8.0076 Conference: Association for History & Computing (1/409)

Wed, 22 Jun 1994 20:13:30 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0076. Wednesday, 22 Jun 1994.

Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 11:45:52 MET
From: Onno Boonstra <U204015@HNYKUN11>
Subject: AHC 94 Conference

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=IX International Conference of the Association for History & Computing=
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=August 30 - September 2, 1994, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands=
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Preliminary program

== Monday, August 29 ==

* HiDES/Microcosm Workshop
Hosted by Frank Colson
Only for those who have registered separately for this

Tuesday, August 30

9.00-10.00: Registration

10.00-10.30: Opening session
O.W.A. Boonstra, P.M.M. Klep, J.A.H. Bots, Th. Lindblad,
M. Thaller

10.30-11.00: Key-note speech
W. Frijhoff

* AHC Workshop 1: The curriculum
P. Denley
* Computers, software and historical research 1: Hypertext
Y. Skramm (Oslo), Hypertext: historical structure or
research tool?
O. Signore, G. Fresta, A. Cimbalo and S. Di Lecce (Pisa), A
Methodology for Hypertext Design: a Case Study
* Structuring historical data 1: Prosopographies
J. Nilis (Leuven), Proposal for a standardisation of
prosopographical databases for institutions
D. Erlach and M. Reisenleitner (Wien), A relational
approach to computer-based studies of genealogy, family
patterns and social bonding

* AHC Workshop 2: Data archives
H. Tjalsma and H.J. Marker
* Structuring historical data 2: Text analysis
R. Vos (Groningen), Automatic text-based reconstruction of
historical developments in science and technology. A
socio-cognitive history of developing patterns in
pharmaceutical research
A. Bozzi and A. Sapuppo (Pisa), Word-image linkage in the
computerized analysis of old printed dictionaries
P. Peebles (Kansas City), Text Analysis of Robert Knox, `An
Historical Relation of Ceylon'
* HISMA 1: The methodology of social mobility analysis
A. Miles (Birmingham), The consistent flux: social mobility
and the dynamics of British industrialism revisited
D. Vincent (Keele), Shadow and reality in social mobility:
Britain in the first half of the twentieth century
L. Borodkin and M. Svishchov (Moscow), Computer-Assisted
Simulation of Social Mobility in the NEP Period (1920s):
using Markov chains

* AHC Council meeting
Computers, software and historical research 2: Graphic
M. Daru (Eindhoven), Graphical explorative modelling of
historical data
P. Alkhoven (Glasgow), Interactive urban historical models
H. de Tollenaere (Leiden), A simple historian, a text, maps,
diagrams and pictures
* Structuring historical data 3: Large databases
C. Mandemakers (Amsterdam), Historical sample of the
Netherlands. Database and software
H.J. Marker (Copenhagen), Collaborating with amateur
historians to collect census
G. Benda and L. Turi (Budapest), The reconstruction of a
small-town community
* HISMA 2: Urban stratification
J. Igartua (Montreal), Uncovering patterns of sociability:
residential structures in a company town, Arvida, Canada,
K. Shamra (New Delhi), Patterns of urban- industrial social
stratification in India
I. Yushin (Moscow), The integral classification of the
disfranchised people in Moscow
E. Koster (Groningen), Urban morphology and social

Reception offered by the University of Nijmegen

== Wednesday, August 31 ==

* Plenary session: The end of history and computing
Ch. Steinmark (Copenhagen), Problems and questions in
historical computing
P. Doorn (Leiden), The end of history and computing
Referents: G. Welling, L. Borodkin

* AHC Workshop 3: Maps
M. Goerke
* Structuring historical data 4: The dynamics of historical
W. Levermann (G ttingen), The dimension of time in
historical databases
I. Garskova (Moscow), A set of dBASE language programs for
studying social dynamics
C. Steckner (K ln), Measure and weight along the Rhine.
Structuring data with free format relational database
* HISMA 3: Elites
M. Duijvendak and M. Peterzon (Groningen), Friends,
relations, relatives. Comparing two regional elites on
structural properties. The Dutch provinces Groningen and
Noordbrabant, 1800-1925
N. Selounskaya (Moscow), Structural changes in the
composition of the Russian legislative eite in the beginning
of the XXth century
M. Kopczynski, A. Maczak and J. Maczak (Warsaw), The gray
and the crimson: the social structure of the Polish gentry
in the 16th and 17th centuries

