4.1305 Rs: Mac Indexing; Mac CALL &c; Vidiodiscs (3/95)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 30 Apr 91 23:29:39 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1305. Tuesday, 30 Apr 1991.

(1) Date: Saturday, 27 Apr 1991 16:26:03 EDT (33 lines)
From: "Patrick W. Conner" <U47C2@WVNVM>
Subject: Mac Indexing

(2) Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1991 09:20 EDT (40 lines)
From: RKENNER@Vax2.Concordia.CA
Subject: MAC Language Stuff

(3) Date: Sat, 27 Apr 91 16:31:32 -0400 (22 lines)
From: Joel Goldfield <joel@lambada.oit.unc.edu>
Subject: Videodiscs & CD-ROM's

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Saturday, 27 Apr 1991 16:26:03 EDT
From: "Patrick W. Conner" <U47C2@WVNVM>
Subject: Re: 4.1293 Notes: Collate Demo Disk; Britannica CD; Indexing

To index on the Mac, use Microsoft Word (version 4) and assemble your
whole book manuscript into one file (it can be done as separate files,
but that is harder). While your book is being composed by your
publisher, go through your file and enter the indexing codes. (See your
Word 4 manual) Run the index to make sure that it's what you want. When
you are sent your page proofs for indexing, go to your version on the
Mac, set the page setup for US Legal size pages, and run through your
text putting hard page breaks exactly where your proofs show the page
breaks should go. After you finish this, run through the manuscript to
make sure that there are no soft page breaks. If there are, remove them
by changing the margins of the page or by reducing the font size. Since
you've already indexed the material, you don't have to read what's on
the screen, and of course the computer only produces the screen to
interface with your eyeballs; it reads the code in- side, so screen
attributes are irrelevant to indexing for it. Just make sure that there
is one page of text between each set of hardbreaks and that the breaks
occur exactly where the proofs indicate they should. Set the document
dialog under the format menu to the page number on which your text will
begin, repaginate and check to make sure that you've got each page
properly numbered (you might have to include blank pages for tables,
illustrations, etc.) and then run the index according to the manual.
Spot check it against the proofs, rerun the whole thing if you find
errors (an error in this process is unlikely to be an isolated
phenomenon, so figure out what went wrong prodcedurally, fix it, and
re-run the whole thing), and send it off a week early to a publisher who
will be really grateful and probably double your royalty.... or maybe


(2) --------------------------------------------------------------41----
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1991 09:20 EDT
From: RKENNER@Vax2.Concordia.CA
Subject: MAC Language Stuff

In response to Nick Gray's query:

1. Gessler Publishing's address is: 55 west 13 street, New York, NY,
USA 10011. They can send you a software catalogue, but I'm not sure
how much MAC stuff they have.

2. At the Convention of TESOL (Teacher's of English to Speakers of
Other Languages) in New York in March, WIDA software was demonstrating
the new MAC versions of their popular authoring tools: Storyboard,
Gapmaster, Choicemaster, etc. These are good packages on any computer,
but the MAC versions looked really fine. In fact, they plan to "retro"
fit the PC versions to look like what they've done on the MAC. I have
a North American contact for WIDA: EuroCentres, ATTN: Mike Carrier,
101 North Union Street, Alexandria, VA, USA, 22314. But the main office
is in London somewhere.

3. TESOL's CALL Interest Section has compiled an excellent list of
commercial software, things that members use and vouch for. This list
has just been updated and is available from the TESOL Central Office for
only $ 4.00 US. TESOL's address is: 1600 Cameron Street, Suite 300,
Alexandria, VA, USA, 22314-2705. You might even want to get information
on how to join CALL-IS: a group of 400 or so practicioners of CALL in

4. You have a British equivalent in MEUSLI. It is a special interest
section of IATEFL. Wida Software or EuroCentres should be able to give
you information on it. Caroline Moore, British Council, 10 Spring
Gardens, London, SW1.

5. Finally, a good source for information and software is ATHELSTAN
Publications. They put out a free Newsletter which is not entirely
advertising, but pretty even-handed. Athelstan, P.O. Box 8025,
LaJolla, CA, USA, 92038-8025
Roger Kenner
Concordia University, Montreal

(3) --------------------------------------------------------------34----
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 91 16:31:32 -0400
From: Joel Goldfield <joel@lambada.oit.unc.edu>
Subject: Videodiscs & CD-ROM's

As an addendum to Michael Hart's recent posting on Britannica's CD-ROM's,
I just received a catalogue titled: "Britanicca Videodiscs--Programs
with a Repurpose". These are the "first 102 CAV videodiscs" in an
apparently on-going series. They cover language arts, lit./humanities,
history, foreign languages (French & Spanish), geography, science,
guidance & "healthy lifestyles" and "staff development." Oddly, they
never once mention the materials' sources, editors, etc. I wonder what
is on disc D0118-015 ($129), titled, "'The Necklace' by Guy de
Maupassant; What is a Short Story? A Discussion by Clifton Fadiman".
Is it a film of "The Necklace" complete with a narrative on audio track
2? Very curious.... We can buy "Any three $129 videodiscs" for $829 "and
receive a free Pioneer LD-V2000 Industrial Laserdisc Player".
Interesting arithmatic, wouldn't you say? Nonetheless, it's nice to see
more educationally oriented videodiscs becoming available.

Joel D. Goldfield
IAT/UNC-Chapel Hill