9.106 on Humanist

Willard McCarty (mccarty@phoenix.Princeton.EDU)
Tue, 22 Aug 1995 09:17:29 -0400 (EDT)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 9, No. 106.
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities
Princeton and Rutgers

[1] Subject: Salve Humanist!
From: HORN_A@usp.ac.fj
Size: 10 lines
[2] Subject: in-digestion
From: Willard McCarty <mccarty@phoenix.princeton.edu>
Size: 50 lines
[3] Subject: Re: Welcome to the new Humanist
From: maurizio lana <lana@cisi.unito.it>
Size: 25 lines

From: HORN_A@usp.ac.fj
To: mccarty@phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 08:39:20 +1200
Subject: Salve Humanist!

My colleagues and I got onto Humanist when our University first stumbled
into the Internet. A goodly amount of our debates, decisions and policy
directions were shaped by strands in the Humanist conversation. Now that
we've all grown up a bit (or so it seems at the moment--undoubtedly today will
look like infancy by next year) it's good to have Humanist back in the
Common Room.

Andrew Horn "horn_a@usp.ac.fj"
Department of Literature and Language
The University of the South Pacific
Republic of FIJI

From: Willard McCarty <mccarty@epas.utoronto.ca>
To: mccarty@phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 19:13:35 -0400
Subject: in-digestion

The following message rightly points out the unnecessary duplication of our
digest header when there is only one message in the digest. Henceforth the
unnecessary table of contents will be eliminated, either automatically or by

Thanks to Joe Jones for the instructive irritation.


>From: Joseph Jones <jjones@unixg.ubc.ca>
>Subject: digestion
>To: mccarty@epas.utoronto.ca
>Date: Sun, 20 Aug 95 15:10:37 PDT
>Organization: University of British Columbia Library
>Address: 1956 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z1
>Telephone: 604-822-4494
>Willard --
>Good to see Humanist on the wire again....
>When I look at the text below, I feel great
>impatience, wondering why I have to look at a whole screen that I do not
>want to, which in this case (one message) involves an extra irritating
>immediate duplication of three text lines. By line count it is about a
>quarter of the entire thing, mail header excluded. Since I recently bade
>adieu to Shaksper, I am on no other list that does this to me, and some of
>them are moderated in various ways. The Educom newsletter does begin with
>a list of one-line headings, which I can live with because it is the
>considered product of one "author". In the name of cleanliness and
>efficiency, I encourage you to reconsider that initial screen.

From: maurizio lana <lana@cisi.unito.it>
To: mccarty@epas.utoronto.ca
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 23:53:51 +0100
Subject: Re: Welcome to the new Humanist

Willard is another time the editor of Humanist: I am very happy.
I remember my first subscription to Humanist some months after its
beginning: this list and its editor were my "paidagogia" to the net, to the
sense of being part of an online community (those days: being on the mailing
list of Humanist was enough - well: was all what I (we?) needed - to
perceive that we were part of a nwe community), to the use of computers in
humanities studies, ... And Willard was a witness of "humanitas": his
postings or his choices when big problems arose with people "speaking in
flames" (where did you go, Sebastian?).
So I am happy, and honoured, of being part of this list.
And, please, remember that I never met nor saw nor heard Willard... We only
exchanged some times some messages!
This message is to communicate a sense of friendliness: so that other
"humanists" can understand what Humanist had been years ago. What it will be
from now on, I only can hope: our hands will meet and we'll build another
tower in the heaven.


Maurizio Lana - lana@cisi.unito.it | fax 39-11-8991648
CISI Universita'di Torino Via S. Ottavio 20, 10124 Torino - Italy
Editor of "Arachnion. A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the
Web" (http://www.cisi.unito.it/arachne.html)