4.0828 Confs: CILS Calendar; Linguistics/Knowledge (2/151)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 12 Dec 90 22:56:54 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0828. Wednesday, 12 Dec 1990.
(1) Date: Tue, 11 Dec 90 17:13 EST (71 lines)
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: CILS Calendar
(2) Date: Tue, 11 Dec 90 17:13 EST (80 lines)
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: Linguistics and Knowledge Engineering
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 90 17:13 EST
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: CILS Calendar
_________________ T H E C I L S C A L E N D A R ________________
The Center for Information and Language Studies
Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637
Subscription requests to: cils@tira.uchicago.edu
Vol. 1, No. 8 November 26, 1990
Upcoming events:
12/3 11:00 Ry 275 Lecture Brian Slator, Northwestern
12/3 16:00 JRL S-126 Workshop Stephen Neale, Berkeley
12/7 14:00 Psy G110 Workshop Susan Goldin-Meadow and
Howard C. Nusbaum, Psychology
12/7 15:00 Ry 276 Lecture Scott Deerwester, CILS
- ------------------------------
11:00 Guest Lecture
Ry 275 Brian Slator, Institute for Learning Sciences
Northwestern University
Title and abstract to be anounced.
4:00 p.m. Workshop
JRL S-126 The Pragmatics of Language
Stephen Neale, Dept. of Philosophy, Berkeley
"'AND' and '&' and "BUT'"
For more information, please contact Jerrold Sadock, Dept. of
Linguistics (2-8524) or Josef Stern, Dept. of Philosophy (2-8594).
- ---------------------------------
2:00 p.m. Workshop
Psy G110 Speech Science
Susan Goldin-Meadow and Howard C. Nusbaum
Department of Psychology
"Cognitive Issues and Concept Acquisition"
For further information, please contact Howard Nusbaum, Department of
Psychology, Beecher 408, 702-6468, hcn1@midway.
3:00 p.m. Lecture
Ry 276 Scott Deerwester, CILS
"The TIRA Textual Object Management System"
Text, as represented in a computer, is a flat sequence of bytes. It
is useful, however, to think of text as being composed of higher level
objects than bytes, and to be able to write computer programs that
operate on these objects, as well as on collections of objects. The
purpose of the Textual Object Management System (TOMS) is to implement
an abstraction of text as a structure populated by such objects. In
this talk I discuss the abstraction presented by the TOMS, from the
point of view of both a client and a textual database designer.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------160---
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 90 17:13 EST
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: Linguistics and Knowledge Engineering
>From NL-KR Digest (Wed Dec 5 11:26:22 1990) Volume 7 No. 27
International Workshop organized by
the Institute for
Language Technology and Artificial Intelligence (ITK)
17-18 January, 1991 at Tilburg, The Netherlands
Invited speakers
Ted Briscoe (UK) Jan Dietz (NL)
Simon Dik (NL) John-Jules Meijer (NL)
Willem Meijs (NL) Sjir Nijssen (NL)
John Sowa (USA) Ronald Stamper (NL/UK)
Rudi Studer (FRG) Hans Weigand (NL)
General chair
Prof. Robert Meersman, Tilburg University
Both Information System theory and Linguistics are concerned with
human communication. In the LIKE Workshop, the connection between
these two disciplines will be considered in more detail:
* How do we model the communication and coordination the
Information System is supposed to support? Could speech act
theory be of use?
* How does a designer or knowledge engineer arrive at a conceptual
model (structure and behaviour)? What role does Natural Language
play in this process? What could be the role of a general Lexicon
or an NL parser?
* What primitives do we need in knowledge representation to
achieve maximal expressiveness in a logical format compatible
with human conceptualization? What is the link between such a
formalism and linguistic structure?
* What is needed before we can have portable Natural Language
interfaces and/or interfaces based on general dialogue principles?
The LIKE Workshop brings together computer scientists working on
information systems or knowledge representation, logicians and
linguists. Its aim is to give a broad overview of the linguistics vs.
knowledge engineering interface, and to stimutate mutually benificial
cooperation. The invited speakers are international experts in
linguistics, lexicology, logic, knowledge representation, and/or
information systems. The number of participants is kept limited.
Registration fees are DFL 150, (graduate) students DFL 75. Please
reply by email (lubeck@kub.nl) or fax (+31) 13-663110 as soon as possible
to ITK, attn. Nicole Lubeck, P.O.Box 90153, NL-5000 LE Tilburg.
Transfer money or send cheque no later than December, 24, 1990
to KUB (Tilburg University), giro 1077496 or AMRO bank
stating "951.47 LIKE Workshop".
Practical details as well as the final programme will be sent to you as
soon as possible after payment. The fee for the Workshop includes
proceedings (extended abstracts), lunch and refreshments. Information
about hotel accomodation can be gained from the address above. We would
appreciate it if you enclose a one page position paper explaining your
interest in the Workshop.
Dr. Hans Weigand, ITK,
P.O. Box 90153,
5000 LE Tilburg,
The Netherlands
tel. (+31) 13-662688, fax: (+31) 13-663110, email: weigand@kub.nl.