25th Medieval Workshop - University of British Columbia

Christopher G. Fox (cgfox@rci.rutgers.edu)
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 16:38:52 -0400

The Classics in the Middle Ages
November 17-18, 1995
For further information, contact Richard Unger (History, Univ. of
British Columbia (richard.unger@ubc.ca)
All sessions will take place in the Green College Recreation
Lounge. The Keynote address will be held in Buchanan Building A

Friday, 17 November 1995

8:30 - 11 Registration

9:00 am - 10:30

Mark Vessey (University of British Columbia), Jerome's Horace:
Vulgar Latin Poetry and the Poet of the Vulgate
George Brown (Stanford Unviversity), The Domus Dei from Antiquity
to Bede
Phill Pulsiano, The Reception of Persius' Satires, 9th-11th

10:30 - 11 Coffee

11 - 12
Michael Herren (University of Toronto), The Greek Background to the
Cosmography of Aethicus Ister
Bernice Kaczynski (McMaster University), Translation from the
Greek: The Carolingians and the Works of Christian

12:30 pm -1:20

Keynote Lecture (in Buchanan A 102):
Jan Ziolkowski (Harvard University), Old Wives' Tales: Classicism
and Anti-Classicism from Apuleius to Chaucer

1:30 - 3:30 Lunch

3:30 - 5:00

Jill Frederick, Bad Poetry, Good Science? The Place of Cicero's
Aratea in the Middle Ages
Elaine Treharne (Leicester University), Vernacular Adaptations of
the Dicts of Cato
Haijo Westra (University of Calgary), Integumental Interpretation
and the School of Chartres

7 pm: Banquet

Saturday, 18 November 1995

9:30 am - 11

Elaine Park, Antique Grammar in the Middle Ages: Influences in
Middle English
Christa Canitz, Gavin Douglas' Eneados: Virgil as Pillar of the
Scottish Nation
Sheila Delaney (Simon Fraser University), Bokenham's Claudian as
Yorkist Propaganda

11 - 11:30 Coffee

11:30 - 12:30

Elizabeth Archibald (University of Victoria), Oedipus and Semiramis
in the Middle Ages
Daniela Boccassini (University of British Columbia), Orlando and
Circe: Hunting for Meaning Across Texts in Boiardo's
Poetic Landscape

12:30 - 3:30 Lunch

3:30 - 5:00

Hartwig Mayer, Ovid as a Source for Konrad of Wrzburg's
Derek Carr (University of British Columbia), Linguistic Subversion
in the Castilian Translation of Bercuire's Ovidius
Peter Schaeffer, Classics in the Boudoir: A Future Pope's Historia
de Duobos Amantibus

5 pm: Reception (in Green College)