6.0492 NEACH: Sperberg-McQueen on TEI (1/56)

Wed, 10 Feb 1993 05:51:25 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0492. Wednesday, 10 Feb 1993.

Date: Sun, 7 Feb 93 20:24:18 EST
From: Heyward Ehrlich <ehrlich@andromeda.rutgers.edu>
Subject: NEACH Tues 23 Feb: TEI (Sperberg-McQueen)

NEACH: The Northeast Association for Computers and the Humanities
(please forgive any multiple postings) invites you to hear:

TEI: the Text Encoding Initiative
Tuesday, February 23, 1993, at 1:30 p.m.
Room 25A of the IBM Building
590 Madison Avenue at 57th Street, New York City.

His talk, entitled "The TEI: What It Is, Where It Is Going,
And Why You Should Care," will explore the TEI project, problems of
electronic representation of texts, the nature of text markup
languages, SGML, and some concrete examples of encoding both simple and
difficult texts. Don't miss it!

Dr. Sperberg-McQueen is co-editor of the TEI project with Lou
Burnard. He is a senior research programmer of the computer center of
the University of Illinois in Chicago. He earned a PhD in medieval
German literature in the comparative literature program at Stanford,
and was formerly at Princeton University, where he headed humanities
computing services, and at which time he was a member of the NEACH
advisory board.

Please put these special NEACH dates in your calendar:

Tuesday, Feb. 23: Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Text Encoding Initiative
Thursday, Mar. 11: John E. Thiesmeyer, "Editor" & Style Checkers

All NEACH meetings are free and open to the public.


An Invitation to Support NEACH through Membership for 1993:

If you wish to join NEACH for 1993, the regular annual rate is $15.
However, you can save $10 by joining or renewing NEACH and the national
ACH at the same time.

A. Rates: NEACH Regular $15 Regular
NEACH Special 10 Emeritus, student, or inactive
ACH & NEACH 65 ACH Regular ($60) plus $5 for NEACH
ACH & NEACH 50 ACH Special ($45) plus $5 for NEACH

B. Indicate whether you prefer to receive monthly meeting notices by
E-mail or by first-class mail. Please provide your name, e-mail
address, and first-class mail address.

Please send your check payable to NEACH in US dollars to Nan Hahn,
NEACH Treasurer, 322 Second St., Dunellen, NJ 08812 (USA).

--Heyward Ehrlich, NEACH President (ehrlich@andromeda.rutgers.edu)