* AHC Workshop 4: Image processing
* Structuring historical data 5: Standardization
G. Bloothooft (Utrecht), Corpus-based name standardization
G. Welling (Groningen), Prices, prices, prices : Posthumus
P. Adman, not yet submitted
* HISMA 4: Peasants
I. Yushin (Moscow), Russian peasant households and market
S. Kashchenko (st. Petersburg), Realization of the peasants
reform (1861) in the Russian North-West provinces:
computerized analysis of economic consequences for different
social groups of peasants
I. Rafi-zade (Baku), The social stratification of Azerbejani
V. Vladimirov and I. Yakimova (Barnaul), Social relations of
Altai peasants: using computerized classification methods
T. Moiseenko (Moscow), Hidden structures of the Russian
peasantry (an application of multidimentional statistical

* AHC Workshop 5: Statistical software
L. Borodkin
* Computers, software and historical research 3: Computerized
qualitative analysis of historical data
P. Craven (Toronto), A general-purpose conceptual clustering
E. Belova (Moscow), Qualitative data analysis with QualiDatE
S. Ross (London), Knowledge modelling: formalising the
processes of historical interpretation
* Structuring historical data 6: History and art history
C. Cieri Via (Roma), ICONOS Project: Iconographic index with
data retrieval
M. Dobreva (Sofia), Computer supported image processing of
medieval Bulgarian manuscripts
W. Weusten (Nijmegen), Arthistorical data-input, a practical
M. Bitter-Rijpkema (Heerlen), Design and development of
multimedia learning materials: a strategy

* Reception offered by the Mayor of Nijmegen

== Thursday, September 1 ==

* AHC Workshop 6: The classification of occupations
H. Diederiks and K. Schurer
* Computers, software and historical research 4: Multimedia
A. van Steenderen (Utrecht), Open and closed hypermedia
systems: comparing TOOLBOOK with MICROCOSM
L. Hughes (Oxford), Removing the structures in historical
research: Oxford University's Initiative in Postgraduate
Multimedia Research
D.A. Spaeth and A. Wissenburg (Glasgow), In search of a
metaphor for hypermedia: the enriched lecture
* Structuring historical data 7: Databases
V. Lazarev (Moscow), Intentionally ordered lists: the source
type and applicable analytical procedures
L. Breure (Utrecht), "Universal" Data Entry Software For
Historical Sources
V. Tikhonov (Moscow), An application of the sampling and the
mathematical technique for elucidation of the source
information abilities

* AHC Workshop 7: Bibliography
P. Denley and S. Paslau
* AHC Workshop 8: Universities
P. Denley
* Structuring historical data 8: Maps
T. Maroy (Oslo), A large scale database system for regional
statistical data
G. Lind (Odense), Historical concepts of space and
computer-based maps
E. Wattel and P. van Reenen (Amsterdam), Visualisation of
extrapolated geographical data
* HISMA 5: Social mobility
R. Federspiel (Berlin), Change in employment structures and
social mobility of women in historical perspective
M. van Leeuwen (Utrecht) and I. Maas (Berlin),
Intergenerational occupational mobility in Utrecht in the
19th century
L. Mysyrowicz (Geneva), The PC as a kitchen maid in a
qualitative study on social mobility

* Lowlands excursion

== Friday, September 2 ==

* Structuring historical data 9: Data modelling
T. Schijvenaars (Utrecht), Datamodelling of historical
V. Tikhonov (Moscow), A KLEIO datamodel as recipe for
revelation of inherent controverses in the source
S. Neri and S. Travasoni (Bologna), A project to elaborate
computer tools and help with publishing and cataloguing
sources on order to have a better use of the index and to
guard the philological rigour
V. Tjazhelnikova (Moscow), Extracting the most of reliable
information from a limited portion of a large data array: an
algorithm based on the analysis of the KLEIO data model
* Computers, software and historical research 5: Networking
S. Lariccia (Roma), The Anchors project
V. Skraamm (Fetsund), The Viking Network
H. Tjalsma and M. Graver (Leiden), Online retrieval of
historical information

