4.0752 Rs: Chinese OSs and CALL (3/59)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 26 Nov 90 22:03:19 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0752. Monday, 26 Nov 1990.

(1) Date: 25 Nov 90 16:51:32 (21 lines)
From: David.A.Bantz@mac.dartmouth.edu
Subject: Re: 4.0743 Qs: Chinese

(2) Date: Sun, 25 Nov 90 21:25 +0100 (27 lines)
Subject: Re: 4.0743 Qs: Chinese; Hyphens; Amharic Machine Xlation

(3) Date: Sat, 24 Nov 90 11:17 EST (11 lines)
From: "Dr. Joel Goldfield" <JOEL@DUKEMVS.BITNET>
Subject: Chinese CALL on the Mac

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 25 Nov 90 16:51:32
From: David.A.Bantz@mac.dartmouth.edu
Subject: Re: 4.0743 Qs: Chinese

Chinese macintosh operating systems exist for both "traditional"
characters used in Taiwan and the simplified scheme developed and used
in the PRC. If you need both in the same document, I *think* it should
be possible, though cumbersome, to switch between systems for portions
of the same document. I write 'should be possible' - we have done
something of the sort in preparing a complete list of characters used in
our CD-ROM of Chinese which supports both sets of characters, albeit
with some frustration (we used Word and Pagemaker). In most instances,
of course, a document would be written with one or the other schemes.

--- Bill Francis RISKS@GRIN1 wrote:
Subj Chinese and computing
Quoting Hoare,Stephanie:
The problem with the Mac is that there are
two different ways of writing Chinese characters: complex
("traditional") and simplified, and Mac only does simplified.
--- end of quoted material ---
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------31----
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 90 21:25 +0100
Subject: Re: 4.0743 Qs: Chinese; Hyphens; Amharic Machine Xlation

If you use the Chinese systems (traditional and simplified) with systems
higher than 6,05 you will be able to use both traditional (fantizi) and
simplified (jiantizi) at the same time in a combined system after some
manipulation of the two systems as well as western script in the same
text. (actually you can add Korean and Japanese too if you want into
one gigant system but you need lots of RAM). Exactly how the
manipulation is done can be obtained in a textfile obtaiable from me or
Lars Fredriksson mrfung@draken.nada.lth.se. Maybe best of all is an
input method devceloped by Ed Lai and furnished by mrfung and me where
you use pinyin as input and like Tianma can use multiple characters
=words (cihui)instead of character by character. The only well behaving
wordprocessor that I am aware of is

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(3) --------------------------------------------------------------15----
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 90 11:17 EST
From: "Dr. Joel Goldfield" <JOEL@DUKEMVS.BITNET>
Subject: Chinese CALL on the Mac

In response to Bill Francis' query, _Hanzi Assistant_ on
CD-ROM (with Mac software) is available from Intellimation,
which just took over products sold by Kinko's. They should
have a toll-free number available from telephone information.

Joel D. Goldfield