4.0760 Call for Papers: CL Using Large Corpora (1/52)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 27 Nov 90 18:37:34 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0760. Tuesday, 27 Nov 1990.

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 90 09:16 EST
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: special issue of acl journal--call for papers

CL Special Issue on Computational Linguistics Using Large Corpora

Guest editor: Susan Warwick-Armstrong

Call for Papers

The increasing availability of machine readable corpora has suggested
new methods for studies in a variety of areas such as lexical knowledge
acquisition, grammar construction and machine translation. Though common
in the speech community, the use of statistical and probablistic methods
to discover and organize data is relatively new to the field at large.
The various initiatives currently under way to locate and collect
machine-readable corpora have recognized the potential of using this
data and are working towards making these materials available to the
research community. Given the growing interest in corpus studies,
it seems timely to devote an issue of CL to this topic.

This special issue will attempt to bring together contributions from a
variety of areas with the aim of identifying current directions in the
field. The emphasis will be on new methods and the insights gained from
applying them. Papers should therefore give a clear presentation of the
methods and models employed, distinguishing them, where appropriate,
from particular applications.

Reports on new projects and on-going activities are welcome, not
necessarily as full papers, but rather to be included in the overview
of activities in the field.

Submission date: May 1st, 1991

SUBMISSIONS: (five copies should be sent)

- 3 copies to:

James Allen
Computer Science Department
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627 USA

- 2 copies to:

Susan Warwick-Armstrong
ISSCO, University of Geneva
54, rte. des acacias


Susan Warwick-Armstrong
email: susan@divsun.unige.ch