* AHC Workshop 9: Electronic information resources
S. Ross and R. Zweig
* Structuring historical data 10: Reconstructing information
acquiring processes
Ch. Jeurgens (Den Haag), Unlocking governmental
information-acquiring processes in the Batavian-French
period (1795-1813) in Dutch archives
J. a Campo and N. Penning (Rotterdam), Numbers and clauses.
Structuring semi-standardized text sources for quantitative
analysis; the case of political contracts between colonial
state and indigenous states in Indonesia
* HISMA 6: Transport
P. Staudacher (Salzburg), Motion and persistence.
Techno-economic structures of transport in Austria,
G. Milne (Gloucester), Trading networks on the early-modern
River Severn: Evidence from the Gloucester Port Books

* History and education
E. Balykina, V. Komlitchenko and V. Sidortzov (Minsk),
Hypertext in databases and learning programs
M. Luijting (Leiden), The postdoctoral course historical
information technology
* Computers, software and historical research 6: OCR
R. van der Zwan (Leiden), The possibilities of
post-processing OCR output
S. Laflin (Birmingham), Generation of Gothic handwriting
R. van Horik (Leiden), Some digital image processing
techniques to manipulate the bitmap of historical sources
* HISMA 7: Migration analysis
S. Fogelvik (Stockholm), Changing migration patterns in a
dynamic urban setting - Stockholm 1880-1920
G. Thorvaldsen (Tromso), A study of migration in the
province of Troms

* Plenary session
M. Thaller (G ttingen), Virtual reality? The mind of the
historian and the conflict between 'data' and 'reality'

* Annual general meeting of the AHC
* HISMA general meeting

* Farewell party, thrown in by the VGI



The normal registration fee for the Conference is Dfl. 325. However,
there is a discount for students, for members of the AHC and for
members of the VGI.
When payment is made before July 1, an additional discount will

The Conference registration fee will cover:
- Admission to all Conference meetings
- Conference volume of abstracts
- Coffee and tea during conference breaks
- Daily 3-course meal at luncheon
- The latest publications of the `Halbgraue Reihe f r historische
Fachinformatik', covering the work done by AHC-working groups.

All who would like to participate in the Conference are kindly invited
to fill in the registration form at the end of this message.


More information can be obtained from the Conference Secretary at the
following address:

AHC '94
P.O. Box 9111
6500 HN Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Tel: + 31 - 80 - 615968
FAX: + 31 - 80 - 567956
E-mail: u204015@vm.uci.kun.nl


Please complete all information requested
and mail the registration form to:
AHC '94
P.O. Box 9111
6500 HN Nijmegen
The Netherlands

== Personal information ==



Full address:


== Conference fees ==

( ) I wish to register for the AHC '94 Conference
Dfl. 325 (normal fee)
Dfl. 300 (AHC Members)
Dfl. 275 (VGI Members)
Dfl. 175 (Students) Dfl. ..........
( ) I wish to take part in the AHC
Lowlands Tour on 1 September 1994
Dfl. 35 Dfl. ..........
( ) I will pay before July, 1, 1994
minus Dfl. 25 Dfl. ..........

total Dfl. ..........

== Method of payment ==

The above amount is
( ) remitted to ABN-AMRO Bank, Nijmegen, Account no. in
favour of KUN Congresorganisatie, Nijmegen, projectno. 302002.
( ) remitted to Postgiro, Arnhem, Account no. 1781085 in favour of KUN
Congresorganisatie, Nijmegen, projectno. 302002.
( ) remitted by enclosed Eurocheque in favour of KUN Congresorganisa-
tie, Nijmegen, projectno. 302002.
The amount per Eurocheque must not exceed Dfl. 300.

== Hotel reservation ==

AMS Hotel Belvoir ( ) single Dfl. 145 ( ) double Dfl. 175
Hotel Mercure ( ) single Dfl. 150 ( ) double Dfl. 170
Hotel Atlanta ( ) single Dfl. 90 ( ) double Dfl. 115
Hotel Catharina ( ) single Dfl. 65 ( ) double Dfl. 130

Date of arrival:
Date of departure:
( ) I will share my room with:

( ) I will make my own hotel arrangements:

Place, date, and signature: