5.0502 Director of Instructional & Research Computing (1/106)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Thu, 5 Dec 1991 17:43:19 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0502. Thursday, 5 Dec 1991.
Date: 4 Dec 91 20:40:00 EST
From: "DAVID STUEHLER" <stuehler@apollo.montclair.edu>
Subject: Director of Instructional and Research Computing
Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, New Jersey
Position Announcement
Date: November 12, 1991
Title/Rank: Director of Instructional and Research Computing
Department: Academic Affairs; Reporting to the Provost
Reporting to the Provost, the Director will lead the Instructional and Research
Computing Group within the campus computing organization; manage all academic
computing laboratories on campus; direct instructional development/curriculum
planning support activities; provide consultation and programming support for
research activities. The College currently has a networked environment
including PCs, Macintoshes, and workstations, connected to a VAX cluster and
the Internet.
Doctorate or equivalent in an academic field preferred.
Firm grounding in computing software and hardware in an academic environment
Familiarity with several of the platforms currently installed at the College
Demonstrated leadership experience highly desirable.
Salary Range: $49,000 $71,000Negotiable to: $56,790
Starting Date: April 1st (Negotiable)
Send letter, Resume to
Dr. Richard Wolfson, Chairperson Search Committee for Director of Instructional
and Research Computing, Montclair State College Box C316 V-76 Upper Montclair,
NJ 07043
Apply by
January 14th, 1992 In addition to a cover letter and resume please include the
names of three references.
Job Description
Reporting to the Provost, the Director will lead the Instructional and Research
Computing Group within the campus computing organization; manage all academic
computing laboratories on campus; direct instructional development/curriculum
planning support activities; provide consultation and programming support for
research activities. The College currently has a networked environment
including PCs, Macintoshes, and workstations, connected to a VAX cluster and
the Internet.
1. Organize, plan and direct the activities of the Instructional and
Research Computing group; establish goals, plans and work programs; develop
unit policies and procedures in accordance with academic priorities and college
2. Supervise the staff of the Instructional and Research Computing group
and the support personnel in the academic laboratories.
3. Participate in the development of college short and long term plans as
it relates to instructional and research computing.
4. Serve as an advocate for academic computing by stimulating and
facilitating the use of computers by faculty and students across disciplines.
5. Provide leadership for the academic community in the identification and
purchase of mainframe and microcomputer software.
6. Provide support for the integration of the computer into the curriculum
and the development of curricula which make more effective use of the computer
by arranging for the demonstration of innovative hardware and software options
to appropriate constituencies and coordinating on-campus training classes,
seminars or meetings.
7. Provide consultation/programming support for the application of
mainframe and microcomputer techniques to research activities such as data
collection and analysis and interfacing with laboratory equipment.
8. Disseminate relevant information, plans, and recommendations to
appropriate academic constituencies on workshops, seminars and conferences as
well as information on general campus computing concerns.
9. Provide for the representation of the college at computing related
conferences, seminars or meetings relating to the integration of the computer
into the curriculum, the productivity of the professorate or the use of
computers as a research tool.
10. Establish and maintain effective communication and cooperative
relationships with college administrators, faculty, staff, government and
private agency representatives and vendors in order to accomplish the
objectives of the Instructional and Research Computing group. This includes the
coordination of hardware and software direct purchase plans and site licences.
11. Serve on ad hoc and standing committees related to the use of computers
in the curriculum and research as required including the Academic Computing
Committee of the College Senate.
12. Interpret applicable Federal and State laws and advise on steps
necessary for compliance.
13. Conduct and prepare appropriate studies and reports.
14. Provide for system maintenance of academic software on shared VAX and
Sun facilities.
15. Coordinate the maintenance/repair program as it relates to academic
16. Serve as an advocate for academic computing in discussions with the
Assistant Vice-President for Information Services during administrative
planning sessions and meetings.
17. Coordinate and facilitate faculty connections to MSCnet.
18. Other duties as assigned.