4.0629 Misc: Warts; Brand Names; Pen Pals (3/108)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 23 Oct 90 23:29:06 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0629. Tuesday, 23 Oct 1990.

(1) Date: 17 Oct 90 23:24:32 EDT (13 lines)
From: SJPORTE@asc.upenn.edu
Subject: re: 4.0602 Misc: ... Bibliography & Warts;

(2) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 90 20:58:06 EDT (14 lines)
From: Germaine Warkentin <WARKENT@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Broad thoughts from at home

(3) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 90 13:42 EDT (81 lines)
Subject: Re: Pen pals [for 12-13 year-olds]

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 17 Oct 90 23:24:32 EDT
From: SJPORTE@asc.upenn.edu
\ubject: re: 4.0602 Misc: MacConcordance; Bibliography & Warts; Taxes

To Sarah Horton, regarding a warty biography:

Definitely a laudable project. But be careful about how broadly you
prune out "negative" books. I'd suggest including at least one with a
balanced view of the topic, judging the negative effects on curriculum
that a computer can have, and how to circumvent these effects.

Jeff Porten, Annenberg School for Communication (sjporte@asc.upenn.edu)

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------24----
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 90 20:58:06 EDT
From: Germaine Warkentin <WARKENT@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Broad thoughts from at home

I return to Humanist after six weeks in England, and to a discussion
which was in full spate when I left: the use of brand names to describe
all pro- ducts of the same type, no matter who makes them (the "Hoover"
debate). I described the discussion to a retired British map librarian
I know, a senior scholar with many accomplishments during her
distinguished career. Upon which she turned to me and said "Do you know
what happens if you ask for Durex in Australia?" (In Britain, "Durex" =
condoms). No, I said, wonderingly. "You get Scotch tape!" she
announced with glee. I'm still trying to figure out two things: 1) how
did she find out; 2) is it true? Germaine Warkentin.
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------93----
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 90 13:42 EDT
Subject: Re: Pen pals [for 12-13 year-olds]

Received: From CUNYVMV2(MAILER) by HARTFORD with Jnet id 2135

Subject: seeking kids!

>This came into my account and I thought you might share it
>with those with kids that you know or put on BBS's.
>email from
>Harry Brooks

This was sent to me by a friend [address above] who got it from another friend.
He thought I might know someone interested. -Ruth H..

Dear networker,

I'm coordinating a project called KIDS-91. The objective is
to get as many kids as possible in the age group 10 -15
to participate in a global dialog from now and until May 12
1991. Some of it will be electronic - for those who have
access to modems and computers - some of it will be by mail
or in other forms.

We want to collect the childrens' responses to these four

1) Who am I?,
2) What do I want to be when I grow up?
3) How do I want the world to be better when I grow up?
4) What can I do NOW to help this come true?

We also want them to draw themself in their future role/world.

The responses will be turned into an exhibition that will
be sent back to the kids of the world.

There are many countries in the world, and I was hoping that
you could help get in contact with the kids of your country.

You can help in two ways:

1. By sending me electronic mail addresses of teachers or
other people in your country, who are involved with kids
in this age group.

2. Distributing information about KIDS-91 to people that
you believe would be interested, for example through
local Bulletin Board Systems, which you know have many
teachers as users.
I can send you/them the following 'documents':
* an invitation letter to teachers
* a letter describing various ways of participating in
KIDS-91 (from diskette based to online involvment)
* the various issues of the KIDS-91 newsletter telling
what is happening in connection with the project

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Odd de Presno,
KIDS-91 Project Director

Mail: 4815 Saltrod, Norway (Europe).

Electronic addresses:
Internet: opresno@coma.uio.no
CompuServe ID: 75755,1327
MicroLink (United Kingdom): MAG220,
BBS at +47 41 31378
(300-9600 bps CCITT. V.22bis, V.32 up to MNP-5, 24 hours).