4.0625 Qs: Nonsexist Usage; Kate Barlass; Taxes (3/54)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 23 Oct 90 23:07:33 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0625. Tuesday, 23 Oct 1990.

(1) Date: Sat, 20 Oct 90 20:51 EDT (32 lines)
Subject: gender and nonsexist usage

(2) Date: Tue, 23 Oct 90 12:02:46 PDT (17 lines)
Subject: Query: Who was Kate Barlass?

(3) Date: Thu, 18 Oct 90 23:21 CDT (5 lines)
From: Michael Ossar <MLO@KSUVM>
Subject: taxes

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 90 20:51 EDT
Subject: gender and nonsexist usage

Quite often in recent months the topic of nonsexist usage has come
up on several discussion lists. I would like to compile an electronic
bibliography of related readings -- for instance, I have often heard it
said that "studies have shown" that a larger number of women are troubled
by the use of the masculine pronoun to indicate males and females than
had been previously recognized. What studies?

I have started with a list based on the "Guide to Nonsexist Language"
issued by the Project on the Status and Education of Women, Association
of American Colleges. If any HUMANISTs can send me full bibliographical
information about related studies, guidebooks, essays, and controversies,
I will compile them and make the list available to the HUMANIST
fileserver (if there's enough interest). -- Kevin Berland (BCJ@PSUVM)

