6.0312 NEH: Further Replies (2/32)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 20 Oct 1992 18:17:08 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0312. Tuesday, 20 Oct 1992.
(1) Date: 14 Oct 92 07:16:41 EST (6 lines)
Subject: 6.0294 NEH (1/54)
(2) Date: 14 Oct 1992 07:57:07 -0600 (MDT) (26 lines)
Subject: Re: 6.0294 NEH (1/54)
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 14 Oct 92 07:16:41 EST
Subject: 6.0294 NEH (1/54)
Three cheers for Tompkins' reply to Clausing.
-- Al Filreis, University of Pennsylvania
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------38----
Date: 14 Oct 1992 07:57:07 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: 6.0294 NEH (1/54)
The sequence seems to have been this:
1. An edifice was once under construction out of triumphalist
historiography and literary history plus militarized
classics (Julius Caesar and Xenophon): typically 19th-
early 20th cent., but with devotees in respectable positions
through the mid-century. (Cheney is class of '63)
2. Scholarly consensus in the humanities and social sciences,
(also in nat. sci. of course) picking up on the very ancient
Skeptic tradition, has markedly shifted away from triumphal
toward sceptical, from grand achievement appreciation towrd
complex text interpretation, etc.; since the mid-century.
3. Specifically feminists have reconstructed history, literature
etc. with both sexes and all age groups included; and
ethnic studies people have seen to the inclusion of non-white,
non-European peopl.
4. In the course of this reconstruction, sometimes a kind of
mirror of the previous DWEMlich edifice emerged: women
doing hegemonic things to men reminiscent of the hegemonic
things traditionally done _by_ men, etc.
5. So now we have all of these four tendencies more or less in
play, and do a certain amount of complaining about each other.
It isn't the end of the world.