7.0027 CFP: WSECS '94 (1/67)
Wed, 26 May 1993 14:29:08 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0027. Wednesday, 26 May 1993.
Date: Mon, 24 May 93 08:18:53 -0700
From: cwalton@nevada.edu
Dear Humanist List Colleagues: we would like to share with you the following
invitation; as panels, musical and dramatic performances and other details
begin to emerge, we shall contact you again in mid-summer:
"Providence & Probability,
Chaos and Order:
Eighteenth Century Views"
Conference of the Western Society for Eighteenth Century Studies
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
FEBRUARY 18-19-20, 1994
Our topic ranges across moral and natural philosophy, mathematics and the
sciences, criticism, the arts, emerging themes in social as well as theological
studies, dark corners
as well as bright prospects of eighteenth century cultures in North, Central and
South America,
Europe, the Levant and Asia. We especially invite papers treating aspects of
our theme among
the peoples then living in what is now the southwestern United States. However,
and as usual,
the Program Committee will consider all papers submitted, on whatever topics are
deemed of
interest to those responding. Submit proposals, limited to one page, no later
than September
15, 1993, to:
James Malek, Program Committee Chair
College of Liberal Arts
P.O. BOX 455001
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5001
fax 702-895-4097
e-mail: <timothy@nevada.edu> on internet, <cwalton@nevada2> on bitnet, or
<cwalton@nevada.edu> on internet.