8.0157 CFP: SIGIR '95 (1/472)
Tue, 30 Aug 1994 14:15:55 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0157. Tuesday, 30 Aug 1994.
Date: 26 Aug 1994 08:51:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: ide@cs.vassar.edu (Nancy M. Ide)
Subject: SIGIR95 Call for Papers
18th International Conference on Research
and Development in Information Retrieval
The Sheraton, Seattle, WA, USA
July 9 - July 13, 1995
Sponsored by ACM and in co-operation with:
DD (Denmark)
GI (Germany)
IPSJ (Japan)
E-mail to <sigir95@u.washington.edu> to be added to mailing list: Today
Submission of papers to relevant Program Co-chair: JANUARY 6, 1995
Submission of proposals for tutorials, panels, demonstrations, posters, and
workshops to the relevant Chair: FEBRUARY 10, 1995
Author notification: MARCH 10, 1995
Final manuscript due in camera ready and electronic forms: APRIL 3, 1995.
For additional information contact the Conference Chair or
SIGIR'95 is an international research conference on information retrieval
theory, systems, and applications. The ACM SIGIR conference occurs
annually, alternating between locations in North America and elsewhere
(e.g., Europe). This conference will interest a broad spectrum of
professionals including theoreticians, developers, publishers,
researchers, educators, and designers of systems, interfaces, information
bases, and related applications.
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the First Society in
Computing, is a major force in advancing the skills and knowledge of IT
professionals and students throughout the world. ACM serves as an
umbrella organization offering its 90,000 members a variety of forums in
order to fulfill its members' needs -- the delivery of cutting-edge
technical information, the transfer of ideas from theory to practice, and
opportunities for information exchange. Providing high quality products
and services -- world-class journals and magazines; dynamic special
interest groups; numerous "main event" conferences; tutorials; workshops;
local special interest groups and chapters; and electronic forums -- ACM
is the resource for life-long learning in the rapidly changing IT field.
Though we look for all good, innovative submissions in the broad field of
information storage and retrieval (IR), the following list of topics may make
clearer some of the areas that are of particular interest:
1. IR FUNDAMENTALS (focusing on one or combinations of the following):
A. Types: text, hypertext, multimedia (including audio, images, video)
B. Representations: source, conversions, storage, presentation
C. Information structures, interaction, time-based issues
D. Processing: indexing, analysis, compression, retrieval, rendering,
E. Systems: design, implementation, measures, evaluation,
architectures, scalability, integration with DBMS
F. Theories and models, evaluation
G. Reasoning: logic, case-based
F. Standards: SGML (and HTML), HyTime, MPEG, Z39.50, HTTP
A. Modeling, empirical studies
B. Interface design, human-computer interaction, visualization
C. IR tasks, including query formulation and expansion
D. IR and information seeking behavior
A. Natural language processing, linguistic resources, multilingual
B. Knowledge bases and their use
C. Learning: genetic algorithms, neural nets
D. Pattern matching, uncertainty, data fusion
A. Digital libraries: architectures, prototypes, studies, issues
B. Networked information (e.g., WAIS, WWW): infrastructure, tools,
systems, protocols, collections, interfaces, case studies,
intellectual property rights
A. Curriculum, training
B. Tools, systems
SIGIR'95 seeks papers about significant contributions to the broad field of
information storage and retrieval, which covers: handling of all types of
information; its applications; information systems; and underlying theories,
models, and implementations.
We encourage discussions of experimental studies, tests of usability,
explorations of information-retrieval behavior, reports on large scale
system performance, and demonstrations of advanced approaches. We prefer:
that contributions that discuss theory have sufficient motivation and
proof of utility; that designs have been proven by a prototype; that
reports on small-scale experiments include convincing arguments or
simulations to show their likelihood to generalize; and that writing is
carefully copy edited and well organized.
All papers shall provide a concise message to the audience about how the
work relates to previous research or experience, what aspects of the work
are new, and the "lessons learned." Papers will be evaluated on the basis
of originality, significance of the contribution to the field, quality of
research, and quality of writing.
Papers shall be submitted in English to the relevant Program Co-chair.
Specific submission requirements:
(a) Papers shall be submitted in four copies.
(b) Papers must include an abstract of not more than 100 words.
(c) Papers must be 20 pages or less (double spaced), including abstract,
figures, and references. Final versions of accepted papers may
require further trimming to meet publication standards.
(d) Authors shall provide a separate cover page (not included in the length
limitations) with the title, the author name(s), and the author
affiliation(s), plus complete contact information (mailing address,
telephone, FAX, and e-mail) for the author to whom correspondence
should be send.
(e) Show the word count for the paper on the cover page.
