4.0554 Qs: Grammar & Syntax Analysis; Spoken German; ... (3/60)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 2 Oct 90 21:47:08 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0554. Tuesday, 2 Oct 1990.

(1) Date: Tue, 02 Oct 90 15:35:04 EDT (12 lines)
From: Andrew Oliver <ANDREWO@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Logiciel d'analyse grammaticale et syntaxique

(2) Date: Tue, 02 Oct 90 08:57:28 MDT (34 lines)
From: "R. Jones" <HRCJONES@BYUVM>
Subject: A Spoken Corpus of German

(3) Date: Tue, 2 Oct 90 10:30 EDT (14 lines)
From: "Ed Harris, Academic Affairs, So Ct State U"
Subject: Dramatis personae

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 90 15:35:04 EDT
From: Andrew Oliver <ANDREWO@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Logiciel d'analyse grammaticale et syntaxique

Existe-t-il un logiciel qui permette d'etablir des modeles de structure
syntaxi que et de structure grammaticale au niveau de la phrase?
J'aimerais pouvoir det erminer des paradigmes syntaxiques et
grammaticaux de certains textes litterair es (y compris des poemes) que
je pourrais par la suite comparer avec d'autres m odeles obtenus a
partir d'autres textes. Merci a l'avance de tout renseignement .
(J'aurais du preciser que le systeme - MACINTOSH ou MSDOS - n'a aucune
import ance).
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------43----
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 90 08:57:28 MDT
From: "R. Jones" <HRCJONES@BYUVM>
Subject: A Spoken Corpus of German

For the past year I have been working on putting together a computer
corpus of modern spoken German, similar to the one done by J. Alan
Pfeffer in 1961. Last year I was successful in completing work in
Austria, Switzerland and (with the generous help of Professor E.
Hexelschneider of the Herder Institute in Leipzig) what until tomorrow
has been known as the German Democratic Republic. Through a variety
of ways I have also been able to collect about 25% of the interviews for
the FRG. I need, however, to make contact with colleagues in several
German cities in order to complete my work, which I hope will be
next summer. If anyone can provide me with names and addresses, phone
numbers, FAX numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. for individuals in the
following cities I would appreciate it. It would be useful if they have
some interst in language, but this is certainly not obligatory. The
main thing is that they be willing to work with me for a few hours
to identify speakers (4-8 in any given city) and either conduct the
interview or else find someone to do it.

The cities I still need are: Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Worms, Koblenz,
Passau, Erlangen, Munich, Giessen, Hamburg, Dortmund, Duesseldorf,
Muenster, Braunschweig, Emden, Hannover and Osnabrueck.

If anyone is interested in knowing more about the project I will be
happy to provide information.

Randall Jones
Department of German
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602

R.L. Jones
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 90 10:30 EDT
From: "Ed Harris, Academic Affairs, So Ct State U"
Subject: Dramatis personae

I've recently acquired two sets of framed playbill illustrations. The
first is from a play with a cast that includes Katig, Tartar, Orasmin,
Fairy Queen, Fid., Lord Alford, and Georgian. The second portrays Mr.
Mead as Hotspur and Mr. Marston as Prince Henry. Can anyone help me
identify these? Thanks.

Southern Connecticut State U, New Haven, CT 06515 USA
Tel: 1 (203) 397-4322 / Fax: 1 (203) 397-4207