6.0526 Making Campus Computing Accessible (1/72)

Wed, 17 Feb 1993 15:33:49 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0526. Wednesday, 17 Feb 1993.

Date: 17 Feb 1993 08:34:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Prof Norm Coombs <NRCGSH@RITVAX.BITNET>
Subject: Making your campus computing disability accessible

Below is an announcement of a survey instrument which has been prepared to
assist college campuses in making all of their computing facilities accessible
to persons with disabilities or to help them learn what they need to do to
accomplish this gol.

Norman Coombs

Please pass along to your relevant campus personnel.

The EASI Way to Assess Your Access

Adaptive Computing Evaluation Kit

Disabilities Act has left you guessing as to what you are required to do
to meet the needs of students, faculty and staff with disabilities, let
EDUCOM/EUIT'S Project EASI give you some ideas and guidelines that will
help you meet both your campus needs and the spirit of the ADA. We are
offering the "Adaptive Computing Evaluation Kit for Colleges and

This comprehensive kit, which was designed to help schools complete the
computing component of the ADA-required self-evaluation of colleges and
universities, has an overview of legal issues and an Adaptive
Computing Self-evaluation Background Checklist to help schools evaluate
what type of services they offer and what type of services they should
be offering. The Checklist is an excellent reference point for
launching a long-term, strategic plan for the implementation of adaptive
computing services on your campus. This checklist will also be useful
in the future, as a document you can use to monitor your progress in
providing adaptive computing services.

The kit also includes a User Needs Survey, which will help you determine
what types of services your disabled population requires. Finally, the
kit includes a short evaluation form that schools can sumbit as the
computing part of the self-evaluation survey required by the Americans
with Disabilities Act.

With the payment of the applicable license fee for the Adaptive
Computing Evaluation Kit, campuses may receive one-half hour of phone
consultation about the information in this kit. The consultation will
be with one of EASI's consultants, many of whom have already helped
implement a successful adaptive computing program at a college or
university campus.

This kit is available on paper or through electronic mail and is
offered on the "shareware" concept. You are encouraged to distribute
for information and examination, any form of this kit at no obligation.
If you choose to use any portion of the document to benefit your
institution, EDUCOM requires payment of the following licensing fees.
For campuses with 5,000 or fewer students (fte) the license fee is $150.
For campuses with more than 5,000 students (fte), the license fee is
$250. There is a 10% discount for EDUCOM-member institutions.

You may examine this document electronically or on paper. There is a
$10 handling charge if you wish to examine this kit on paper. For more
information on EASI's "Adaptive Computing Evaluation Kit for Colleges
and Universities," please contact CSMICLC@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU or call
Carmela Castorina at (310) 640-3193.

This kit can also be obtained by using anonymous ftp from host um.cc.umich.edu
and changing to the EASI sub directory. Get the file named ada.kit.

Nothing in this kit should be treated as providing any legal advice.
EASI urges that you consult your campus legal department or 504/ADA
Compliance Office for legal advice prior to implementing any of this