5.0064 Queries: Listserv Directory; InfoSelect (2/38)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 15 May 91 21:16:16 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0064. Wednesday, 15 May 1991.
(1) Date: Wed, 15 May 91 11:47 CDT (13 lines)
From: crisp@engr.uark.edu (Crisp Group)
Subject: LISTSERV Directory?
(2) Date: Wed, 15 May 91 14:46:25 EDT (25 lines)
From: Ed Haupt <haupt@pilot.njin.net>
Subject: InfoSelect
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 15 May 91 11:47 CDT
From: crisp@engr.uark.edu (Crisp Group)
Subject: LISTSERV Directory?
Does there exist anywhere a directory of LISTSERV sites and their topics?
Please post to HUMANIST.
Chris W. Syphers cws@ for
crisp@engr.uark.edu (Internet)
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------34----
Date: Wed, 15 May 91 14:46:25 EDT
From: Ed Haupt <haupt@pilot.njin.net>
Subject: InfoSelect
InfoSelect basically seems like a note-taking environment which very
rapid search features and some very clunky hypertext links.
I found the stacks set up for learning insufficient. I was able to learn
it well by printing out the help screens. It is generally very fast
since most commands are 2-3 characters, and mnemonic (sort of) once you
learn them.
I prepared a paper using it. It was easy to cut pieces of text as cards
using vi, but IS has the annoying habit of only letting you import at the
top of the stack and not giving you a directory of your cards to be
imported. I solved that by making a card of the directory I wanted to
I would be interested to hear about alternative not/hypertext systems.
Edward J. Haupt voice: (201) 893-4327
Department of Psychology internet: haupt@pilot.njin.net
Montclair State College bitnet: haupt@njin
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043