3.1059 queries (108)

Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Thu, 15 Feb 90 20:12:33 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1059. Thursday, 15 Feb 1990.

(1) Date: Wednesday, 14 February 1990 2226-EST (15 lines)
Subject: Augustine-Pelagius Texts

(2) Date: Wednesday, 14 February 1990 2234-EST (20 lines)
Subject: Kodak DataShow CGA

(3) Date: 15 February 90, 08:46:50 MEZ (11 lines)
From: UZR106 at DBNRHRZ1

(4) Date: 15 February 1990 (36 lines)
From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Ph.D. theses; conference proceedings. How important?

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wednesday, 14 February 1990 2226-EST
Subject: Augustine-Pelagius Texts

A postgraduate history student from Macquarie U (Australia)
has inquired about the availability of primary texts relating to
the Augustinian and Pelagian corpora (especially Pelagius,
Epistola ad Demetriadem) on diskette (presumably IBM/DOS).
I know OxfordTA lists selections of Augustine and Pelagius
on the Pauline Epistles. I suspect that CETEDOC (Belgium,
Louvain-le-Neuve) has much of this sort of material, and
perhaps others do as well. What can I tell the anxious
inquirer? Whom may he contact with hopes of success?

Bob Kraft (CCAT)
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------23----
Date: Wednesday, 14 February 1990 2234-EST
Subject: Kodak DataShow CGA

DAK Industries is offering the first generation Kodak DataShow CGA
640x200 resolution (for use with overhead projector) Projection System
for $499 for either IBM/DOS or Apple II (apparently one display will not
fit both; but the Apple II "composite adapter" [card?] is thrown in for
the above price). Does anyone have experience with this equipment? Can
alphanumeric characters be read with relative ease on the projected
image? The price seems reasonable if the machine is adequate and
reliable. Telephone 1-800-325-0800 (plastic accepted), but don't buy
them all out before you tell me I should be ordering one!

Bob Kraft (CCAT)
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------16----
Date: 15 February 90, 08:46:50 MEZ
From: UZR106 at DBNRHRZ1

MAC and Music:

On the IMAGE WRITER the output looks nice, but on the DESK WRITER we got
missing lines and unexpected gaps.
Is there anyone who has experience with the DESK WRITER configuration ?

Norbert Stief, UZR106@DBNRHRZ1
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 15 February 1990
From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Ph.D. theses; conference proceedings. How important?

Two questions:

(1) I am attempting to understand the relative standing usually given to
Ph.D. theses or their equivalents in various parts of the world. It
seems fair to say that in the humanities in N. America, although the
dissertation is still regarded as having to make an original
contribution to its field, it is clearly not a book and is usually not
regarded as such. Furthermore, it is almost never published without
changes, and if the dissertation is well written, these are principally
to remove those things that make it look like a thesis. So, when we want
to say what important work has been done on subject X, we seldom if ever
list dissertations. The assumption is, I suppose, that if the
dissertation is any good, it will appear as a book, and so be
respectable to cite. Since they are not regularly published,
dissertations are also hard to obtain, or at least harder than books

If the above is not fair, then please let me know. In any case,
I am particularly interested to know the status of the dissertation in
other parts of the world. To what extent, for example, would you feel
obligated to list doctoral dissertations in your bibliography of subject

(2) What status would you give to conference proceedings? These vary in
quality widely, of course. Some are little better than xeroxed copies of
the papers submitted, without further editing; some are done with care.
Would your ranking depend on the state of studies in the given field?
On how results in that field are normally disseminated?

Thanks very much.

Yours, Willard McCarty