(f) Indicate if the paper is to be considered for the Best Student Paper
Award. This Award requires that the first and primary author be a
full-time student at time of submission.
SIGIR'95 will begin with a full day of tutorials, each of which is
intended to cover a single topic in detail. Proposals are solicited from
people willing to give tutorials. Tutorials may be either a half day (4
hours) or full day in length and can cover topics at an introductory or
advanced level. Submissions shall be made to the Tutorials and Panels
Chair and shall consist of:
(a) An extended abstract outlining the exact content of the tutorial.
This should be approximately 3 to 5 pages in length. Sample slides
would also be helpful.
(b) Tutorial Length: half-day or full day.
(c) A description of the intended audience outlining what attendees are
expected to know, the technical level of the tutorial and the
objectives of the tutorial.
(d) A CV for each presenter detailing relevant qualifications and
experience. Some biographical details may also be helpful.
(e) A complete description of A/V and computer equipment required for the
(f) Complete address for the presenter(s), including phone, FAX and e-mail
E-mail submissions shall be in plain ASCII text.
SIGIR'95 will include a small number of panel sessions. These are intended
to examine issues of interest to the research and development community
and stimulate lively debate between panelists and audience members.
Presentations by panel members should lay the groundwork and open the
debate. Ideally the panel shall consist of 4 members, with very divergent
views on the topic. The moderator shall referee the debate, ensuring a
good balance in the discussion without presenting a position. Proposals
are solicited from moderators and/or panelists. Submissions shall be made
to the Tutorials and Panels Chair and shall consist of:
(a) An extended abstract outlining the proposed topic, including the questions
likely to arise.
(b) A list of panel members and the name of a moderator.
(c) A CV for each panelist and the moderator, detailing relevant
qualifications and experience. Some biographical details may also be
(e) Complete addresses for the moderator and panelists, including phone, FAX
and e-mail addresses.
E-mail submissions shall be in plain ASCII text.
Demonstrations provide an opportunity for first-hand, interactive
experience with information retrieval systems. Researchers and developers
have the opportunity to present their new systems, and conference
participants have the opportunity to interact directly with creators of
the systems demonstrated.
We invite proposals for demonstrations of information retrieval systems
and applications. Demonstrations should focus on aspects of the system
that are novel and important. Demonstrations are not limited to
experimental systems only. IR researchers participating in the NIST/ARPA
sponsored TREC, MUC, TIPSTER projects and the European Community research
initiatives are encouraged to participate.
Presenters of the systems must be individuals who have been directly
involved with the development of the system, and who are aware of the
differentiating and interesting ideas embodied in their system. All
presenters are expected to register for the conference.
Presenters shall submit a proposal of at most three pages, describing the
planned demonstration, to the Demonstration Chair. The proposal shall
(a) A description of noteworthy and distinguishing ideas or approaches the
demonstration will illustrate.
(b) An explanation of how the demonstration will illustrate these ideas or
(c) Complete contact information (mailing address, telephone, FAX, and
e-mail) and affiliation of the person(s) who will present the
demonstration, including their relationship to the project (e.g.,
principal investigator, developer, project manager, architect).
(d) A 100-word summary for inclusion in the conference's preliminary program.
(e) A description of the technical specifications of the system. The selected
presenters shall provide a description that is modeled after the TREC
technical specification descriptions. An electronic form will be
available via e-mail.
(f) A bibliography of published and unpublished materials that relate to the
system, its algorithms and underlying theories as well as any
evaluations that have been undertaken.
(g) The hardware, software, and network requirements for the demonstration,
including the electrical requirements of the equipment.
No FAX submissions; e-mail submissions preferred.
SIGIR '95 will include poster presentations to enable researchers an
opportunity to present late-breaking results, significant work in
progress, or research that is best communicated in conversational mode.
Poster presenters will have the opportunity to exchange ideas one-on-one
with attendees and to discuss their work in detail with those most deeply
interested in the same topic.
Posters will be reviewed by appropriate subject specialists as well as the
Program Committee, and will be selected on the basis of their contribution
to research-focused discussion. Posters will be accepted a full month
later than papers in order to provide an opportunity for submitting very
current work that need not be written up in a full paper.
Abstracts of posters will appear in the conference proceedings. There
will be a specific time during the conference when authors will be
expected to be present at their posters to describe their work and answer
questions, but posters will also be accessible for informal viewing
throughout the day.
Doctoral students are encouraged to consider poster submission as a viable
means for discussing ongoing dissertation research.
Submissions shall be made to the Posters Chair and shall consist of:
(a) Abstract, submitted in three copies.
(b) An extended abstract of approximately three to four pages.
(c) Abstract shall emphasize the research problem, the approach or methodology
being used, and why the work is important.
