4.0838 Confs: Networked Information (Speakers Wanted) (1/35)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 17 Dec 90 22:43:01 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0838. Monday, 17 Dec 1990.
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 90 15:45 EST
Subject: April 5 Conference Advice
To: Humanist discussion group
From: Dave Ahlgren
Bob Kraft of U. Penn suggested that I communicate with your group about
possible speakers at an April 5 conference "Using Network-based
Information Services" which I am organizing for NerComp (New England
Regional Computing Program). We plan to have four speakers, as follows:
1. Keynote speaker providing an overview of networking technology aimed
at non-technical people. In this talk we might deal with network
architecture, emerging technologies, what the future holds, place of
networks vis a vis CD rom, etc.
2. Use of networks in the library. Library of the future.
3. Social science applications of networks (accessing data bases, sharing
files, etc.)
4. Applications in the humanities, both for library research and other
applications. Problems of data control (copyrights, corrections, etc),
pros and cons of on-line vs. CDs, existing "experiments" such as the
French Treasury, Global Jewish Data Bank [Bar Ilan], etc.
It would be very helpful if you could provide suggestions for speakers.
Even better: is there a volunteer in your group?
The conference will be held at Trinity College, Hartford. Following the
four presentations (three in the morning and one in the early afternoon),
attendees will have an opportunity to log onto the Internet (and perhaps
other nets) to do some hands-on experimentation in their area of
interest. Speakers can provide suggestions for experiments.
I'll appreciate receiving advice about this conference.