-- ....................................................................... W. Schipper Email: schipper@morgan.ucs.mun.ca Department of English, Tel: 709-737-4406 Memorial University Fax: 709-737-4000 St John's, Nfld. A1C 5S7 ........................................................................ (2) --------------------------------------------------------------39---- Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1993 15:52:37 +0200 (EET) From: LBJUDY@VMSA.TECHNION.AC.IL Subject: RE: 6.0584 Rs: HIDES; S/W (2/38) Re: PKUnzip: I've never tried unzipping to a floppy, but the *documentation* on my current copy of PKUnzip says it's perfectly possible: just specify a path to unzip to. You have 2 options: a) Assuming the zipped file is in A:, from the B> prompt write unzip a:filename -- the files will go onto B: This is the way I do it, only from the C> prompt, so the files go into the current directory on C: b) From the A> prompt, write: unzip filename b: The documentation says this should work, if I remember correctly; but I've never done it this way and would recommend the first method. To unzip subdirectories you have to add the -d flag (unzip -d a:filename). Ask Archie where PKUnzip is, if your site only has a version that requires a hard disk; you'll probably dig up a couple of versions back from the newest one. My own version is perhaps a year old, and as said it specifically documents using it on a 2-floppy system as well as a hard disk. Only problem is that a lot of packages contain more stuff than will fit on one floppy, and PKUnzip has no provision for changing disks in the middle. Judy Koren, Haifa, Israel. (3) --------------------------------------------------------------77---- Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 23:42 PST From: Jack Kolb <IKW4GWI@UCLAMVS.BITNET> Subject: Re: 6.0580 Qs: S/W; E-Lists; Fonts; Sinning; Hist of Art (6/91) Surely Newman's line is a version of what I thought was a fairly standard expression, "sin against the light"; I immediately thought of its use by Mr. Deasy, referring to the Jews, in chapter 2 of Joyce's *Ulysses*: --They sinned against the light, Mr. Deasy said gravely. And you can see the darkness in their eyes. And that is why they are wanderers on the earth to this day {lines 361-63 in the Corrected Text}. But having spent a few minutes looking for a common source (admittedly a desultory look at 11:30PM Sunday night), I'm not sure how standard it is. Gifford's note (in *Ulysses Annotated*) isn't very helpful: In the first chapter of the Gospel of John, John the Baptist is "sent to bear witness of that Light {Jesus}. That was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (1:8-9). Mr. Deasy's phrase rests on the assumption that the Jews not only refused that Light (Jesus' presence and message) also demanded that it be extinguished by crucifixion {p. 38}. I'd be interested in hearing any other responses, publically or privately, to this query. By the bye, I'm working on Arthur Henry Hallam, Tennyson, Browning and Joyce. Jack Kolb Dept. of English UCLA (4) --------------------------------------------------------------25---- Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 11:17 EST From: DGPAZ@CLEMSON.BITNET Subject: Sinning Against the Light I encourage you to write to Dr. Sheridan Gilley, Department of Theology, University of Durham, U.K., who I am sure can 'enlighten' you. Denis Paz Department of History Clemson University South Carolina, U.S.A. (5) --------------------------------------------------------------18---- Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 15:58:31 GMT From: Donald A Spaeth <GKHA13@CMS.GLASGOW.AC.UK> Subject: Re: 6.0584 HiDES For those of you trying to contact HiDES, I believe that the correct email address is HII005@IBM.SOUTHAMPTON.AC.UK. This is the address of the director, Dr Frank Colson. Donald Spaeth