4.0974 Responses: Digitizing Sound; Scanning; Cyrillic (3/112)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 4 Feb 91 00:21:05 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0974. Monday, 4 Feb 1991.

(1) Date: Fri, 1 Feb 91 09:32 PST (26 lines)
Subject: Digitizing Sound [eds.]

(2) Date: Thu, 31 Jan 91 23:50 EST (39 lines)
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: scanning

(3) Date: Fri, 1 Feb 91 07:25:37 CST (47 lines)
From: john@utafll.uta.edu (John Baima)
Subject: Cyrillic for Windows 3.0

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 91 09:32 PST
Subject: Digitizing Sound [eds.]

I haven't heard any responses to the qustion about digitizing sound on the Mac.
So here goes: Don't eventhink about it! A 30 minute "Sound sample" even if
sampled at a very poor quality would take a dozen or so megabytes of disk space.
If you were to sample at CD quality you would take a little over 40k PER
SECOND of sound. 8k samples are generally useable for spoken sound. I'll
let you do the math.

There is hope however. If you were to put all of your sound samples onto a CD
ROM, you could get 72 minutes at CD quality more if that weren't important (and
it shouldn't be for your application). Then use HyperCard to access the sound
segments. Apple's Programmers and Developers Asscn sells a CD Audio toolkit for
about $70 that would give you all of the code neccessary to build your own
toolkit. I built one for Handel's Messiah in about 1/2 hour to show my
studets how it was done. So easy even a linguist could do it! 8-) <grin>
You may be able to find commercail CD's with enough spoken materials to be

Raymond G. Harder
Azusa Pacific University
Azusa CA, USA
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------48----
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 91 23:50 EST
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: scanning

May be an answer to your question:

>Date Thu,31 Jan 91 10:27:35 GMT
>From DJT18@hull.ac.uk
>Can anyone help me with a query from a Russian scholar, using an IBM com-
>patible PC? He is looking for a scanner and OCR software which will cope
>happily with Cyrillic. Thanks in advance.
>June Thompson, CTI Centre for Modern Languages,University of Hull, UK.

INOVATIC INC (France) has developped an OCR software for both
the IBM and MAC families. Its performence is impressive. It has,
depending on the model you buy, either the possibility of using
a universal font or the option to go through an acquisition process.
Fonts definitions can be saved. Proportional letters, ligatures,
are accepted. Correcting dictionary are included for several languages.

The software can work with a PC XT 640K. It is much faster on a
386 and a few supplementary Meg. It can scan a page per minute.
As it has no predefined font, it can learn any alphabet provided that it
has less than 500 characters. It, being built in europe and in a non
anglophone country, has no trouble dealing with accentuated letters
belonging to the upper ASCII.

Michel Lenoble
Litterature Comparee
Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. "A"
Canada - H3C 3J7
E-MAIL: lenoblem@cc.umontreal.ca
Tel.: (514) 288-3916
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------58----
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 91 07:25:37 CST
From: john@utafll.uta.edu (John Baima)
Subject: Cyrillic for Windows 3.0

There has been some interest in Cyrillic and "special" characters for
Windows 3.0 so I thought that the following may be of interest. I do
not know anything more than what is contained here.

John Baima
UTexas, Arlington

From: rust@rust.home.demos.su (Roustem Akhiarov)
Newsgroups: comp.windows.ms
Subject: Special characters
Date: 31 Jan 91 23:43:14 GMT
Reply-To: rust@rust.home.demos.su
Organization: unknown

In article <1991Jan29.153747.7k4Ggbz9@cs.psu.edu>
loftsson@client1.cs.psu.edu (Hrafn Loftsson) writes:

> Is there a way to access ALL the ASCII characters above 128 in Windows
> applications like Write, NotePad, WinWord?
> I need espicially the mathematical characters.

We have developed an add-on product for Windows 3.0, which allows
to use cyrillic inside any Windows application (All cyrillic characters has
codes above 128). But this product has an additional feature: its keyboard
driver allows you to use two keyboard layouts simultaneously and switching
between them using, for example, Ctrl key. The first layout is the default
Windows layout (it's a US layout if you install US keyboard, german for
German keyboard, etc.). The second, or _alternative_ layout can be
customized. We provide a number of predefined alternative layouts (German,
French, ..., Cyrillic, _Math_, etc.) and you can create your own layout.

it's a commertial product and if this is interesting for you e-mail me and
we'll send you a free demo version.

Hope it helps,
Roustem Akhiarov                     |  Phone: +7 095 292 0306 (Office)
Internet: rust@hq.demos.su           |         +7 095 153 3408 (Home)
P.O.Box 77, Moscow, 129010, USSR     |  Fax:   +7 095 292 0306 (voice/data)