5.0713 Italian Sarcophagi in Ukraine? (1/26)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 25 Feb 1992 18:47:29 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0713. Tuesday, 25 Feb 1992.
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 92 11:08 EST
From: "Tom Benson 814-865-4201" <T3B@PSUVM>
Subject: Italian Sarcophagi in the Ukraine
I happened to be seated at dinner the other evening next to
a foundation director who allots tens of thousands of dollars
a year to projects advancing telecommunications in the
humanities. I mentioned how useful it is to practicing scholars
to be able to locate, with the help of sister/brother scholars
on the networks, help on all sorts of projects and interests.
He thereupon set me a test case: he has been asked to help
track down information on Italian Sarcophagi in the Ukraine;
could a message from me to the networks turn up anything useful?
So, I am appealing to HUMANIST readers for help: please send
directly to me (and to HUMANIST if you think it of general
interest) any leads you can turn up on Italian Sarcophagi in
the Ukraine, and forward this note to other relevant
lists. Thanks.
Tom Benson
Tom Benson | INTERNET: t3b@psuvm.psu.edu
Dept. of Speech Communication | BITNET: T3B@PSUVM
Penn State University |
227 Sparks Building | FAX: 814-863-7986
University Park, PA 16802 USA
814-238-5277 (home); 814-865-4201 (office); 814-865-3461 (secretary)