4.0163 Qs: Lemmatizing; Stamps; Anthro. Software; Email; (4/85)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Sat, 2 Jun 90 14:57:45 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0163. Saturday, 2 Jun 1990.

(1) Date: Thu, 31 May 90 14:53:58 PDT (18 lines)
From: cbf@faulhaber.berkeley.edu (Charles Faulhaber)
Subject: Lemmatization programs

(2) Date: Fri, 1 Jun 90 23:22:45 -0700 (12 lines)
From: Arther Ferrill <ferrill@blake.acs.washington.edu>
Subject: stamps

(3) Date: Sat, 2 Jun 90 11:10 EST (39 lines)
Subject: Anthropology Software Request

(4) Date: Thu, 31 May 90 22:48:29 CDT (16 lines)
From: Mark Olsen <mark@gide.uchicago.edu>
Subject: Brain dead mailer

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 14:53:58 PDT
From: cbf@faulhaber.berkeley.edu (Charles Faulhaber)
Subject: Lemmatization programs

Are there any automatic or (more realistically) semi-automatic
lemmatization programs out there?

The latter, for example, might take a machine-readable text and
systematically highlight each word (with extremely common words skipped
via a stopword list), then allow the user to assign either to assign it
to a lemma manually by typing the lemma on a command line or, if one
were adding lemmata and forms to an existing corpus, bring up a set of
existing lemmata, from which the user could pick the correct one or to
which the user could add a new one manually.

Charles Faulhaber
UC Berkeley

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------23----
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 90 23:22:45 -0700
From: Arther Ferrill <ferrill@blake.acs.washington.edu>
Subject: stamps

I am writing a book on the Roman Emperor Caligula. One problem is the
interpretation of the coins of the reign, whether the legends and designs
represent Caligula's personal policies. A modern analogy is American
commemorative stamps.
... [combined mail, eds]
does the President of the U.S. personally approve all commemorative
issues? Did some issues under Nixon, e.g., always reflect his own
personal views and policies? Stamp collectors out there, help me. .
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------38----
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 90 11:10 EST
Subject: Anthropology Software Request

[ I received the following request for information from a colleague,
Dwight Read at UCLA, and am forwarding it to Humanist with his permission.

The traditional, North American four-field approach to Anthropology
includes Cultural Anthropology (ethnology, ethnography etc.), Physical
Anthropology (human biology), Archaeology and Linguistics. From what I
have read since my recent arrival on Humanist, participants are
contributing to all four fields. Please send any information which you
think might be relevant directly to Dwight at the address below rather
than myself, or Humanist.

Request forwarded by Morgan Tamplin, Department of Anthropology /
Computer Studies Programme, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario,
Canada. ]

From: IN%"Read@ANTHRO.SSCNET.UCLA.EDU" 26-MAY-1990 15:59

I have been asked to write a review article on the use of computer
software in anthropology for the Social Science Computer Review. For
this review I want to concentrate on new directions that are being
explored with software written by anthropologists. The software need
not be finished--I'm interested in work in progress as well. "New
directions" should be taken broadly--it can include novel use of
application software, courseware, hypercard type programs, hypertext,
programs written in any of the standard and not so standard languages,
etc. The common theme should be how the software allows one to address
problems in anthropology that otherwise would have been difficult to
deal with without the software, or how the software has opened up new
avenues of research. Finding out about software is very much a
word-of-mouth affair, so please reply not only in terms of any software
you may be using/writing, but let me know about software you have heard
about as well. Please reply by June 15, if possible, to

Dwight Read
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------33----
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 22:48:29 CDT
From: Mark Olsen <mark@gide.uchicago.edu>
Subject: Brain dead mailer

I am trying to send mail to University of Southhampton, but my mailer
rejects all attempts to send mail to HII013@IBM.SOTON.AC.UK.BITNET. This
form of address works for all the other sites in the UK that I send mail
to save for several addresses at Southhampton. Is my mailer brain dead
or is Southhampton an exception that proves the rule? The target of my
e-mail is the HiDES Project. Any assistance would be greatly
