4.1284 Rs: eBibles; WordCruncher (2/55)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 24 Apr 91 22:12:20 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1284. Wednesday, 24 Apr 1991.

(1) Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 18:19 GMT (33 lines)
From: David E Newton <DEN1@vaxb.york.ac.uk>
Subject: [Bibles by ftp]

(2) Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 19:07:36 MDT (22 lines)
From: Randall Jones <HRCJONES@BYUVM>
Subject: WordCruncher

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 18:19 GMT
From: David E Newton <DEN1@vaxb.york.ac.uk>
Subject: On-Line Bibles

I do know of an on-line Bible available by FTP, if that's of any use.
It can be found at the following address:


I think it is in the directory


with each book in a separate file. Someone who knows more about this sort
of thing than me tells me that it isn't actually the King James Bible at
all, but im one form or another, there's a Bible there. (Along with
the previously mentioned Lewis Carroll stuff.)

I hope my first entry on Humanist is of some use!


David E Newton
Department of Language and Linguistic Science
University Of York
York YO1 5DD


(2) --------------------------------------------------------------29----
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 19:07:36 MDT
From: Randall Jones <HRCJONES@BYUVM>
Subject: WordCruncher

Someone inquired recently about the company that distributes the text
retrieval software known as WordCruncher. The company, Electronic Text
Corporation, is currently undergoing reorganization but the software
and information about it is available from:

Instructional Applications
ATTN: Daniel Williams
193 TMCB
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602 USA

e-mail: issdkw@byuvm
FAX: (USA) 801-378-2800

Randall Jones
Department of German
Brigham Young University

R.L. Jones