Herewith is a preliminary bibliography of books, articles, and
handbooks written to address the problem of gender
bias in language -- the wide range of organizations should suggest
that the issue is of concern not merely to the so-called "language
police" on WORDS-L, but to educators, professional communicators,
journalists, and many others.  The list is taken from the AAC
publication, "Guide to Nonsexist Language," which I use to begin
discussion of the subject in both 1st-year composition classes
and journalism workshops.  The list is only preliminary, and does
not include studies; I will provide a list of those later.  Some
of these items were available free (single copy) when the Guide
was published in 1986 -- I've indicated this with an asterisk.
_Addendum to Style Guide for Authors_, July, 1976, pp. 150-152.
  Available from Academy of Management Review, P.O. Box KZ,
  Mississippi State, MS 39762.
American Psychological Asspciation Task Force on Issues of Sexual
  Bias in Graduate Education, "Guidelines for Nonsexist Use of
  Language," _American Psychologist_, June 1975, pp. 682-684; also
  in APA _Publication Manual_, available from APA, Order Dept., P.O.
  Box 2710, Hyattsville, MD 20784.
Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual, 1977. [Associated Press,
  50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020]
Baruch, Grace, and Rosalind Barnett.  _Lifeprints: New Patterns of
  Love and Work for Today's Women_. New American Library, 1984.
Dosch, Jeanne.  _Family: The Changing Face of American Families_.
  (Families - University of Wisconsin) Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt
  Publishing, 1985.
_Establishing Equity in Language and Illustration_.  Texas Education
  Agency, 1985  [201 E. 11th St., Austin, TX 79701]
_Fact Sheet on Bias-Free Communication_, 1985.  Division of Women's
  Programs, Department of Human Relations, 380 Administration Bldg.,
  Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824.  *
_Fair and Balanced Treatment of Minorities and Women_, 1976.  Cincin=
  nati, Ohio: Southwestern Publishing [5101 Madison Rd., Cincinnati,
  OH 45227]. *
_Fair Textbooks: A Resource Guide_, 1986.  U.S. Commission on Civil
  Rights [Publications Warehouse, 621 No. Payne St., Alexandria,
  VA 22314]. *
Gilligan, Carol.  _In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and
  Women's Development_.  Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
  Press, 1983.
Goleman, Daniel.  "Psychology is Revising Its View of Women." _New
  York Times_, March 20, 1984, pp. 17, 19.
_Guide to Nonsexist Language_, 1968. Project on the Status and Education
  of Women, Association of American Colleges [1818 R. St., NW,
  Washington, DC, 20009].
_Guidelines for Bias-Free Publishing_, 1983.  [McGraw-Hill, Princeton
  Road, Hightstown, NJ 08520].
_Guidelines for Creating Positive Sexual and Racial Images in Educa-
  tional Materials_, 1975.  [Macmillan Publishing Co., 866 Third Ave.,
  School Dept., 4th floor, New York, NY 10022 -- Order no. 002-1194-
  602; single copy free]. *
_Guidelines for the Creative Use of Biased Materials in a Non-Biased
  Way_, 1980.  [Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction, Sex Equity
  Project, P.O. Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707]. *
_Guidelines to Ensure Sex Fairness in Education Division Communications
  and Products_, 1977.  [Eric Document Reproduction Servis (EDRS),
  3900 Wheeler Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304 (ED No. 150343)].
_Guidelines for Equal Treatment of the Sexes_, 1984.  [McGraw-Hill
  Book Co., Order Service, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York,
  NY 10020.
-Guidelines for Nonsexist Use of Language in NCTE Publications_,
  Revised, 1965.  [National Council of Teachers of English, 1111
  Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61801 (free with SSAE)]. *
International Association of Business Communicators, _Without Bias:
  A Guidebook for Nondiscriminatory Communication_, 2nd Ed. [IABC,
  870 Market St., Suite 940, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Kett, Merriellyn, and Virginia Underwood.  _How to Avoid Sexism: A
  Guide for Writers, Editors and Publishers_, 1978. [Lawrence Ragan
  Communications, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60605].
Kramarae, Cheris, and Paula A. Treichlet.  _A Feminist Dictionary_.
  New York: Methuen, 1985.
Martyna, W.  "What does `He' Mean?"  _Journal of Communications_,
  28 (1978): pp. 131-138.
Miller, Casey, and Kate Swift.  _Tha Handbook of Nonsexist Writing
  for Writers, Editors and Speakers_.  New York: Barnes & Noble,
Miller, Casey, and Kate Swift.  _Words and Women: New Language in New
  Times_.  New York: Doubleday, 1977.
_Removing Bisa: Guidelines for Student-Faculty Communications_, 1983.
  [Speech Communications, 4105 Backlick Rd., Suite E., Annandale
  VA 22003].
_(S)He: A Guide to Nonsexist Language_, 2nd. ed., 1986.  [Writing
  Center, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster , PA 17604].
Shear, Marie.  "Solving the Great Pronoun Problem: Twelve Ways to
  Avoid the Sexist Singular," in "Overcoming Language Barriers to
  Equality," _Perspectives_, Spring 1981, pp. 17-24.
Shear, Marie, "Equal Writes" (includes a Bibliography, "A Guide to
  the Guidelines," and "Choosing a Guide," _Women's Review of
  Books_, 1, 11 (August 1984): pp. 12-13.
Silberstein, Sandra.  _Bibliography: Women and Language_, Michigan
  Occasional Papers in Women's Studies, 12 (Winter, 1980).  [Women's
  Studies Program, Universitty of Michigan, 354 Lorch Hall, Ann
  Arbor, MI 48109].
Sorrels, Bobbye.  _The Nonsexist Communicator_.  New York: Prentice-
  Hall, 1983.
_Women and Language_ (Newsletter: subscriptions, University of
  Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 244 Lincoln Hall, 702 South
  Wright St., Urbana, IL 61801).
_Women and the Media_.  IWTC Newsletter 14 (First Quarter, 1981).
  [International Women's Tribune Centre, 777 U.N. Plaza, New York,
  NY 10017.
(2) ------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:     Tue, 23 Oct 90 12:02:46 PDT
From:     Joseph Jones <USERLJOE@UBCMTSL.BITNET>
Subject:  Query: Who was Kate Barlass?
One of our library's users has a question not readily
answered with handbooks or indexes.  I am told that
Cicely Hamilton in A Pageant of Great Women refers to
someone named Kate Barlass, apparently from Scottish
history.  The line justifying her place as a heroine in
this catalogue is quoted as: "She barred assassin's
pathway with her arm".  Additional information about
Kate Barlass would be appreciated.  I speculated that the
name might be generic for everywoman, but the other names
in the catalogue are reported to be historical figures.
Additional information about Kate Barlass would be appreciated.
I have not been able to consult the text described.
Joseph Jones
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------13----
Date:         Thu, 18 Oct 90 23:21 CDT
From:         Michael Ossar <MLO@KSUVM>
Subject:      taxes
Are the taxes on computers in Quebec the same as they are in Canada?