-- Avril Henry A.K.Henry@exeter.ac.uk (5) --------------------------------------------------------------30---- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 13:09:45 PDT From: Paul Brians <BRIANS@WSUVM1> Subject: Courier to Kiev needed Once more I need help in delivering some materials to Chernobyl victim and poet Liubov Sirota. Hoping to come to the U.S. she sent me the originals of many of her publications plus copies of her medical records. It turned out that we could not finance her trip here; so I cannot return the materials by hand as I had hoped. I would much appreciate it if someone headed for Kiev would be willing to carry the documents (mostly copies of magazines which have printed stories about her or printed her poems) back to her. I don't trust the mails. There is nothing contraband or dangerous about any of this stuff, but it needs the personal touch. She is a very friendly and interesting person and deserving of help. If you can assist, please email me: brians@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu Paul Brians, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020 (6) --------------------------------------------------------------41---- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 10:59:10 -0500 (EST) From: Allegre Christian <allegre@ERE.UMontreal.CA> Subject: Persian language wordprocessing Dear Editor, Could you post the following message to the list: A friend of mine from the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, not member of this list, needs to do word-processing in Persian on a Macintosh. Does anyone know of software doing this or have any element of information about where I could find information. Please send answers directly to me: Thanks Christian Allegre Universite de Montreal Departement d'etudes francaises allegre@ere.umontreal.ca (7) --------------------------------------------------------------32---- Date: 24 Nov 1993 11:07:22 U From: "S.A.Rae (Simon Rae)" <S.A.Rae@open.ac.uk> Subject: differences My eldest boy is involved in a class presentation at his school on the subject of the USA. It's a class of 11 & 12 year olds and they are concentrating on the (perceived) differences between their UK culture and the US culture at a kid's level. I wondered if it would be possible for any Humanist's kids to send a note to him, via my e-mail address, saying what they feel about the differences (especially in view of Thanksgiving Day!) Joel, my son, seems to think that all american kids swear allegiance to the flag before doing anything and all play american football! (Such is the image received from TV!) Thanks in anticipation Simon Simon Rae | S.A.RAE@OPEN.AC.UK (Internet) The Open University, Milton Keynes. | phone: (0908) 652413 MK7 6AA, United Kingdom. | fax: (0908) 653744 (8) --------------------------------------------------------------45---- Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 18:44:19 RSA From: chris <120MEIS@witsvma.wits.ac.za> Subject: narratology list Dear Humanists, I would be very grateful for any information with regard to the following: 1. Is anybody aware of a list specialising on Narratology? 2. I would like to establish contacts with colleagues in Canada and New Zealand who specialise in Narratology, particularly in plot analysis - if you can help with addresses etc. or pass on this message this would be much appreciated ! 3. Should there be no Narratology list as yet I would be very grateful if Humanist colleagues working in this field could perhaps drop me a line. If you are interested I can also re-distribute the compiled info. Thanks a lot! Chris xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Prof. Jan Christoph Meister Department of Modern Languages and Literatures - German Studies - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa E-Mail: 120MEIS@WITSVMA.WITS.AC.ZA Tel.: (0027)11-716 3804 or 726 6640 Fax: (0027)11-403 2317 or 726 6640 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (9) --------------------------------------------------------------39---- Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 12:52:21 -0800 From: "William A. JOHNSON" <WJOHNSON@uci.edu> Subject: Francois Jouan Does anyone have a current address for Francois Jouan? Our address for him is 19 rue des Carmelites, Caen 14300 France, but our most recent correspondence has been returned without a forwarding address. Many thanks, William A. Johnson Assistant Director and Director of Research Thesaurus Linguae Graecae University of California, Irvine (714) 856-7031, fax 856-8434