7.0634 Qs: History; Literature; Fonts; Neuroscience (4/111)

Fri, 29 Apr 1994 12:07:51 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0634. Friday, 29 Apr 1994.

(1) Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 13:35:05 EDT (18 lines)
From: "Hardy M. Cook" <hmcook@boe00.minc.umd.edu>
Subject: Q: Black Male Sexual Abuse

(2) Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 14:59 EDT (56 lines)
Subject: Humanities meet the neurosciences

(3) Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 08:18 PDT (17 lines)
Subject: queries

(4) Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 13:56:20 +0100 (20 lines)
From: Stephen Miller <stephen@vax.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Greek font query

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 13:35:05 EDT
From: "Hardy M. Cook" <hmcook@boe00.minc.umd.edu>
Subject: Q: Black Male Sexual Abuse


A former undergraduate student of mine who is now in graduate school would
like to know if any HUMANISTS have historical information pertaining to
black male sexual abuse by white slave owners during the American slavery

Please reply personally to me at HMCook@boe00.minc.umd.edu.

Thanks in advance.

Hardy M. Cook
Bowie State University
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------70----
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 14:59 EDT
Subject: Humanities meet the neurosciences

I am posting this query for a faculty member in Brandeis's Psychology Dept.

He is looking for extended literary passages to introduce each chapter of a
book he is writing, as he describes below. The passages are not for
decoration; they are intended as a serious, non-technical, anecdotal
introduction to the ideas he will go on to discuss in technical terms.
Since the only way I can think of to locate such passages it to remember
them from one's own reading I suggested to him that we appeal to the
well-read body of Humanists for help. Any suggestions or tips will be
welcome, and may be sent directly to Professor Sekuler at
"sekuler@binah.cc.brandeis.edu." Thanks in advance for any help you can
give us with this.


Robert Sekuler writes:

I'm doing a neuroscience
book in which literary and biographical excerpts are used to
introduce, coordinate or focus some of the key ideas. These
excerpts are no more than 400-500 words. If needed, I edit a
longer original text to bring it to the needed length. I'm working on
a chapter that requires two more excerpts and hope that you can
help me identify potential sources.

The first excerpt I need describes someone learning a complex
motor skill, such as playing the piano, typing, perforing a martial
art, dancing, or doing surgery. The excerpt would contrast the
early stages of skill acquisition (when the act is labored, full of
errors, and clumsy) to later stages in which performance were
effortless, error free and nearly automatic. At first, the fingers
have to be moved in a deliberate and effortful fashion; after
practice, the picture is very different. Has any musician, for
instance, described this process in an autobiography?

The second excerpt would show someone who is able to exploit a
vivid visual image as as a substitute for actually seeing some
object, place, or situation. I'm not looking for an image that came
to someone in a dream, but for a vivid mental image that came
from actually seeing what is represented the image. For example,
the visual image might allow someone to "replay" or mull over the
details of a complex event in which he or she participated. Or, by
manipulating the image, someone is able to solve a complex
problem or puzzle. The closer the image is to an actual visual
experience, the more appropriate the excerpt would be. A good,
autobiographical description of "photographic memory" might work
as well.

Robert Sekuler, Psychology
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 08:18 PDT
Subject: queries

I have two queries, one for myself, the other for Mitzi Meyers. Hers first.
1. At the end of Maria Edgeworth's novel, BELINDA, there is the
following quotation: "Our tale contains a moral; and, no doubt,
You all have wit enough to find it out."
Where is it from?

2. Around 1705, Daniel Defoe refers to a work "published at Rome"
with a title something like: "The Groans of ----- and Moravia," supposedly
telling of the horrors committed by the Turks in 1683, at the time they
were besieging Vienna. I found one other reference to this tract, but I suspec
t it was in another anonymous tract by Defoe. Was Defoe making this up or did
it actually exist.

(4) --------------------------------------------------------------33----
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 13:56:20 +0100
From: Stephen Miller <stephen@vax.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Greek font query

Has anyone heard of a font for Classical Greek called "Bacchus"? A colleague
has the screen font but not the printer font and the book is nearly finished...
I suspect that it may be a one-off but if anyone has a copy by chance or any
info please email me.


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