(d) A separate cover page with the title of the poster, the name and
affiliation of the author(s)/presenter(s), as well as complete contact
information to include postal address, email address, phone number
and FAX number of the author(s).
Proposals are being solicited from both individuals and groups for one-day
workshops to be held on July 13. Workshops bring together researchers to
share information and discuss a topic that relates to their expertise.
Submissions shall be made to the Workshops Chair and shall be limited to 3
pages. They shall contain:
(a) The theme and goal of the workshop.
(b) The planned activities.
(c) A CV for each organizer detailing relevant qualifications and
experience (not included in the length limitations). Some
biographical details may also be helpful.
(d) Maximum number of participants.
(e) Process for selecting participants.
(f) List of potential participants.
After the workshop, organizers will provide an article summarizing the
workshop for SIGIR Forum.
No FAX submissions.
General Conference Chair:
Raya Fidel
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Tel: +1-206-543-1888
Fax: +1-206-685-8049
Program Co-chairs:
(N and S America, Asia)
Edward A. Fox
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0160, USA
Tel: +1-703-231-5113
Fax: +1-703-231-6075
(Europe, Africa, Australia)
Peter Ingwersen
Royal School of Librarianship
Birketinget 6
DK 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Tel: +45 31 58 60 66
Fax: +45 32 84 02 01
Tutorials and Panels Chair:
Joan Morrissey
School of Computer Science
University of Windsor
Ontario N9B 3P4, Canada
Tel: +1-519-253-4232 ext 2992
Fax: +1-519-973-7093
Posters Chair:
Elizabeth D. Liddy
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
Tel: +1-315-443-2911
Fax: +1-315-443-5806
Demonstrations Chair:
Efthimis N. Efthimiadis
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 20024, USA
Tel: +1-310-825-8975
Fax: +1-310-206-4460
Workshops Chair:
Katie Hover
Research Librarian
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052, USA
Tel: +1-206-936-8082
Fax: +1-206-936-7329
Local Arrangements Chair:
Michael Crandall
Boeing Technical Libraries
P.O. Box 3707, MS 8K-38
Seattle, WA 98124, USA
Tel: +1-206-237-3238
Fax: +1-206-237-3491
Publicity Chair:
Edie Rasmussen
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
Tel: +1-412-624-9459
Fax: +1-412-648-7001
Sponsorship Chair:
Jill McKinstry
Library Systems, FM-25
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Tel: +1-206-685-3933
Fax: +1-206-685-8727
Program Committee:
Ijsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Phillips, USA
Maristella Agosti, U. Padua, Italy
Richard K. Belew, UC San Diego, USA
Nicholas Belkin, Rutgers U., USA
Abraham Bookstein, U. Chicago, USA
Christine Borgman, UCLA, USA
Giorgio Brajnik, U. Udine, Italy
Peter D. Bruza, QUT, Australia
Forbes Burkowski, Waterloo U., Canada
Yves Chiaramella, LGI-IMAG, France
W. Bruce Croft, U. Massachusetts, USA
Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, UCLA, USA
Hans-Peter Frei, UBILAB, Switzerland
Norbert Fuhr, U. Dortmund, Germany
Richard Furuta, Texas A&M U., USA
Micheline Hancock, City University, UK
Donna Harman, NIST, USA
David Harper, Robert Gordon U., UK
Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA
Tetsuya Ishikawa, ULIS, Japan
Kalervo Jarvelin, U. Tampere, Finland
Haruo Kimoto, NTT, Japan
Shmuel T. Klein, Bar-Ilan U., Israel
Robert Korfhage, U. Pittsburgh, USA
Ray Larson, UC Berkeley, USA
David Lewis, AT&T, USA
Elizabeth D. Liddy, Syracuse U., USA
Paul Lindner, DCS, USA
Clifford Lynch, U. California, USA
Gary Marchionini, U. Maryland, USA
Yasushi Ogawa, RICOH, Japan
Annelise Mark Pejtersen, Risoe, Denmark
Keith van Rijsbergen, Glasgow U., UK
Gerard Salton, Cornell U., USA
Peter Schauble, ETH, Switzerland
Fabrizio Sebastiani, U. Glasgow, UK
Alan Smeaton, Dublin City U., Ireland
Phil Smith, Ohio State U., USA
Craig Stanfill, Thinking Machines, USA
Ulrich Thiel, GMD, Germany
Richard Tong, Verity, USA
Howard Turtle, West Publishing, USA
Ellen Voorhees, Siemens, USA
Ross Wilkinson, RMIT, Australia
Peter Willett, U. Sheffield, UK
E.J. Yannakoudakis, Athens U., Greece