prague)
Susan Haller (U. Wisconsin, USA)
Eduard Hovy (ISI, USA)
John Hutchins (East-Anglia, UK)
Margaret King (ISSCO, U. Geneva, Switzerland)
Richard Kittredge (U. Montreal, Canada)
Guy Lapalme (U. Montreal, Canada)
Gudrun Magnusdottir (U. Gothenburg, Sweden)
Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Inst. of Sc.& Tech., Japan)
Marie Meteer (BBN, USA)
Chadia Moghrabi (U. Moncton, Canada)
Johanna Moore (U. Pittsburgh, USA)
Allan Ramsay (UMIST, UK)
Geoffrey Sampson (U. Sussex, UK)
Joerg Schuetz (U. Saarbrucken, Germany)
Manfred Stede (TU Berlin, Germany)
Thierry van Steenberghe (U. Louvain, Belgium)
Junichi Tsujii (U. Tokyo, Japan)

Extended abstracts are to be submitted by the 31st of january 1996.
Notification of receipt will be mailed to the first author soon after receipt.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 March 1996. Camera-ready
copies of final full papers must be received by the 1st of May 1996 along
with registration fees.

Authors are also requested to indicate their intention to participate in
the conference as soon as possible to the same e-mail address with the
single word INTENTION in the subject line.

Anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration should
send a brief electronic description along with a specification of physical
requirements (table size, power, telephone connections, number of chairs,
etc.) to the same address with the single word EXHIBIT in the subject line.

Accompanying persons can enjoy the lovely outdoor living in New-Brunswick
and visit the highest tides in the world. Moncton is only 20km
away from the sandy beaches of Shediac, la Capitale mondiale du homard.
The lobster season would be open, so everybody can indulge in delicious
meals of the famous Atlantic lobster.

The conference is organized by GRETAL, Groupe d'etude sur le traitement
automatique des langues at the Universite' de Moncton. The members of the
organizing committee are:

Chadia Moghrabi, Professor of Computer Science, Conference chair
Sadek Eid, Professor of Industrial engineering, director Manufacturing
Technology Centre, and Conference co-chair
Jalal Almhana, Professor of Computer Science
Louise Bosi, Professor of French Studies
Julien Chiasson, Director & professor of Computer Science
Gaston Losier, Ad. director, Centre d'innovation scientifique et
technologique en industrie
Charles Zama, Ad. director, Centre de traduction et de terminologie
Paul Tarau, Professor of Computer Science

Intention to participate as soon as possible
Extended abstract submission January 31, 1996
Notification of acceptance March 15, 1996
Camera-ready & registration May 1 , 1996

Next call for papers in about a month...