4.1241 Rs: CI-I; Greek & Latin Programs; ... (4/110)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 15 Apr 91 22:45:15 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1241. Monday, 15 Apr 1991.

(1) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1991 13:51:35 EDT (16 lines)
From: Sarah Horton <HORTON@YALEVM>
Subject: CD-I Query

(2) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 91 20:02 EDT (35 lines)
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: VIRUS

(3) Date: 14 Apr 91 22:16:36 EST (48 lines)
From: James O'Donnell <JODONNEL@PENNSAS>
Subject: [Greek and Latin Programs]

(4) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 10:21:44 EDT (11 lines)
From: Bernard_van't_Hul@ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: The Grand Inquisitor, Another Translation

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1991 13:51:35 EDT
From: Sarah Horton <HORTON@YALEVM>
Subject: CD-I Query

Roger Kenner asked some questions about CD-I interactive video...

Unfortunately I can't answer any of the questions specifically but... I
can point out a good reference. The theme of the April 1991 issue of
_Communications of the ACM_ is digital multimedia systems, and it
contains an article entitled "CD-I Full-Motion Video Encoding on a
Parallel Computer." If you can look past the magazine's design (really
horrid colors, unreadable typefaces), the actual content of the articles
is quite interesting, although a bit techie. I recommend this issue for
anyone interested in multimedia.

-Sarah Horton

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------44----
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 91 20:02 EDT
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: VIRUS


The stoned virus is quite virulent and very quick in jumping from one
system or media to another. It came close to polluting my own PC on
which I am completing my thesis. Finally it was killed on my
colleague's machine. It's presence dissimulated another problem with
that new PC. The magnetic fields induced by the little motor of the
floppy disk drive (Mitsubishi) was damaging the information on the
partition and file attribution table of the harddisk situated just
underneath. When the casing of the PC was open, the problem was not
occurring, which led the wholesale dealer to wonder whether I was the one
most effected by STONED. The solution is to switch places of the hard
and the floppy disk drives.

One thing worked for sure... HUMANIST. I have had info and help from
many. Some, living nearer even called. Judging by the widespread
origins of the messages I am sure that STONED is known throughout the

My special thanks go to:
Christopher Donald
Claude Bersano-Hayes
Douglas de Lacey
Farrukh Hakeem
Chris Syphers
Harry Whitaker
and Bogdan ? who called me directly.

Michel Lenoble
E-MAIL: lenoblem@cc.umontreal.ca

(3) --------------------------------------------------------------59----
Date: 14 Apr 91 22:16:36 EST
From: James O'Donnell <JODONNEL@PENNSAS>
Subject: 4.1238 Qs: Lillabullero; Godgame; many others... (8/160)

Tom Benson of Penn State wrote to ask about programs for well-motivated
BA's who need to build up their Greek and Latin for graduate education.
The University of Pennsylvania Department of Classical Studies runs an
innovative and still in many ways unique (now in its seventh year of
operation) program for just such students. The Post-Baccalaureate
Program in Classical Studies offers individually adjusted programs in
Greek and Latin for just such students: those whose motivation is strong
but who are not prepared to do graduate level work in their chosen field
(which may obviously be classics, but may also be archaeology, art
history, philosophy, etc.). The program is year-long, full-time and
consists exclusively of instruction in Greek and Latin, both in regular
Penn courses and in special reading groups and seminars for the students
in the Post-Baccalaureate Program. A distinctive feature of the program
is its low cost: while regular tuition in degree-granting programs at
Penn runs to $15,000 and higher now, the full year's tuition in the
Post-Baccalaureate Program is still approximately only $2500. For many
students a large part of the appeal of the program is the chance to work
on their languages in the setting of a large and stimulating research

The program admits approximately 5-10 students per year, so we monitor
individual progress carefully and pay particular attention to advising
and nursing them through the process of graduate school application; at
this moment we have been shuttling this year's class around the country
to look at campuses where they are receiving offers. Students in the
program have done very well, with placements at Harvard, Yale,
Princeton, Chapel Hill, Michigan, Bryn Mawr and others.

One final attraction of the program: for the student whose motivation is
uncertain, plunging into a grad program without full language
preparation can be traumatic. This program not only offers instruction,
but a chance to test motivation in a low pressure environment, where
success and failure are not the issue, but only personal educational
growth and exploration.

Admission is not a complex process and decisions are made on a rolling
basis through the spring and summer (characteristically applications
begin to come in just at this season); the absolute deadline is early
August, but early contact is encouraged. For further information, write
Professor Joseph A. Farrell, Department of Classical Studies, 720
Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
19104-6305. Prof. Farrell may also be reached as JFARREL@PENNSAS, but
he is not a demon e-user yet, so may not always be immediately
available. But the undersigned will also gladly field queries.

J.J. O'Donnell
Penn, Classics
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 10:21:44 EDT
From: Bernard_van't_Hul@ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: The Grand Inquisitor, Another Translation

For Len Bliss: The Pevear-Volokhonsky translation (North Point Press,
1990) gives us this:
"But suddenly [Jesus] approaches the old man in silence
and gently kisses him on his bloodless, ninety-year-old
One remembers thinking perversely how rare it is for lips'
attaining to that.